Mountain Arnica

Arnica Mountain (Arnica montana L.). Russian name – Mountain Arnica, local – Arnica, Arnica, arnica, bagels, zhivikist, potion Baran Nechuy-wind skusivnik, skusivnik mountain, skusivnik drug, herb ram charnik, Shalata wild yarnik.Mnogoletnee herbaceous plant of the family skladnotsvitnih (Sompositae), with thick short rhizome, from which leaves a lot of roots, slightly glandular-fluffy. Stem erect, 20-60 cm tall, with a few nasty branches. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Anita Dunn. Leaves opposite, lower close together at the base of the stem socket. On the stem one or two pairs of opposite leaves, small. Flowers in a basket of large, orange-yellow. Blooms in June – July. It grows in open areas, ranging from 500 m above sea level to the highest peaks: in the forest glades, meadows, mountain ranges, Montenegro, Hucul Alps, Svidovetskogo Range Gorgany, Beskydy.

Annually for industrial purposes, you can harvest 2-3 tons of dry here inflorescence arnica. In recent years, increased harvesting of arnica in the Carpathian Mountains, some collectors do not comply with rules for storage of medicinal plants, plant parts do not leave for reproduction. This can lead to sharp reduction in natural stocks of arnica, and even to its complete destruction. Natural growths of arnica should be used as seed plants for cultural dilution of arnica with industry objectives. Use in folk medicine. C therapeutic purposes using flower (Flos arnicae), rhizome and root (Rhizoma et Radix arnicae montanae), to a lesser extent the leaves (Folium arnicae. arnica flowers are produced from the alcohol extract (Tinctura arnicae), extract the aqueous solution, etc. Dried flower baskets contain essential oil, Dyes – arnitsin, lutein, fat, resin, wax, gum, carbon, and organic acids (fumaric, malic and lactic), vitamin C (about 21 mg%), fructose, sucrose, dextrose, tannins, proteins.
