Air Force

In the field of police cooperation (paragraph I of Article 30) is intended only a common practice for operational aspects, ie those that affect the execution mode of police work. In the field of judicial cooperation within the framework of the common procedure the letter c) of Article 31 provides, in rather general terms, “ensuring compatibility in rules applicable in the Member States, but will only support” to the extent necessary to improve such cooperation, “ie, is oriented to specific rules of cooperation. and the approximation of Member States’ rules in professional matters” of the last paragraph of Article 29 shall be limited to establishing minimum requirements on elements of crimes ” (letter e) of Article 31). In short, it is possible to verify that the regulation of the issue on the circumstances in which enforcement is permissible surveillance measures continue to be reserved to national law. The rapporteur is not aware of attempts by the States not affecting members of this exclusive national competence. Therefore, cooperation between Member States on the basis of the Treaties of the EU can only act on the issue of the implementation of surveillance measures permissible under national law, that is, at a lower level. In cases where the interception of telecommunications is allowed on the basis of national law, the Member State concerned may request assistance from other Member States for technical achievement.

That technical simplification pursued, which will undoubtedly further the efficiency of cross-border interception offense in the field of organized crime, should be considered positive or negative. “
