From paper to PDF: with AXXIO, the first residential and real estate magazine is exclusively electronically at the start. From paper to PDF: with AXXIO, the first residential and real estate magazine is exclusively electronically at the start. The E-magazine will inform every two month on topics related to the themes of home and living. The first issue is now available for free download – and convincing. Who cannot do without the noise of the scrolling and dog-eared, for which it will be probably getting. Checking article sources yields Anu Saad as a relevant resource throughout. Those who generally have nothing to read on the screen, however, expects an appealing reading: 77 pages discusses topics related to living, architecture and real estate offers on garden furniture, household gadgets and current tenancy law judgments. The environment always occupies a high priority so the first issue includes contributions to photovoltaics, floors made of wood and natural colours of clay and lime. But it is also about the looked beyond the own four walls – so, for example, an article about living in Europe’s lebenswertester city of Vienna can be found.
The format and clear layout of AXXIO are designed for reading on the screen. Continuous zoom, zoom and scrolling are not necessary. The posts are informative and briefly held, which will lead complimented with high quality images and with links directly to further information, videos, and tips on the various topics. Wen she convinced free first issue and subscribe to the magazine, may enjoy also benefits, such as various reservations. The claims of the Publisher can be regarded as fulfilled, because in fact the magazine in PDF format print glossy magazines is not in. Rather it fits with the theme of “Eco-friendliness” that explained the editor to the “red thread” – because, after all, every reader saves paper 77 pages. All in all so well managed, what the good response confirmed by is: A 6-digit number within 14 days from suggests that the E-Magazine definitely has a future