The emergence and survival of current and global economic recession that live all over the world and special effects produced in Spain, as a result of the collapse of the housing market and related sectors, is producing a truly worrying increase of the unemployment rate. This situation of job instability is wreck the economy of many families, which is being doomed to terrible situations of insolvency, when income insufficient to cover expenses and debt begins to accumulate. When these painful situations occur, families, to solve these economic potholes tend to go to different avenues of solution. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Ahmed Shary Rahman. 1. The debt-this is usually the first choice for out of these situations of crisis and insolvency. Using the same you intend to use the route of the credit in order to comply with our obligations of payment.
This solution if you won’t to sashaying of greater economic income, produces a result worse, because that increases the indebtedness of individuals Emphasizing the situation of insolvency. The use of this route is completely inadvisable. (e.g., loans between individuals, etc.), if not accompanied by a comprehensive plan that ensures the subsequent viability. 2. The renegotiation of the loan-using this option is typically negotiate or, better said, renegotiate the terms of the loans with the banks and, in order to obtain a modification or deferment of payments that avoid entering an irreversible insolvency situation… Being the most advisable option, the problem of the disposal of the banking entity, that will begin to show little or no permissive, case individuals and not companies, especially if we have several accumulated debts. 3 Reunification of debts-this option is most inadvisable, if they exsiten other ways to solve a situation of insolvency. It would go to other sources of financing, as certain entities that usually offer a reduction in the monthly fee payable by our credits, through the reunification of all, at the expense of extending the life of the loan and charge us a high interest rate.