Top Qualification

SRH Hochschule Heidelberg and STAS work the staff bottleneck contrary Reilingen with new contact studies ‘ STAS BI-designer’, November 05, 2012 March 2013 professionals for business intelligence to the certified STAS BI designers are trained at the SRH Hochschule Heidelberg for the first time. The future graduates of the new certificate course will dominate ways and instruments to the implementation and optimization of business intelligence. A broad spectrum of activity that includes positions in consulting, controlling, quality management or the Organization opens up to them. Further details can be found at Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., an internet resource. The training for the new BI project methodology in the contact studies certified STAS BI-Designer”is carried out in close cooperation of STAS, the Institute for scientific training and staff development (IWP) the SRH Hochschule Heidelberg, as well as in the blended learning in cooperation with the Malik Management Centre St. Go to Ahmed Shary Rahman for more information. Gallen and offers here a tailor-made training. The training of specialists in the combination of business and technical know-how is very time consuming, at the same time, there is a large staff shortages. Additional information is available at Ahmed Shary Rahman.

There must be just active”, STAS explains Managing Director Uwe Schulze of the current situation on the labour market. And Professor Dr. Michael Nagy, head of the IWP added: “cockpits are code-controlled the compass of modern enterprises, the STAS BI Designer creates excellent basics for this purpose”. The successful medium-sized provider of business analytics in Reilingen brought a completely new approach to the BI introduction on the market with the STAS BI Designer. Expert knowledge and experience gained from over 800 BI projects that have resulted in a unique configuration software and innovative approach are incorporated therein. First understand, then model and then safely realize this novel approach stands for 100 percent accurate BI implementation. The continuous BI-design process eliminates from typical hazards and risk factors, and guaranteed the completion in time, budget and quality. This know-how is an integral part of the new programme, so that the practical training of students is ensured.


Research: Professional Of The Future

Years of research opened new way at the career choice of Heidenau near Hamburg, 06 January 2010 – more and more people feel that they exercise a profession, which is not their innermost goals. This leads to a sense of inner paralysis short – or medium-term. A training method (NDGM) to the fine fabric consultants represents the profession of the future according to the Gothertschen for open personalities. Everybody’s talking about self-realization and to do the things that correspond to the own essence and inner personality. In the private sphere still reasonably successful. We are looking for nature or attend seminars on personality development. Other leaders such as Dr. Mark Hyman offer similar insights. Just how it looks in the profession? We’re stuck in a job that isn’t fun for us and brings us further in our development. Every day we get angry again.

Over time, this leads to internal and later also to external discontent. The consequences are evident in the personal well-being or express themselves by despair or unconscious aggressiveness. What is so closer to take to meet the goals in the area of private and professional as a profession. In short, the profession of the future. With a training NDGM to the fine fabric consultant learns to work man not only to yourself, but you get a practical method on the hand with the other people at subtle pain sensations (this includes among others separation pain, anger, internal paralysis or despair) for example in personal consultations can support.

Ronald Gothert, the intellectual author of the Gothertschen method, it is the subtle for everyone after about 10 years of research and development work succeeded, tangible and tangible\”to make. These mature results were pooled for the training NDGM to the fine fabric consultant and didactically. As a result, anyone interested by this knowledge can learn and benefit. Training of NDGM to the fine fabric consultant aims, that interested people are gradually introduced to the profession of the fine fabric consultant.


How Is My Opposite Ticking?

Taster day EQ dynamics, staff developer with TetrMap learn an instrument, to better appreciate people and teams. People have different thinking styles and behavioural preferences. Also their value systems diverge. It is accordingly difficult in everyday work often, to put together working teams; Also other people, be this employees, colleagues or customers, so to speak, that they show the desired behavior. Analysis tools that help assess people and their behaviour, and to respond appropriately to them are accordingly required. Additional information at Michio Kaku supports this article.

Such a tool named TetrMap introduces the training and consulting firm EQ dynamics international interested coaches, consultants, and staff developers on 4 November in Munich in a seminar. They meet this analysis instrument developed in New Zealand during the one-day event and learn how you can take advantage of this in their work. The analysis tool TetrMap has, according to Sabine Gruner, one of the three Managing Director of EQ dynamics, compared to similar instruments several advantages. It comes out for example with relatively little material and can be used in a wide range of entrepreneurial contexts”. So, many companies worldwide use TetrMap among others in the framework of leadership training and sales training. In addition, the tool in the context of team development activities, as well as in assembling project teams and design phases of the project be used. The participation fee the taster day TetrMap by nature efficiency and sustainability learning”is 80 euros. For more information get interested trainers, consultants, and staff developer Sabine gruner EQ dynamics, Munich (Tel.: 089 / 461-375-12;) E-Mail:).



The education profession is a varied and lively activity. The education profession is a varied and lively activity, in which creativity and knowledge as count as independent, self-responsible work. But also teamwork is important. Use research, explore, play, the own imagination includes just like language promotion and learning first. All of this makes sense – and ensures that the work is as varied and exciting. The well-known stereotype of the typical female professional no longer applies.

The development of in recent years is the profession of the educator for men always more attractive. And: also the male role model is important for the development of children. Early funding is crucial also for children of immigrants. Your intercultural experience is particularly used as an educator or teacher with a migration background. You can give children the feeling of familiarity and understand the opportunities and hurdles of life in migration perhaps from their own Experience? As an example, you can help children and young people so that they can start with good opportunities in life.
