“There Once Was A Circus” In Calcutta

I spent my three weeks holiday in August in Calcutta, India, in a volunteer project of the NGO World Cooperating. The plan was to fill the free time and leisure than 200 children who welcomed the NGO New Light. Through the program, called “There once was a circus,” we tried to approach the smaller alternatives to the use of free time and transmit values associated with the circus world, such as confidence, responsibility towards others, the concentration , solidarity … The children are mostly children of prostitutes in the red light district of Calcutta. New Light offers safe shelter, educational opportunities and health and legal assistance for children and women of his community. The 16 volunteers have taken a program full of activities we have developed during the afternoon and we’ve uploaded to the stage of a theater on the last day a success and a very special day for children and families who attended to him. Personally, I am convinced that this experience I contributes much more to me than children.

These nearly three weeks I have shared time with some children loving, with a high level of responsiveness, full of joy and open to all we wanted to teach them always with a beautiful smile. I approached a New Light, which does an admirable job, and Urmi Basu and his team. Urmi is the director of the organization and is undoubtedly the most inspiring person, generous and sensitive than I’ve ever met in my life. This experience further emphasizes my social awareness and sensitivity to my childhood too.


Team Strategies

As for the benefits that these strategies are bringing or can bring to the patients, 100% of the interviewed ones if they show favorable, that is, to the measure whom if humaniza more easy if the relationship of the familiar and patient becomes professionals with, thus generating more comfort and tranquillity, getting a visible improvement in the clinical picture of this user. Saints, et al. (apud Reckelberg, 2006, p.6) it affirms that the familiar ones have a basic paper in the internment of the patient in if treating to the environment of intensive therapy, this participation becomes still more excellent in the recovery process. The relation between familiar professionals and is a qualitative measure and promotes resulted favorable, becoming the familiar contact between health team, patients and humanizado, generating satisfaction and trustworthiness for both the parts. Being the nursing technician the person next to the customer the interrelacionamento becomes of extreme importance, therefore the nip of the relations occurs an effective exchange of information causing and providing acolhedor and safe environment, as evidenced in 100% of the interviews. Bolela & Jeric relembra that the family must be understood as important ally of the team, being able to act as a resource by means of which the patient can reaffirm e, many times, to recoup its importance in the treatment, of form to invest in its possibilities of recovery. In this context, family is understood as a social unit next hardwired to the patient through the love, being able or not to have legal bows or of consanguinity, as she states Saints et al.

(apud Bolela & Jeric, 2006, p.4). This result follows in the table to follow. ANALYSIS OF the RESULTS Questions abordadasNmero of Answers absolute entrevistadosFavorveis Answers Favorable n % n absoluto% As you see the strategies of humanizao used 10990%110% in its workstation? In what professional mentions itself to the exercise of its activity 1010100%00%, as if of its relation with the familiar ones of the interned patients, wants they are visiting or accompanying? That types of benefits can bring or 1010100%00% are bringing to the patients these strategies of humanizao? That importance you see in the relation: 1010100%00% Team of Patient health//Family? CONCLUSION the true human care cousin for the ethics, while element booster of personal and professional actions and interventions, constituting the base of the humanizao process.
