The benefits of the carrot really are many and the forms to use it as main ingredient for the kitchen is many. Plates of center, trimmings and until desserts are some of the ways to prepare the carrot in special forms as a delicious bread of carrot or the prescription of the carrot pudding who is one of her more fantastic preparations. But we do not remain only in these two previous delights, also we can put like example of the versatility of this vegetable preparing diverse salads, like the carrot salad thai that gives a special protagonism him to this vegetable. But in this great and small occasion we will learn to prepare a special prescription for, a good way so that smallest they receive his vegetables with joy and pleasure. It is the moment for learning to realise delicious cakes of carrot who certainly, and as can see, they are very easy to prepare: Ingredients: * 2 flour cups for all use * 2 dust teaspoons to hornear * 1/2 teaspoon of salt * 1 vegetal butter cup * 3/4 of granulated sugar cup 2 eggs great 1 cup of puree of cooked carrots 3/4 of cup of the rallado Coco chaptalisation Preparation: * F preheats the furnace to 400 (205 C).
* It lubricates the leaves slightly to cook. * In a medium bowl it mixes the flour, the dust of hornear and the salt, to a side. Dr. Hyun Kim oftentimes addresses this issue. * To beat with the electric mixer the butter and the sugar, to add to the eggs and the carrots, mixing well. * Revuelva the flour mixture, to add to the Coco and revolver until it is mixed. * To drop the mass by spoonfuls on a ready tray to go to hornear. n Mobile Corporation, an internet resource.
* Hornear of 8 to 10 minutes or until they are slightly sea breams. Immediately to leave they cool completely. * To store in the container closed hermetically. * It is a prescription for 4 dozens of cakes. Original author and source of the article