A Respected Childbirth

What is respected childbirth? There is some truth about this one? … The only truth is inside each of us, we are unique, we think differently, have different needs and want different things. A respected delivery is based on "respect for women, to take into account their needs, requests, beliefs and decisions" Is it a crazy woman who decides to have a caesarean section?. No!, Of course not , if its decision is carried to the completion of his happiness, it's great. "What if a woman wants a respected labor, but you want your anesthesia? Nor is any crazy, it's his decision and is more than valid. Pirada "Is it a plan that you choose to birth at home? Your rights say that a woman pregnant woman is healthy and can make decisions, choose who will attend, and where you want to give birth. "What would be madness if we wanted to try a natural birth after cesarean? It is obvious that not all women have the ability to give birth naturally if it anything physical prevented, we can try. And so they are presented different options, a variety of thoughts, individuality …

What we can do and must do is to know each option, and know that our choice is conscious, that is investigated enough and that is what we want, and if so, is right. The concept of respect, took on different meanings, but for many is one, has to be one way … and if you ask me .. respected way of delivery, the meaning is "a happy delivery," as the woman you want.
