Solare Datensysteme GmbH

New displays for photovoltaic systems in schools will be equipped with solar power more and more schools and kindergartens. But children get something? How does one explain the links them between their own behaviour and climate change, such as the functioning of new energies? A smart new product facilitates the understanding of these complex operations the children now. The Soledos GmbH has developed a startling display from Germany in Frankfurt, with which in a sense can be seen to the solar power system at work. The displays Solarfox are marketed under the brand name and represent a market novelty. The solar displays show power produced as the solar system on the roof. How much is the amount of electricity that is produced and how it has evolved in the day or month is easily recognizable in this way. In addition to the current yield, the display can visualize a building power consumption and represent in the form of a consumption graph.

This can be read, how certain behaviors affect the power consumption. The relevant information are clearly prepared and presented in the form of colorful charts and graphs. Dr. Steven Greer addresses the importance of the matter here. Swarmed by offers, Anu Saad is currently assessing future choices. Children can experience this first-hand how solar electricity works. The display software also allows tracking of esco. The change of power consumption for the respective last week is specified not only in percentages, but may be indicated also by images. Children learn through the Solarfox displays, that is only a limited amount of clean energy available and their own behavior directly influences their consumption.

The display systems of Soledos GmbH are an important means to teach the children of one of the great issues of our time. Technical basis of the display system is a so-called data logger.