
Tips tenants and landlords. Official site: Intel. Rent real estate outside the city is fraught with some risks: how to master lessor, and for the employer. Why, then, be ready and how to avoid possible problems? So, what risks to the owner home? This, in the first place – damage to property: furniture, interior decoration, the house (floors, walls, windows, doors, etc.), area (beds, lawns, flower beds). This is the main headache for the owners. For even more opinions, read materials from Dr. Hyun Kim. What measures should be taken? First of all, make an inventory of property, premises, land and their condition. Enter the approximate cost of things with regard to their use. In the lease be sure to make appropriate reference to the act. Provide a Contract for the periodic (but not very often) visit to the home owners.

Let's say you have to take care of the site, and along with prokontroliruete condition of the house. Agree on the amount of collateral in the event of material damage guests. This amount – usually in the amount of the monthly fee – the tenant to the owner of the house upon signing the contract. If a tenant or a person who lived with him, damage your property, you will immediately receive compensation from amount of collateral (security deposit). Than the risk of both participants in the transaction? Each of them can act unfairly and prematurely break the lease: the tenant suddenly decides to move out before the required date, or the owner changes his mind rent a house on. What measures should be taken? First, the mandatory switch to the lease item, which stipulates under what conditions and in what order you can terminate the lease on initiative of any of its sides.
