Beauty Recipes

So, start with skin care. From personal experience, the most effective face mask can be done with yeast. To do this you need a yeast cream 1:1. Add liquid honey. Let stand up 20 min. The course will be 10 sessions in a day. This is an amazing food for our skin! In yeast a complex of B vitamins, which also has a rejuvenating and nourishing properties.

For the aging face and neck using a nourishing mask: 1 boiled potato mash with lemon juice otpoloviny. Massa put on your face and neck, cover with a towel and hold for 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water. The effect is stunning. We now turn to hair care products. The hair was shiny, where for an hour to get a good brew. And then this strain and use as a mouthwash.

For oily hair is the most effective means of the following: 2 tsp. mustard pour 2 cups of warm water, carefully stir. And after we washed her hair in this water rinse hair, and five minutes giving them another soak mustard. After that, wash off the hair with clean water, and with it goes and fat. Hair becomes lively, beautiful. For more information on hair care products, your body, you can find online medical PEOPLE HEALTH Family


Hessen Company

Green IT virtual businesses advertising agency goes with an innovative system to grow when small businesses grow up to vote before the task, their operating procedures of the Organization and their infrastructure to the growth rate. An innovative strategy to do so can be a virtual company. As the key to more flexibility, a modern and environmental-friendly system optimally supports the course of expansion of a Frankfurt advertising agency. Details of the sustainable solution the Aktionslinie Hessen-Umwelttech presented in their information series Hessen-PIUS spot “. Promoter of the action line is the HA Hessen Agency.

“Wiesbaden/Langen, consistently to protect the environment and to align your company growth February 10, 2011 – these goals had Dunja and m Burghardt, Managing Director of Rootz & Wingz brand communication” itself set. Within the information series Hessen-PIUS on the spot”, the advertising professionals in the new City Hall presented long, as they their company on the guiding principles of the Sustainability have aligned. Were supported them in this endeavour by the Hessen-PIUS consultancy promotion programme”with the Hessian Ministry of economy funding small and medium-sized enterprises, which want to achieve more production-integrated environmental protection. “At the beginning of the consultation was a stunning business decision which should be the basis for sustainable growth: we resolve our Office and buy us a house”, Dunja Burghardt explained the concept. In the future, the entrepreneur couple runs his business from home. The employees also work in your own home office. By using modern information and communication technologies, the Agency now organized as a virtual company.

A kind of mini – Datacenter”in the basement connects between employees and customers. While the data themselves at any time remain on the server, only the screen is transmitted and leaves its own system. So, even sensitive data be protected. Whether the employees in China or Mecklenburg-Vorpommern sit, no matter. Also a work offline is possible where the data previously transferred from the server to a so-called sandbox on the local computer. This sandbox protects them then from unauthorized access”, clarified Advisor Jurgen Rosenow How Green IT. As a result, the company saves annually not only about 67,000 euros office rent. It reduced its CO2 – emissions by around 32,000 kilograms at the same time. Because the trips of employees to work fall away. In addition many customer visits can be replaced by meetings via video conferencing”, so the consultant. “The Hessen-PIUS on-site information series: protect the environment, reduce costs” is performed by the Aktionslinie Hessen-Umwelttech of the Hessian Ministry of economics. Cooperation partners are the RKW Hessen and various institutions of regional economic development. The event in long was by promoting local economy aligned with. Those who are interested in the funding of the programme, is under an overview. Kay Uwe Bolduan further information can be obtained by the RKW Hessen GmbH in Eschborn:, phone: 0 61 96 / 97 02-40 Dr. Carsten Ott of the HA Hessen Agentur GmbH and project manager of the action line pointed to further offers of the line of action under. Contact: Dagmar Dittrich HA Hessen Agentur GmbH Aktionslinie Hessen-Umwelttech Abraham-Lincoln-str. 38-42 65189 Wiesbaden Tel.: 0611 / 774-8645 Aktionslinie Hessen-Umwelttech the Aktionslinie Hessen-Umwelttech is the central platform of the Hessian Ministry of economics for environmental technology companies in the local economic development agency HA Hessen agency GmbH. Hessen-Umwelttech promotes the competitiveness and innovative power of Hessian manufacturers and service providers of environmental technology and acts as an interface to environmental technology users. The line of action advises companies, promotes the marketing of technology and represents the skills of the Hessian environmental technology.


“There Once Was A Circus” In Calcutta

I spent my three weeks holiday in August in Calcutta, India, in a volunteer project of the NGO World Cooperating. The plan was to fill the free time and leisure than 200 children who welcomed the NGO New Light. Through the program, called “There once was a circus,” we tried to approach the smaller alternatives to the use of free time and transmit values associated with the circus world, such as confidence, responsibility towards others, the concentration , solidarity … The children are mostly children of prostitutes in the red light district of Calcutta. New Light offers safe shelter, educational opportunities and health and legal assistance for children and women of his community. The 16 volunteers have taken a program full of activities we have developed during the afternoon and we’ve uploaded to the stage of a theater on the last day a success and a very special day for children and families who attended to him. Personally, I am convinced that this experience I contributes much more to me than children.

These nearly three weeks I have shared time with some children loving, with a high level of responsiveness, full of joy and open to all we wanted to teach them always with a beautiful smile. I approached a New Light, which does an admirable job, and Urmi Basu and his team. Urmi is the director of the organization and is undoubtedly the most inspiring person, generous and sensitive than I’ve ever met in my life. This experience further emphasizes my social awareness and sensitivity to my childhood too.


Team Strategies

As for the benefits that these strategies are bringing or can bring to the patients, 100% of the interviewed ones if they show favorable, that is, to the measure whom if humaniza more easy if the relationship of the familiar and patient becomes professionals with, thus generating more comfort and tranquillity, getting a visible improvement in the clinical picture of this user. Saints, et al. (apud Reckelberg, 2006, p.6) it affirms that the familiar ones have a basic paper in the internment of the patient in if treating to the environment of intensive therapy, this participation becomes still more excellent in the recovery process. The relation between familiar professionals and is a qualitative measure and promotes resulted favorable, becoming the familiar contact between health team, patients and humanizado, generating satisfaction and trustworthiness for both the parts. Being the nursing technician the person next to the customer the interrelacionamento becomes of extreme importance, therefore the nip of the relations occurs an effective exchange of information causing and providing acolhedor and safe environment, as evidenced in 100% of the interviews. Bolela & Jeric relembra that the family must be understood as important ally of the team, being able to act as a resource by means of which the patient can reaffirm e, many times, to recoup its importance in the treatment, of form to invest in its possibilities of recovery. In this context, family is understood as a social unit next hardwired to the patient through the love, being able or not to have legal bows or of consanguinity, as she states Saints et al.

(apud Bolela & Jeric, 2006, p.4). This result follows in the table to follow. ANALYSIS OF the RESULTS Questions abordadasNmero of Answers absolute entrevistadosFavorveis Answers Favorable n % n absoluto% As you see the strategies of humanizao used 10990%110% in its workstation? In what professional mentions itself to the exercise of its activity 1010100%00%, as if of its relation with the familiar ones of the interned patients, wants they are visiting or accompanying? That types of benefits can bring or 1010100%00% are bringing to the patients these strategies of humanizao? That importance you see in the relation: 1010100%00% Team of Patient health//Family? CONCLUSION the true human care cousin for the ethics, while element booster of personal and professional actions and interventions, constituting the base of the humanizao process.


Home Nurse, Supervise Her With A Spy Camera

To use a spy camera needs to be extremely careful and prudent, in addition to not use it for illegal purposes. You must make sure the camera is used for legitimate guise and under the laws governing the state or country you reside. In most countries, hidden surveillance is legal as long as they not conducted in private places such as bedrooms, bathrooms or locker rooms. While parents have the right to use a camera operator to see the behavior of the nurse, the spy camera does not replace in-depth interviews and a demonstration of reports. While buying a camera report, choose a subscription resolution because the clarity of the image depends on the resolution. The size of the camera is also very important. The smaller the camera raises less suspicion. Some spy cameras are so small they fit inside the palm of a child.

A wireless spy camera is always preferable to flexibility and timely mobility. A reporter wireless camera can be placed anywhere in your home or office. Also can hide in objects like toys, books, clocks, smoke detectors, lamps, etc.. Import a camera with night vision, if you need to cover dark areas or in low light. They use infrared technology and are specially made to capture images in dark or low light. Using a camera infiltrated for purposes of pornography is illegal and unethical, it is best to avoid such abuses. One is a device to secretly record someone else, you can be so small that most of the time undetectable, for that reason does not endanger the undercover operation.


The Ground

Damages must be promptly corrected and documented all change on the shelf system. Since most of the damage on the shelves due to driving of trucks, the regular inspection from the ground takes place. It is likely that higher lying parts of the shelf are damaged, also these areas must be checked. While the examiner must not simply climb the shelf up, but needs a safe Take advantage of opportunity for advancement. The review will take place on the loaded shelf, only when serious damage is suspected, the goods must be removed. Another obligation of the safety representative is overseeing the weekly visual inspection.

The rack system is investigated for externally visible damage and all findings are then recorded and passed the security officer. The distance can vary from one week depending on age, purpose and condition of the plant. Opens up the appropriate distance between the Visual inspections from the risk analysis. With a gap of one year, an expert inspection takes place on the shelf system. A competent person checked their work-safe state for the storage facility and created a comprehensive test report for the security officer.

The examiner must be due to his experience and knowledge of the situation, to evaluate the operational safety of the shelf system. Expert can either be accordingly trained employees of the company or Installers, manufacturers and maintenance companies. The competent person of one of the three levels of risk maps defects that are found during an inspection: Green threat level orange threat level red security level to which category the damage which is made visible directly on the shelf system with a test badge. The security levels indicate what to do with the storage facility. Will damage the Green level of risk is allocated, the reliability of the rack is still not at risk. The system is operational and secure and can still be used without any restrictions.


Horribilis Ass

* Straight ass Is a variety of respingn in which it is difficult to appreciate the pubic zone from back, although the ass is very respingn. It is called thus because the pubic zone and the ass they form a right angle until the back. It is little common. * Dark ass is not appraised " corazn" because the glteos are very next to each other. * Closed ass is not appraised " corazn" because the interior of the thighs is born at the end of the ass, covering the visibility.

* Ass flan Is that one ass that seen of profile, excels too much, which causes that it moves as they flan. Often the form also corresponds with the one of the dessert. * Ass tank the Volvo of the asses (pardon by the publicity). Great, enormous, disturbed. With a straight design, blunt and robust (it is not a Ass Pear, described more ahead). The ass tank tends to absorb the waist and the legs (and in exceptional cases it can propagate by the rest of the body), constituting what is called Horribilis Ass.

* Ass table stretcher Is that one ass that has exceeded the limit of the abarcable space by the arms of his anfitriona, of such form that impedes its daily movement and can get to be annoying at third people. It does not have why to be Horribilis Ass. * Flat ass Is difficult to say if here it has or there is no ass, because the visual deficiency of to rumps makes it unclassifiable. If profile sight, is not known where it begins nor where the ass finishes, AND the CURVE THAT UNITES the BACK WITH the LEGS IS STRAIGHT, we are before a flat ass, if and only if seen front does not excel anything of the apple, and exceed throughout hollow. However, this ass can be attractive, and in that case Appetizer of Ass is denominated (not to exist ass).


Learning Psychology

Let's define what a course. Thus, the course on the psychology of running at 2, 3 and 4 courses. For students nepsihologicheskih specialties it may be a separate course work designed to deepen psychological competence in a particular area of professional education. Psychology students course work in psychology performed on several courses, and must provide the formation research skills and competencies in the field of practical psychology in solving a specific psychological problem. When the course in psychology at each successive course the student has the right to choose new theme and a new supervisor.

However, advisable to continue the study of the previously selected topics to ensure the continuity of teaching and scientific research in all the years of training. At performance of course on the psychology of the students need to be addressed relevant issues. Course work may be aimed at finding common psychological patterns for various applications, or to be practically oriented. The objectives of the course work in psychology is the development of abstract forms of scientific activity. The students must learn not only how the selection, grouping, and summarizing information, but above all learn how to find unsolved problems of the subject, issues and approaches to specific problems, to determine the reliability of the information contained in the studied literature, its conclusiveness. Task course in psychology may be the development of student skills performance of empirical research. This should be solved by the specific task of scientific psychology related to the studied problem, and submitted in writing to the study objectives, hypothesis and method used in the work, a description of the work and its results.


Republic Opposition

They are placed fingers, contrary to what the dictator does. A day full of joy, tails it dawned on the streets both vehicles and people, who were directed to fulfill a sacred function, the choice of their representatives to the governorates and municipalities. This product that issued this order, the dictator in the expressed sense, Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias. Now have the opposition which change this little word of dictator, to one that will equally have to rummage in the dictionary, that sense that you wanted to give to the word dictator, conforms to the dictate conduct healthy that they will for the benefit of the Republic not of Governor de facto. Today we must ask that work for the Republic and opposition to wait patiently, if it is your turn, gets to dictate the orders of a constitutional mandate, not be offending, denigrating, creating anxiety among his supporters, who see a serious fact, which makes doubt among them, of the existence of an effective law in the exercise of their participationelect their representatives before these elections. Stop be being directed by the Empire, who only made the people are of account and loathes them. They make policy with the liver.

We do not see the opposition any kind of activity that indicate that they going in the direction of a serious, respectful term of rights of his supporters, to the contrary we see how prevails the available signaling (which is indicated by the index) in the heads of these parties. The PSUV gave a veredera class and of course our Commander Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias, came out strengthened, not only nationally, but on the outside, who should take these messages, so that they are applied in their countries, always for the benefit of a more serious, more respectful and more decent humanity. I practiced my sacred duty and right, on a morning fresh, full of joy and enthusiasm, from now on, example of a country full of assurances and where was my social control. Health who dictates what is good and constructive, health this dictator!. Health to Venezuela, which today represents a country example, overset of participatory democracy. original author and source of the article.


Soursop Tree

The Soursop tree is also known as SOURSOP, aka Guyabano / Graviola / Sirsak Annona Muricata Linnaeus.Los anticancer effects of the soursop are not unique medicinal properties, due to its acidity help in digestion. It regulates the temperature of the stomach. The flowers of soursop tea is used as a pectoral. By latex containing pulp help to improve chronic constipation, it desinflama colon, it heals ulcers of the colon, cure diverticulosis, it fortifies the intestinal flora, it contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids essential, very important for the health. Each 100 grams the soursop provides: 1 GR.

protein, 0.95 Gr. fat, 16.5 gr. carbohydrates, 3.2 grs. fiber, 58 grs ashes, 10.3 mg calcium, 26.9 mg of phosphorus, 270 mg of potassium, 0.64 mg of iron, 2 IU of vitamin A, 28.5 mg of vitamin C, 0.10 mg of thiamine, 0.06 mg of riboflavin, 1.3 mg of niacin11 mg of tryptophan, methionine 8 mg and 60 mg of lysine. It also has a high water content, so this amount represents a contribution of only 65 calories. It is consumed as a fruit or juice and is also used in the production of liqueurs and jams. Moreover, all parts of the plant of the soursop are usable for different functions. The juice of the ripe fruit is good for the liver and has diuretic effect.

The soursop leaf tea also been attributed antispasmodic, sedative, vasodilator, and antidiabetic properties as well as anti-carcinogenic. Finally, the seeds are used powdered, as insect repellents. This information must reach as many people as possible, because this information is a blessing for those who are suffering pain and ardours of these diseases, and save many lives. PostScript: The guanabana consumption must be on an empty stomach.
