
The abundance of available in this universe is great, some people may say that spaces in the ground are inadequate, but imagination has no limits, for each situation there will always be ways to optimize resources and you must be on the side of those who believe deeply in abundance. At this time we see examples of infinite resources such as an e-book or be able to download a song on the internet is something amazing, many people don’t even think about it. Some people says that the no abundance may be seen in some places, if it is true because a spiritual level the people do not want to see it or experience it, you do not touch you change the entire universe but only make contributions and change himself, if he is able to modify the way in which perceives the world then now created a wonderful world. Living with our most intimate desires made reality is a wonderful experience, many people have fear of experiencing the beauties of life because it has been believing that there are limitations and scarcity or that we should lead a life limited. If something is available it should be used, only think that if something has been possible for other people also we can achieve it, Andrew Corentt in his book the secret of the power of goals tells us that the first step to achieve our big dreams is imagining it, think seriously that Yes we are able to achieve that goal, having faith and conviction that we have the full right to materialize our I. Barriers to our desires are not in the environment but in ourselves, it is possible that for years we have heard ideas contrary to our goals and over time that information has become a large impediment that slows down us our development. You should remember that each who will express their ideas according to your own experience, for example there are who think negatively about many ideas, but wonder if these people have made a real effort to materialize their dreams and you will find the fact that the majority has not made it. . .


Sabine Dillenseger

80 years hairdresser Lehnert in Nalbach – presentation of fashion from 1929 to 2000 in a mixture of casting and fashion show with 14 models presented an enthusiastic audience on Sunday of Nalbachs “nagscht” top model. Only on Saturdays before the fashion show the models tried on the clothes highlight of the show, and with only a sample, the show presented the audience on Sunday. Original music from the years and the choreography, left the audience in past decades. Hear from experts in the field like Peter A. Levine PhD for a more varied view. With stories related to the hairdressing salon Lehnert, world history and the history of the place, an informative and interesting Ressesion catwalk formed on the stage. The skin Couture did not come from any fashion houses, the clothing was provided by the customers of the Salon.

So, some granddaughter presented the valuable, often hand-tailored fashion of grandmother on stage. To host event such a show, it is finding young people who want to model for hair shows and photos for hairdresser Peter Lehnert. Autumn is again an elaborate photo production launched the theme of the show, a journey through the fashion and hairstyle fashion based lies. The photos are intended for publication in professional newspapers and fashion magazines. Peter Lehnert here make the hairstyle fashion with his team and the make-up artist Sabine Dillenseger, which determinants the models in the show, with original crafts from the respective period. Observing the fashion, experienced you the quiet elements of past fashions again in the current style to appear. Well, if you then like at hairdresser Peter Lehnert can draw on a rich experience of 80 years lived and crafted hairstyle fashion. Whether in New York, Milan, Paris, or in Nalbach applies also in the great depression of 2009, who accompanied the fashionable change of his customers with high craftsmanship they will overcome crisis until the next crisis. Photos agency Kopfwerker: Florence Lehnert, Ralf Imbergamo.


Simple Way Crisis

Today who have not realized that there is crisis is that it is not of this world. The truth is that there is an abusive invasion of this word in all media and surely ye has beaten closely or to an acquaintance. But why is crisis there? We are tired of listening to theories and reasons for experts who only care that nobody understands them to show off their knowledge. To explain the current crisis in a simple and comprehensible way we have to focus on the overall balance of things. In recent years and especially after the attacks of 11 S of the United States exploded a small stagnation in the economy produced by the fear and the risk of war. To avoid this stalemate and provide incentives for the purchase and consumption, world banks fell a lot interest rates, so ask for credits came cheap. Coupled with the price of housing was rising, it led to a fever for purchasing homes. The buyer considered that a House that bought then, tomorrow would be worth more; so this morning I’ll be richer than today.

What we call speculation. Until here everything correct, remain more or less in balance. The problem appears when banks, surely to earn more money, offer these loans without properly studying if long-term customer may pay the mortgage or the credit. I.e., a credit was given at a very low price to anyone. Years later to control inflation, banks Board interest rate, so the price of these credits and mortgages rises a lot. What happens now? Because many people, mostly of low income can not pay his mortgage with his salary. It paralyzes the economy in general. The price of housing has risen so much that nobody already buys, and begins to lower its price. Let us take an example: Juan buys a House by 50 million in 2004, this calls for a mortgage to the Bank at an interest rate of 1%.


The Autoresponder

3. Report the latest developments in your niche market (software, eBooks, videos, audio, film, websites, etc..) And put each in a new autoresponder message. 4. Learn more on the subject from Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. Distribute your articles. Write and distribute your articles are a powerful tool to build credibility in your business, serves also to drive traffic to their website and increase potential sales. If your articles contain valuable information, many people recognize that your site serves as a resource.

Place the end of their articles a "resource box" where you give a brief description of your services or products. Let's say you've written fifty articles, put them in separate messages in the autoresponder and send each message each time period. 5. Create a list for editors of other journals or blogs of their market. Tell these publishers on their new items they can be used to publish your own newsletter or Web site or blog.

6. Automate your sales process. Use an ad to insure repeated exposure of your message, this has proven effective in increasing sales. For example, if you are selling a particular product, put testimonials on autoresponder all the benefits and add a description to encourage purchase your product. 7. Distribute advertising. Copper for sending other entrepreneurs advertise their Web sites, blogs, bulletin boards or electronic journals. Do not forget to send notifications about any special offers that are currently doing on your website. 8. Distribute an e-course. Every day, you can send lessons with your autoresponder. Always make sure before sending the lesson contains quality information.
