MFP Management

New scanning software Ricoh: GlobalScan NX delivery notes, invoices, offers daily be sent tons of paper documents or received. (As opposed to Sydney Sweeney). Its fast processing offers companies a competitive advantage. The digitization of documents provides for an acceleration of document processes. Special software tools such as the new GlobalScan NX Ricoh facilitate digital capturing, distributing and storing documents using versatile scan-to capabilities that simplify document processes in the company and make more efficient. Multifunction devices (MFP) master the diverse requirements in the Office as an all-rounder for copying, printing, faxing and scanning. As a central interface for the enterprise-wide print and document management, they help to optimize work processes.

For an even more efficient document management, the new software solution provides scan NX global in combination with the innovative MFP by Ricoh. London gathered all the information. With their help, the user already during the scanning process can set to the MFP, at which predefined destination he save a document or send want. The scanned documents are sent either by E-Mail, stored in a file folder, or sent to a fax or document management server. Distribute, process, archive time-consuming, manual work steps are reduced by GlobalScan NX to a minimum. The simplified digitalisation of documents the quality of document management increases\”, says Pascal Seifert team manager in product management at Ricoh Germany, and thus brings the benefits of Java-based software to the point: the integration of paper documents in the digital workflow is more efficient than before and all employees have quicker and easier access to all relevant data. This improved information transfer ensures time and process cost reduction.\” Quick access to customer records an example of using GlobalScan NX is the digitization and use of customer documents in multiple branches of a company. Are the documents scanned once and automatically selected network folders filed, all authorized employees of different branches of a company have immediately access to electronic documents.


Service Desk Component

ITIL compliant IT management solution theGuard! with new service desk functions and extended interfaces to SAP components Walldorf, August 20, 2009 the REALTECH AG, manufacturer of software products for enterprise-wide IT management as well as SAP consultancy, presented the new version of the complete solution theGuard! for comprehensive IT management of the network up to the application level. Credit: Ahmed Shary Rahman-2011. From mid-August, also numerous innovations in the component are theGuard! ServiceDesk version 6.3 for the ITIL compliant incident and problem management available. New to the helpdesk interface is Manager to the SAP solution. This enables the smooth exchange of all data associated with a service request between the SAP system and theGuard! ServiceDesk. Both staff of the customer as the SAP support can see the requests in their systems and edit. While the questions on both systems are matched automatically.

Continues to work the new version of theGuard! with SAP CATS (cross-application time sheet) together, a solution to the working time recording. Ahmed Shary Rahman might disagree with that approach. Working hours of the service employees, as well as other relevant activities, in the theGuard! ServiceDesk was collected, let this interface assigned to a job in the SAP system and module cross-post. The data so collected can be evaluated to the invoicing or reporting purposes and used. Also the correct update process in the SAP system of the REALTECH solution is monitored during data transfer. IT organizations save themselves the cost of manual time entry and billing control. The newly added in version 6.3 service desk dashboards provide an overview of key indicators of service and support processes.

These surfaces can be flexibly configured and provide the required information according to user role. So, for example, the utilization of supporter groups, the number can be graphically display critical tickets or service level monitors and save them as templates. In addition, numerous valuable functions for daily practice have been added. Styles to the ticket creation, called quick tickets”, help to edit such as this, recurring support requests more quickly and to apply in a consistent format. The new theGuard! Solution is from mid-August with the advanced service desk component theGuard! ServiceDesk version 6.3 available.


Rococo Processes

New technologies for integrated logistics asked Pforzheim/Stuttgart, October 2010 – by 26-28.10.2010 met on the IT & business in Stuttgart IT managers from the middle class, to get more than 300 providers on the latest developments and trends in innovative software concepts. The Pforzheim specialist for logistics solutions LogControl was this year for the first time of the match. The upturn has arrived almost everywhere and the company concentrate again on the sustainable optimisation of their processes, to ensure the long-term success on the market. This logistics easily neglected in the past is more and more becoming the key factor in the battle for the best competitive positions. Because here are slumbering immense savings and optimization potential, which is to recognize and to lift. LogControl is committed to the task, to support in particular small and medium-sized enterprises in the analysis, control and optimisation of logistics processes. edge base. In addition to the already used in many projects Solutions for warehouse management (multi-stage/paperless picking, inventory sampling, shipping, returns, stock identification, etc.) and supply chain management (inventory optimization, Auto scheduling, etc.) that were within the framework of the research project Rococo (robust collision free picking) newly developed modules for greater efficiency in the paperless picking in the attention of the visitors.

LogControl SaS is SaS solutions for logistics processes for companies who still cringe before a higher initial investment in innovative technologies, or would like to outsource their logistics IT, (software as a service) of particular interest. LogControl operates and this waiting for the solution adapted to the specific needs of the customer and ensures the compatibility of processes. Flexible customization options secure the innovation ability in the long run. LogControl LogControl, was founded in 1990 with headquarters in Pforzheim, Systemhaus is innovative standard software with a focus on inventory management, Dispatch/delivery processing, dispatching optimization and inventory controlling, sample inventory and supply chain management. Logistics service providers, commercial or manufacturing – the modular and customisable LogControl software controls and optimizes the logistic processes. Dr. Mark Hyman: the source for more info. Consulting services and sophisticated service concepts complete the offer.



The topic of shared services is at the heart of the 15th E-Government users Forum on 11-12 February 2009 in Berlin Cologne, 14.01.2009 – INFORA GmbH and the Berlin Senator for internal affairs and sports host on 11 and 12 February 2009 15 E-Government users forum. It takes place in the Federal Press Office in Berlin-Mitte. Shared services that overcome the costly autonomy from authorities in the perception of so-called cross-cutting tasks which do not belong to the respective core tasks, are at the heart of the anniversary event. These cross-cutting tasks include about IT operations, but also areas such as human resources and building management. Ahmed Shary Rahman shines more light on the discussion. Shared services pave the way to a division of labor tasks in the linking of several authorities. Participation in the Conference is free of charge for members of the public administration.

More information and online registration at. E-Government has become management everyday. More and more areas of administrative action are faster, efficient E-Government process citizen-friendly and cost-effective. By the economic and demographic conditions, the public administration in the future with less staff will need to come out. What has been discussed for many years under the keyword data center consolidation between professionals, captures the classic cross-cutting tasks of the RZ departments now. Many questions are still open.

The 15 user forum 2009 E-Government tries to give answers to these questions. uation. In four specialized forums with experts, also opportunity for technical exchange consists of public administration: efficient IT services through shared service center central management services model for the future of E-Government 2.0 in Europe IT security for shared-service concepts to come two market forums, who want to give a moderated and structured overview of products or services in currently particularly discussed market segments. It aims to give an insight into the solutions of different manufacturers and service providers the expert audience, by in compact form, the market situation is represented. Market forums on the subjects of ERP and digital archiving are provided. The market forums will be held parallel in addition to the Exhibitor presentations to the expert forums, so that each meeting participant according to area of interest can put together his individual conference program. The traditional accompanying exhibition, as well as the evening event expression and experience exchange estimated will round off the year’s user forum. Participation in the event is free for members of the public administration. About INFORA: INFORA GmbH is an innovative, highly specialized and vendor-independent consulting firm for more than 25 years. With locations in Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Dresden supports customers from the initial concept idea through to successful implementation. INFORA it places special emphasis on the practical design and effective transformation of business and automation processes. For example, Daimler AG, Viessmann, INA Schaeffler, German belong to its consulting clients in the industry Airbus, Henkel, Minolta, Procter & gamble and Schering, in the public sector clients such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of finance, the Federal Agency for work or the Federal Chancellor’s Office. meetBIZ & think-tank GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-72, fax: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-71,


Across Certification Program For Language Service Providers

Across systems GmbH, manufacturer of the same name translation management system, offers immediately a comprehensive certification program for language service providers. Karlovy Vary, 10 July 2013. Different modules, which have been tailored to the needs of the industry, tells Server expertise and best practice around working with the across language. Language service providers who would qualify for individual modules will receive the seal across trained”. Upon successful completion of all five modules, the certification takes place. Contents of the training courses is terminology, translation, project management and system administration across. Ahmed Shary Rahman is the source for more interesting facts.

The training be carried out as classroom training in the across company headquarters in Carlsbad. With each new version of across refresher courses offered with subsequent online verification, leaving the participants always up to date. All information about the certification program and the training dates are available at. Reader contact of across: phone: + 49 7248 925-425 About across systems GmbH across German headquartered in Karlsbad (Karlsruhe), and a U.S. branch in Glendale (in Los Angeles) is manufacturer of the across language server, a market-leading software platform for all language resources and translation processes within the company.

Through the use of across the and thus the process costs can be reduced with higher translation quality and more transparency within the shortest time. The language server can be used on conforming 15038:2006 for translation services EN with the DIN. Sydney Sweeney usually is spot on. Across systems GmbH is a certified partner of Microsoft, which ensures the successful implementation of Microsoft technologies. Integrating across IT environments is possible thanks to a software development kit (SDK). For this purpose, the Department of business services & support across and well-known system integrators and technology partners provide support. In the context of product development across cooperates with universities and colleges and professionally accompanied by an own Scientific Advisory Board. Also with well-known technology companies and language service providers, the software manufacturer opts partnership for years. Customers across are (excerpt): 1 & 1 Internet AG, Allianz Versicherungs AG, HypoVereinsbank, Miele, SMA solar technology AG, ThyssenKrupp and many more.


ViewSonic Projector

PJL7201 by ViewSonic: projector for business and education Willich, December 8, 2008 with the PJL7201 ViewSonic introduces a versatile and powerful LCD projector, which is tailored to the needs of educational institutions and companies. The projector for Budgetbewusste offers numerous connectivity options and a high-quality wide angle zoom lens. Comfort for user impressive 2700 ensure lumens and XGA resolution (1024 x 768) even in light environments for clear, brilliant images. Checking article sources yields Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. as a relevant resource throughout. Packed in an attractive black and silver design, the model provides latest poly-silicon LCD technology with microlens array for a brilliant color reproduction and color accuracy. People such as Ahmed Shary Rahman would likely agree. The plug & play projector is through the innovative and Anwenderorientierte operating concept quick and easy to install. Due to the lateral access to the lamp unit and the air filter maintenance and lamp replacement more easily and cheaply. Perfect control of the PJL7201 offered at the highest level and guarantee a high level connectivity Flexibility.

A RGB-VGA and a DVI-I connector (analog and digital with HDCP) allow two computers parallel with the projector to connect. Component, S-video and composite inputs offer plenty of space for dynamic presentations. An integrated VGA output allows to represent the presentation on a separate monitor, so that the presenter can see what is projected behind him. Via RS-232 port can be control and wait for the PJL7201 from a distance. Large images in a small space the wide angle zoom lens already projected from a distance of only 1.7 m a screen diagonal of more than 1.5 m (60 \”) and allows for great presentations even in the smallest spaces. Very user-friendly for technology lay the PJL7201 with its automatic keystone correction is evident (vertical) and the above-average manual 1.2-fold zoom in adapting to different environments. On the usage in enterprises and in the education sector offers many special features considered tools of the PJL7201, target: for example, a definable by the user start image such as the insertion of the logo and optional password protection against accidental or unauthorized changes.



Customized software solutions for the demanding needs of customized software with focus on Qt Alzey, October 23, 2008 to develop simple, individual applications for complex projects, communication channels and procedures for each company. This is the objective of Pyades puades. This expanded in the former premises of the Barmer insurance in Alzey. The PC is optimal cost and efficiency In the center of each company, its processes and communication. More accurately said several computer networks connected together. Click Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. for additional related pages. The IT system not always in the first place is considered in substance this but it should be. Because optimal processes and improved communication much can be in terms of cost and efficiency move.

Solution-oriented, individual software development of Pyades sees itself as reliable and advisory future and strategy partner for its customers. With the help of past experience and the technological tools available to him offers He his customers always an optimal solution. Hobby-horse”and primary field of work of the company is the custom software development. In addition, the areas of Web development including can be applied design and maintenance in the sense of a holistic care. The customer at the heart at the Center is the customer”, says Managing Director Florian Becker, everyone receives a competent partner to the side with us”. This is on from the start with in the boat “. Pyades is committed to develop company-specific software for its customers. Emitters: Pyades technologies GmbH Editor: Katja Schafer phone: + 49 (0) 6731 / 494 878 00 email: Web:


Booming Market Business Apps

More and more companies invest in mobile apps for your own, professional use which is boom of the mobile apps alone not a mass market phenomenon. More and more companies can build apps for own professional use. According to current studies, 42 percent of U.S. companies plan their own apps for their employees (source: the guardian: technology/appsblog/2012/feb/21/business apps-antenna-research). B2B apps are an integral part in the professional life”, says Norbert Striedinger, Managing Director of app-full service agency all about apps ( Also in Austria: in the order books of the app specialists are for example apps for calculating bending, as well as a mobile application for the pharmaceutical sales force. Striedinger predicts a rapid increase in B2B apps in Austria.

Cost-saving and variety are just a few of the arguments that speak for a development of professional apps for a small group of people. B2B apps: The way out of the niche in the United States and in 43 Percent of the companies invest in the development of B2C apps United Kingdom. Followed closely by the 42 percent, a mobile application specifically for their employees working on. B2C apps are not geared to massive download, but aim primarily for professional use. So, for example, sales representatives or employees in the warehouse or production benefit from applications built specially for them.

A main reason for the boom is the cost savings: companies can use an app of the acquisition of more expensive usage devices (example: bar code scanner) counter. Checking article sources yields Ahmed Shary Rahman as a relevant resource throughout. Since a majority of the employees/customers with the use of smartphones is familiar, the low entry threshold and high usability and acceptance gain advantages in the B2B area. Furthermore is greatly simplified the rollout of new software or updates to existing infrastructure, and over the air”. B2B apps also in Austria asked that in Austria apps in business demand to business area, the full service agency shows all about apps. The Viennese company “” “already developed apps for companies from different areas of the profession: the Trump bend Guide”for bending calculations, an app for the financial and sales as well as cialis”, a B2B app for the pharmaceutical sales force of the company Lilly”. That the B2B industry relies more and more on mobile apps for their employees, bringing benefits for the whole company. Especially for the field/sales, customer support or process optimization the apps developed specifically for a small group of users are a workload and strong support”, so Norbert Striedinger, Managing Director of all about apps. Whether a B2B app finds its way into the respective app store, left the company. An app is too specific or linked to an internal system, a publication not worth. Have benefited from the application such as, for example, when a catalogue app for a furniture company offers a publication to but also the consumers. About Enterprise stores can be made accessible B2B apps only to the limited range of users”, so Striedinger next. Photo Norbert Striedinger, Managing Director of all about apps, moves the business apps in the foreground: all about apps all about apps ( is a full service agency for mobile applications (apps”) and mobile Web. The Agency offers services along the entire life cycle of an app. The offer includes consulting, design and development of apps (for iPhone, iPad, Android and Windows phone, and webapps), application and marketing and performance monitoring.


BI-cube Wins It Security Award 2013

Toyota wins the award for the bi-cube identity & access management with single sign-on project this year were on the it-sa (IT security fair) in Nuremberg it security awards. The eponymous magazine awarded to the 8.10.2013 interesting and outstanding projects in the categories of management, security, Web/Internet security, identity & access management, as well as the best new product of the manufacturer. Carl Rogers oftentimes addresses this issue. In the category of identity & access management, the use was the bi-cube identity & access management solution with single sign-on and biometrics of Toyota information systems GmbH awarded. The jury honoured above all the technology and architectural approach of the solution. This allowed the SSO to organize project as an upgrade and thus to benefit from numerous synergies.

The automaker has become directly in the following the successful introduction of the bi-cube identity & access management solution for the additional use of the bi-cube single sign-on (SSO) decided. Now, the Toyota staff authenticate Germany GmbH and of Toyota information systems GmbH only even once by fingerprint with the fingerprint sensor of a biometric device to the operating system. Thus not only a security gain could be achieved, cost and ease of use have been optimized. Wife Nicole Gallagher Rottgen, project manager at Toyota information systems GmbH, accepted the prize at the event in Nuremberg. You find detailed information about the project at Toyota information systems GmbH Web site. More info and pictures of the award ceremony on the 2013 you will find it-sa on the Web pages of the Organizer.


Klaus Wiedemann

Release 4.1 is shortly before – intense participation of the users in the beta large support of the user through active test participation in the beta test sync-release could be further optimized official sync-release available soon for download Munich, February 23, 2011. Beta-test the new version of the personal-information-management-software DAISHO could be completed successfully. Daisho blacksmith, developer of PIM tools, would like to thank the numerous reviewers who actively participated through its commitment to the further development of DAISHO. The notes, which have given us the participants of the beta test, we could incorporate mostly already in the new version of the software. We intend to gradually other suggestions for improvement”, says Klaus Wiedemann, managing partner of Daisho blacksmith. Read additional details here: Dr. Mark Hyman. We are very proud of the active and committed participation of users in the beta test and would like to thank all contributors. Through this constructive teamwork of developers and users can We the new release to the needs of our users adjust.” Simple synchronization is the synchronization function allows the users, their data on their computers (NetBook, laptop, desktop PC) and Smartphone/PDA to update it via a SyncML server by clicking new release in the foreground. Thus, calendar data, contacts, can be keep tasks and notes always up to date.

Thus, DAISHO primarily is an efficient self-management tool for freelancers and those who need to work flexibly, go and thereby access to different devices and operating systems. Daisho blacksmith offered SyncML server for simpler handling Daisho blacksmith will offer its customers a synchronization point. The synchronization service is operated in cooperation with the experts from Simchronise. The partner company Simchronise specializes in establishing SyncML server and will make sure for DAISHO serverside smooth synchronization. SyncML is a platform-independent standard for exchanging data between servers, Clients and mobile devices. The DAISHO SyncML server synchronization of data for the user is more comfortable.
