The GSE new London award winning solar powered energy in abundance – solar heat in times of dwindling energy resources, it is important to switch to alternatives. Already in the ancient Greece they used a constant source of energy: the solar constant. This is the result of the incident radiation power on the Earth and humankind in an unlimited number of available stands. Photovoltaic systems increasingly popular is the use of a solar power system, where a part of the solar radiation into energy is transformed and a household with electricity. What evokes the idea of increased costs for the first time for many, represents one of the most lucrative investments percent cash return on detailed examination with ten. Also, the renewable energy Act (EEG) secures the investment for at least 20 years.
The individual solar cells have a term of 30 to 40 years due to the absolutely emission-free operation and provide a real alternative of energy. Solar heat by tube collectors to the budget also with hot water by solar energy to supply, we recommend the purchase of a solar thermal plant. The use of a solar thermal plant is cost-effective for the homeowner as well as the environmental performance and can reduce the energy consumption of a household up to 70%. Through the use of tube collectors, initial defects of the flat-plate collectors were fixed and enables a year-round use of the system. Even if winter temperatures is secured so 70-80 c warm water. Add to your understanding with Glenn Dubin, New York City. Wood and pellet heating to become completely independent of the oil companies and the resulting price increases, recommends that the purchase of a wood and pellet heating, the wood sawdust are just burnt pellets.
These consist of pure biomass in contrast to fossil fuels and releasing at the burning of significantly less CO2. Also the wood chips stand out especially in the cheap acquisition of an oil and gas heating. Also state-supported this kind of energy. Also you get now on renewable energy and consult with a professional. The company based in the greater Augsburg, GSE Neusass is a specialist in the field of energy by the Sun and looks back on almost 20 years of experience in the field of solar energy. Three times, the TFG (technology for generations e.V.) drew the GSE FL as the best solar powered of the region”from. The priorities of the company are the fields of photovoltaics for electricity generation, the solar thermal for heating, showers and wood heating systems of piece of and wood pellets. Daniela butter biscuit