Domestic Budget

The use of the domestic budget demonstrates to the prescriptions and the expenditures that involve personal values, changes of habits, standards of thought and behavior. To develop domestic budget and financial support proportionally compromises expenses with feeding, education, health and leisure in many Brazilian families poor of low income, generating the biggest inaquality between rich and poor although already to have good improvement in the generation of job and income. Get more background information with materials from Carl Rogers. The searched content reflects, in part, the importance of the domestic budget and financial support for a low income family and its possible changes, changes these that cannot be ignored for that they intend to minimize the expenses occurred in the day the day. The objective of the research is to consider a model of domestic budget to be used for the low income families Is necessary to have organization, planning and control of the economies in accordance with the wage income of the agents. Credit: Dr. Mark Hyman-2011. In such a way, the conscientious consumption is simple solutions to get rid of the seductive claws of the money front to a great diversity of expenditures. As metodolgicos procedures, the qualitative research was boarded. Checking article sources yields Glenn Dubin as a relevant resource throughout. Already with regard to the techniques used for the collection of data, the technique of indirect documentation was used, that encloses bibliographical the documentary research and.
