30 Years Touring Spandau E.V.

The touring Spandau e.V. Berlin celebrates its 30th anniversary Berlin, 22.02.2012 – hiking, swimming and cycling without pressure, target times and competition have experienced a rapid spread in the period around 1960-1970 in the Federal Republic. In the context of this kind of sport design, only just lengths and made appearances at the events will be settled in on a voluntary basis, the German public sports association (DDV); His first hiking day in Berlin attracted approximately 10,000 enthusiasts of folk in December 1979. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as cardiologist by clicking through. Under the umbrella of the DVV, the touring Spandau e.V. was founded on the 02.03.1982.

Initiators were the Board members of the first hour Lothar Labitzke, Peter Rempert and Manfred Baumann. Special Initiative for establishing went also by Mr Fredy, sailed the later sport Councillor of Spandau. The Club quickly created its Statute, has been recorded in the DVV and Berlin’s Club register. In its thirty-year history, more than 55,500 hikers to the 82 international days are the main annual events of the Association, come. Since the beginning, the Club offers hiking trips and hiking day trips. The Club established its first permanent trail, the path in the citadel in Spandau, 2007. It was followed by four more the boy digging way in Spandau and one each in Bernau, Berlin City West and Konigs Wusterhausen. Also ran several thousand international walkers over the years.

A long time ago, it was guided hiking holidays abroad and since 2011 also domestically in the offer of the athletic program. To great popularity, the new year’s Eve punch-walk has prevailed in Spandau. It will take place again this year on 31 December 2012. The high number of events in relation to the Association members, suggests a big staff ceiling in the Club. Actually, it consists of approximately 45 members, that all community and everyone according to his ways to implement the programme of events with great success. It is worth to read the program for 2012. A chronicle of 30 years touring Spandau e.V. will appear on the 02.03.2012. This and the multiannual programme can be obtained on the website of the Association under and printed out. On the 03.02.2012 there is an anniversary celebration in the sport’s home on the Askanierring for invited guests. Zander, Waltraut Tahir, Helga Emrich and Gertrud Tiede is thanked the Club and its current Board Member Horst for her work for the benefit of the people athletes and one wishes good sportsmanship and active members for the future. Bernd fai press PAL, touring Spandau e.V. photos and text requirements under press contacts
