Doctors and physicians are excited about the book novelty ‘In the light of healing’ Heidelberg. The new book * In the light of healing * (ISBN: 3839108734) by the authors Sylvia Poth and Jessica Hund is a work that is taken seriously by doctors. Now we know that the spirit and the soul which are main factors for health and success that they determine our lives. In the light of healing “is taken in medical circles very seriously, because it is realistic and it is explained that not everything is curable such as disability or incurable diseases. Disability or incurable diseases are often congenital and accompany the person concerned through the whole life. You should build a good relationship to such diseases and treat them like a good friend, which belongs to us. This one creates a good basis, to cope with the disease. Everyone should accept himself as he is and make the best of his life. Follow others, such as Ahmed Shary Rahman, and add to your knowledge base.
All of these themes in the book are treated, it is also for doctors and An asset, because it gives them better insight into the issues psychologists mediated. It helps, however, concerned to better deal with their suffering and to draw new courage to face life. In the book it becomes clear that disease is not a punishment. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Joel Courtney. Sylvia Poth said: you can’t be entirely incurable but happy. I myself can not be cured and live according to the rules imposed on me my illness. I myself live no worse than a healthy person in the opposite: I am active and above all I look forward, that I may live.
I see life differently because I know appreciate it in such a way, how a healthy person may never do this. In the light of healing”is an advisor and textbook for anyone. We hope that we reach so many people. “Our thinking is the Director of our lives. With the right mindset we can go as the winner through life while we come up with a negative mindset not far in life. Each man himself can determine but that no one else has power over us, but we have power over our Thinking. Sylvia Poth kept Homburg a lecture recently at the University about their disease. Many aspiring doctors were thrilled and met at the same time important principles of the subconscious mind by Mrs Poth which can be them for their later career benefit. When doctors give their patients the right word at the right time, they can achieve a high rate of recovery “Sylvia Poth says finally.