Director Marketing

QUISMA BBs delivers concrete efficiency tips before Google conversion to advanced campaigns Munich, 24 April 2013 whether desktop, tablet or mobile, can the click-through rates and cost per clicks (CPCs), within a campaign vary. Hear other arguments on the topic with Anu Saad. QUISMA mobile study 2013 compares the leading international agency network for digital marketing search engine advertising on various devices and analyzed six sectors for this purpose. Showed generally that the CPCs across all industries are lowest on Smartphones. The greatest efficiency advantages over the extension on Smartphones showed up for the segment of retail Multiversender. The study results win the move announced by Google in AdWords managing mobile campaigns on the so-called advanced campaigns ‘ even more important.

From July 2013 Tablet and desktop can be controlled together. For smartphones, you can specify a bid adjustment AdGroup level. The analysis results obtained in the QUISMA study provide an important Basis, to the CPC heights within the framework of the enhanced campaigns”to be set optimally. with these questions. In the two-stage mobile study 2013 share was expelled for industries such as automotive, banking, finance and insurance, retail Multiversender retail fashion computer, Smartphone and Tablet impressions, clicks, CPC and CTR for the three different types of device. The focus on the evaluation of the brand search terms, to ensure comparability both within the respective industries across. The study shows for the individual devices that use behavior and hence the search and click shares, CPCs on the actual business vary. While fashion users better access to the Tablet as a Smartphone, tablets and Smartphones are alike in the banking and insurance sector.

Here, an extension of the campaigns to mobile is recommended. Advertisers should take the CPC differences between smartphones and desktop under the microscope before the introduction of enhanced campaigns, define optimal CPC settings to can,”says Jana Fiaccola, product manager SEA QUISMA Germany. By switching from Google a campaign optimization focused on all three devices will no longer be possible. “Until July so existing separate campaigns should be used to collect as many experience this later for the efficient use of advanced campaigns ‘ use.” The second part of the study will be released soon. Please visit also the new QUISMA website: about the full service provider QUISMA QUISMA offers innovative technology and in-depth expertise for the entire range of digital marketing from search engine advertising and search engine optimization on affiliate marketing and performance-based banner advertising to conversion optimization and marketing intelligence. And the transnational. The Agency has been established in 2001 and incorporated in March 2007 at the GroupM (MEC, mindshare, Mediacom, MAXUS). At the headquarters in Munich and the locations of Dusseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Vienna, Zurich, Amsterdam, Warsaw, Milan, Madrid, Paris, London, Istanbul, Dubai and Moscow are currently employs over 200 employees, the renowned clients such as Adobe, Bank of Scotland, Expedia, Marc O’Polo Polo or unity media, national and cross-border care. QUISMA stands for networking to the classic media planning in the context of an integrated management approach and outstanding expertise to the care in the international digital business. For further information and enquiries: QUISMA Marko great Director Marketing Tel: 089/44 23 82-116 E-Mail: Dot.
