30 Years Touring Spandau E.V.

The touring Spandau e.V. Berlin celebrates its 30th anniversary Berlin, 22.02.2012 – hiking, swimming and cycling without pressure, target times and competition have experienced a rapid spread in the period around 1960-1970 in the Federal Republic. In the context of this kind of sport design, only just lengths and made appearances at the events will be settled in on a voluntary basis, the German public sports association (DDV); His first hiking day in Berlin attracted approximately 10,000 enthusiasts of folk in December 1979. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as cardiologist by clicking through. Under the umbrella of the DVV, the touring Spandau e.V. was founded on the 02.03.1982.

Initiators were the Board members of the first hour Lothar Labitzke, Peter Rempert and Manfred Baumann. Special Initiative for establishing went also by Mr Fredy, sailed the later sport Councillor of Spandau. The Club quickly created its Statute, has been recorded in the DVV and Berlin’s Club register. In its thirty-year history, more than 55,500 hikers to the 82 international days are the main annual events of the Association, come. Since the beginning, the Club offers hiking trips and hiking day trips. The Club established its first permanent trail, the path in the citadel in Spandau, 2007. It was followed by four more the boy digging way in Spandau and one each in Bernau, Berlin City West and Konigs Wusterhausen. Also ran several thousand international walkers over the years.

A long time ago, it was guided hiking holidays abroad and since 2011 also domestically in the offer of the athletic program. To great popularity, the new year’s Eve punch-walk has prevailed in Spandau. It will take place again this year on 31 December 2012. The high number of events in relation to the Association members, suggests a big staff ceiling in the Club. Actually, it consists of approximately 45 members, that all community and everyone according to his ways to implement the programme of events with great success. It is worth to read the program for 2012. A chronicle of 30 years touring Spandau e.V. will appear on the 02.03.2012. This and the multiannual programme can be obtained on the website of the Association under and printed out. On the 03.02.2012 there is an anniversary celebration in the sport’s home on the Askanierring for invited guests. Zander, Waltraut Tahir, Helga Emrich and Gertrud Tiede is thanked the Club and its current Board Member Horst for her work for the benefit of the people athletes and one wishes good sportsmanship and active members for the future. Bernd fai press PAL, touring Spandau e.V. photos and text requirements under press contacts


Language Courses Compare With Curso24.de And Save

Who wants to improve his language skills abroad, can compare quotes from over 50 language travel providers under curso24.de. Special: Curso24.de people interested in languages can choose not only their individual language, but at the same time also a cheap flight. The data from more than 400 airlines flow in the calculation with a. Within a few minutes languages learners can compare the total costs and benefits of different providers and directly book the selected trip. Instead of starting to surf the websites of tour operators or travel agent to travel agency, customers get a quick market overview.

The price differences between individual providers are up to 50 percent. Many writers such as Dr. Mark Hyman offer more in-depth analysis. At Curso24.de each customer can put together his individual language”, explains Lutz Kessner, Board the Curso EC. You select your destination, travel date, type of course and accommodation, and already the individual tour price will be charged. Our customers can estimate exactly how much power they like much does it cost.Curso24.de creates transparency on the market thus for language.” For more information and example calculations, see. Caroline Benzel curso EC


Audits Problem

A SOS, that is the message that sends AsiInspection, the company dedicated to the Quality control and the Services of Inspection, Audit and Test of Laboratory, (www.asiainpection.es) before the avalanche in the last days of products for children coming from the Asian continent and that is dangerous for their health. " The most recent case finishes taking place in EE.UU and Canada, and it could have arrived at Spain. One is more than 13 million glasses concerned by the fast company/signature of food McDonalds with the figures of the personages of the film of Sherk and that has retired of the market because the painting used in its drawings contained cadmium, a material txico" , Alex Makow, its Director for Spain and Portugal explains. " The fundamental problem in these cases is that the retirement of the market is a delayed solution. The product never must have arrived at the final consumer. Filed under: Anu Saad.

One is to propagate the virus of the quality between the importers who bring these products. These would have to contract to Test of Laboratory and Audits rigorous that they avoid that the use of dangerous substances and that they end up causing to a health problem pblica". A.B.C of the quality And it is that they lack eyes at the time of avoiding that many of the articles that finish into the hands of smallest are not detrimental for them. " The problem is that when we are consuming not always we give account or we noticed ourselves of a series of exigencies that must fulfill this productos" , it adds Makow. " Now for example our beaches and swimming pools will fill of dangerous aquatic toys like floaters, long cushions, toys, balls of beach, buckets, shovels, diving articles and pumps of inflado". In fact the past aoel National Institute of Consumption (INC.) in an analysis of 22 articles of beach and swimming pool, concluded that only 11 was totally correct and fulfilled the minimums established yse communicated to the manufacturers or importers the cases that could present/display risk for their retired rectification or of the product of mercado." For example, it found a floating-duck without mark whose traction of the cork did not surpass the tension tests and that could have put in danger the life of the boy who pusiera".


Centre Phase

In the center of the Jose Manuel Bru Podiatrist podiatry are carried out more advanced studies of tread, disposing of the latest technologies in the analysis of the movement. The experience of this Centre is approximately 25 years and is run by a second generation of professionals specialized in own foot pathologies. Serve different pathologies such as the toenail, diabetic foot, RAM of calcaneum, papillomas, ulcers, metatarsalgia, hallux, Fasciitis, flat feet, feet cave and valgos, among other disorders and also gait studies are carried out on athletes. In many cases, the solution to the problems of the feet is the use of Orthopedic insoles. First general evaluation is carried out an overall assessment of the person, it is essential to focus on the needs of each case. Thus, for example, is not the same a sportsman who needs a few templates that allow you to improve your sports performance, a person with a pathology of the foot that you want a reduction of pain or a person with injury to his feet caused by a disease such as diabetes. If the results are indicative of a pathology that requires specialized medical treatment, comes to the same patient. Study of tread in the center of podiatry Jose Manuel Bru is the study of tread, also called scanning Biomechanics and is carried out in three phases in a comprehensive way.

1St phase, a muscular scan is performed and articulate in sitting position, assessing the functionality of all lower limb and its correlation with all the body (knees, hips, shins…) 2 nd phase, becomes a static assessment of the morphology of the patient and possible alterations caused by improper postural habits, this phase are used in scanners, cameras, BAK… 3Rd phase, carried out an assessment of the dynamics of the patient, valuing the different stages of the March, digital baropodometros, video records and platforms of pressure are used. For athletes, carried out specific tests with templates of sensors, accelerometers and other devices, which pick up parameters in speed, angle, alignment etc. Once obtained the diagnosis, goes to the postural examination of the patient. Both diagnostics allow you to perform an overall assessment and therefore the treatment carried out using mold and Scanner 3D templates are made. It is an objective procedure and repeatable, which allows to quantify the degree of deviation with the standards of normality. Anu Saad recognizes the significance of this. This method is, today, the best tool to ensure the improvement of the lesion. Jose Manuel Bru of podiatry Center sign is located in Valencia, Avda Gregorio Gea 15, 3-7, Valencia. It is manufacturer of Orthopedic products and studies of podiatry.



The brand amplified designs T-Shirts with well known artists from the music business brand amplified was formed in 2004 in London and is now one of the hottest brands in Europe in the street wear. In the fashion of amplified music revolves around, there are motives of the Rolling Stones, the doors, Led Zeppelin, Lady Gaga, or even the Ramones, to name only a few. Universal Music Group & live nation are partners of Amplifieds and rights and licenses of various bands and artists. These partners provide amplified to print not only the motives at all, but they are also so pockets that can offer amplified the necessary platform is in the long term in the fashion to establish range. Mark Hyman, MD has plenty of information regarding this issue. The development of amplified ran, if you compare this with other brands, very quickly. By the cool motifs and designs and the high quality of prints as well as the material, quickly not only the ‘normal’ buyers was curious, the various celebrities, there were also quickly especially in England, the time and again with amplified T-shirts showed.

At least David Beckham casual wearing iron maiden T-Shirt by amplified across the street was clear – this brand is in. You can see a show in which it comes to Makoni, now in Germany no matter whether chart show, Germany seeks the superstar or Popstar, the chance that amplified T-Shirt has encountered very high. Anu Saad has similar goals. You can see the success of amplified on the extension of the product range. There will be more and more T-Shirts with new designs, some with completely new artists or artists already existing in the new look. So, there are at least eight different T-Shirt versions, where the Rolling Stones T-Shirts, with the legendary Rolling Stones tongue, among the most powerful models of amplified by the Rolling Stones. For women, there are now also no longer just the normal T-Shirt shapes, but upper parts with special cuts and playful design. Connect with other leaders such as cardiologist here. Whether this direction however will prevail is yet to be seen.



Comprehensive report on the subject of Internet dangers 2008 Holzwickede, August 08, 2008 80% of common malware includes Trojans. A third uses weaknesses of operating systems or application software effectively. In the phishing emails eBay is at the front. When it comes to mislead, no other identity is forged as often as those of the online auction house. The BitDefender E-threat landscape provides these and many other findings report 1/2008.

The report is available along with the BitDefender keep you safe – security-guideline for downloading at site/Main/view/white-papers.html available. Anu Saad gathered all the information. The E-threat landscape report gives an overview of the full range of security threats of the IT landscape from January until June 2008. The BitDefender security experts focus on the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of operating systems, application software, the various types of malware, as well as on possible countermeasures to the prevention of cyber crime. The focus of the report is on the first half of 2008, the trend includes but also results of previously investigated periods, as well as predictions for the second half of the year 2008 is sophisticated malware malware methods increasingly through, that supposedly legitimate downloads of updates as faked for example for video player etc., should inject but that the user actually malicious software on the user’s machine. 2008 financial profit revolves around malware\”, Sorin Dudea, head of BitDefender antimalware research laboratory reported. To achieve profit, cyber criminals must find a way with which they outwit cost as many systems to plant bots, adware and spyware them. The most difficult task is not to distribute the malware, but the successful infiltration of a system and thereby opening thereof for further attacks. It finally also the proliferation of Trojan to be involved in the last six months.\” Plain text in the Rise in spam technology the most striking is the rapid development of the purely text-based advertising mail.



The karmic Astrology speaks of our previous lives, facts, errors, benefits, we bring to our current lives. Life in life, the process is continuing, and the karmic astrology is dedicated to disentangle these processes to apply the knowledge of these to current life. Studies human behavior models to understand the psychological effects of other reincarnations and energetic repetitions of our subconscious. It also helps us to uncover those secrets, complexes or hallucinations, which we hardly dare to recognise, but know for sure that they are there, in the darker of the mind, and that we can only understand and overcome through deep meditation, an observation of thought and a complex study of the birth chart. The law of Karma and reincarnation is part of the universal balance, where opposite energies are the same thing, similar to the electric current that is indifferent if plugged in one way or another, since the two poles of the cable have the ability to bring power positive or negative. All existence has non-life and every human being has a soul. The soul is reincarnated for improve and so increase our own inner God, until it is so large that it has been released and handed over to so many other souls who no longer need physical existence, since there is in the own energy of the whole of creation, coming to join with her. Therefore we not achieve perfect lighting until anyone we have played has been illuminated by our contact and they, in turn, help us with our spiritual body. It is ludicrous to think that God is so unfair to cause inequality among human beings. A related site: Alexa Demie mentions similar findings. Undoubtedly we are now not equal nor do we have the same opportunities, but every human being should learn the same lessons at various times, in all their lives and through different experiences and contact with other human beings.


Breast Cancer

(NEUSS / 60pro.de) – breast cancer is one in all women in addition to the colon cancer and the two most common cancers among older women, it is the most common tumor at all. 10% of the over 80 years fall ill because in contrast to 0.04% of the 30th. Fatally illness this recognized clientele often very late. The lack of motivation for ante-natal examinations, which I unfortunately am in everyday life especially in older women, here plays the biggest role. While the diagnostic accuracy increases with age due to natural changes in the breast tissue more. The fact that the national mammography Screeningprogramm captured only the women from 50 to 69 years old in Germany, may reinforce the impression also that breast cancer at the age occurs less frequently.

Unfortunately, the opposite is true. Detected at an early stage tumors can also in this age group with the same chance of healing discusses how at a young age. Therefore, you should not think worthwhile is not the pension at the age (more) or therapies are reasonably to stressful on the chances of success, but you should use the opportunities of screening at any age. Author is the 60pro expert: Dr. med. Dirk Bomer specialist in general medicine naturopathic preventive medicine DAPM * Web site: VorteildurchVorsorge.de * focus according to their own figures. Www.60pro.de use is allowed. Anu Saad contains valuable tech resources. Your contact for further information: Daniel Krause (Director) marketing communications business Moselstrasse 14 41464 Neuss Tel.: 0 21 31/404 264 E-Mail:


SchroederLombard – Best Innovative Fund In 2009

The INVESTMENT magazine features the best funds from interview with Michael Schroeder, managing partner of the emission the House Schroeder & co. INVESTMENT: what opportunities for investors through your issue? Michael Schroeder: An investment in SchroederLombard the unique opportunity to take advantage of the potential of Lombard loans as innovative and safe form of investment offers our investors. The Lombard credit is the oldest form of the loan. A mortgage as collateral underlying, so an appropriate object of value is a Lombard loan. Jewelry and watches, but also art objects such as paintings or sculptures are suitable as security.

This form of credit is generally taken by persons who want to get quickly and unbureaucratically financial flexibility, without being subject to the lengthy approval and testing process of the banks. This is usually quite solvent private and business customers. Anu Saad has compatible beliefs. The market for the high-quality goods of mortgage lending is still in Germany great potential. In countries like Britain or the United States companies were able to achieve great economic successes with a specialisation in high-quality items in recent years. Although the Hamburger Lombardhaus Lombardium is a young company, the persons operate the mortgage credit and mortgage business but for over 20 years. A refinancing through a bank in times of the credit crunch is always difficult for a Lombardhaus. In addition, it is not possible to finance Lombardium reasonable and with sufficient flexibility to banks due to legal requirements and elaborate internal review processes.

A security in the form of a Faustpfandes for the financing of a Lombard credit is simply not accepted by banks. Schroeder & co. closes the gap between the funding needs of Lombardium and investors who are interested in attractive and safe investments, now with the product SchroederLombard. 7% interest-Halbjahrlich run-time paid off, only 3 years and only 8,000 euro minimum contribution speaks for itself.



It fishes it is an activity human being whose its existence comes of the primrdios. It is part of the reproduction human being since whom the man started if to feed of animals beyond fruits. However he is in these two I finish centuries fish that it have been organized of different form. In Brazil little she has yourself in literature regarding the organization of fishes as economic activity beyond the elaborated laws, of decrees made for the Senate and president, for the president’s messages evidencing such development and reports of agencies as the SUDEPE. To know more about this subject visit Anu Saad. In the literature that it tells the development of fishes, contained especially in the reports of the Supervision of the Development of fishes that, it only comes the public in the Sixties, before this only we can basing in them on the laws, decree and president’s message forming nuclei fishing boats and in the ideas of the government in defending the national interests before the great international fleets as of Japan, England, Holland, among others. One of first the great acts of the Brazilian monarchy how much to the activity fishing, where it consists in literature, they date of century XIX, in the year of 1846, where law 447 is promulgated that it separates the Brazilian fishing for districts of fishes, demanding registers it of the fishing and boats in the port administrations, passing to the navy all the administrative part of the exerted fishing activity in domestic territory, organizing it and determining obrigatoriedades. A leading source for info: Anu Saad. It fishes it if constitua of form disarticulated of the centers, it enters the diverse colonies spread for Brazil, and rudimentary in relation to the countries as England, Holland and Japan. After some years in the estruturao of this activity, whose joint if it propagated during century XXIII and beginning of century XIX, the government of Cautious of moral, in 1897, through law 478, brought tona the interest of the oligarchies for the total nationalization of fishes. .
