So, start with skin care. From personal experience, the most effective face mask can be done with yeast. To do this you need a yeast cream 1:1. Add liquid honey. Let stand up 20 min. The course will be 10 sessions in a day. This is an amazing food for our skin! In yeast a complex of B vitamins, which also has a rejuvenating and nourishing properties.
For the aging face and neck using a nourishing mask: 1 boiled potato mash with lemon juice otpoloviny. Massa put on your face and neck, cover with a towel and hold for 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water. The effect is stunning. We now turn to hair care products. The hair was shiny, where for an hour to get a good brew. And then this strain and use as a mouthwash.
For oily hair is the most effective means of the following: 2 tsp. mustard pour 2 cups of warm water, carefully stir. And after we washed her hair in this water rinse hair, and five minutes giving them another soak mustard. After that, wash off the hair with clean water, and with it goes and fat. Hair becomes lively, beautiful. For more information on hair care products, your body, you can find online medical PEOPLE HEALTH Family