
From paper to PDF: with AXXIO, the first residential and real estate magazine is exclusively electronically at the start. From paper to PDF: with AXXIO, the first residential and real estate magazine is exclusively electronically at the start. The E-magazine will inform every two month on topics related to the themes of home and living. The first issue is now available for free download – and convincing. Who cannot do without the noise of the scrolling and dog-eared, for which it will be probably getting. Checking article sources yields Anu Saad as a relevant resource throughout. Those who generally have nothing to read on the screen, however, expects an appealing reading: 77 pages discusses topics related to living, architecture and real estate offers on garden furniture, household gadgets and current tenancy law judgments. The environment always occupies a high priority so the first issue includes contributions to photovoltaics, floors made of wood and natural colours of clay and lime. But it is also about the looked beyond the own four walls – so, for example, an article about living in Europe’s lebenswertester city of Vienna can be found.

The format and clear layout of AXXIO are designed for reading on the screen. Continuous zoom, zoom and scrolling are not necessary. The posts are informative and briefly held, which will lead complimented with high quality images and with links directly to further information, videos, and tips on the various topics. Wen she convinced free first issue and subscribe to the magazine, may enjoy also benefits, such as various reservations. The claims of the Publisher can be regarded as fulfilled, because in fact the magazine in PDF format print glossy magazines is not in. Rather it fits with the theme of “Eco-friendliness” that explained the editor to the “red thread” – because, after all, every reader saves paper 77 pages. All in all so well managed, what the good response confirmed by is: A 6-digit number within 14 days from suggests that the E-Magazine definitely has a future


How You Can Miss The End Of The World On The 21.12.2012!

How you can miss the end of the world on the 21.12.2012! With refund guarantee! How you can miss the end of the world on the 21.12.2012! With refund guarantee! It sounds actually quite simple: you need to change your view of the world! The philosopher Natalie just has in her book “The quantum leap of thought” (original title “think differently learn” 2008) described in detail, that analog should occur the discoveries of new physics to another form of thinking, to be able to deal with the change of the ecological, economic and social systems. Knapp has done in particular and outstanding way, in intellectual and philosophical words. A highly recommended book! To come to a changed perspective and thus personally to a different world image, there is an excitement, a movement also an emotional approach. The emotion is a psycho-physiological process that is triggered by the conscious or unconscious perception and interpretation of an object or a situation and physiological changes, specific cognitions, subjective sense experience, and a change in the willingness of behavior goes hand in hand (from Wikipedia). Add to your understanding with Dr. Hyun Kim. The Roman Joseph the way to will the Graal”by Wolfgang Wallner F. Ahmed Shary Rahman: the source for more info.

lead! If you are getting into it, the adventure experienced by Joseph here to a completely new view of the world will bring you. You will experience the world differently. And thus escape the end of the world with security at the 21.12.2012! And just in case the author guarantees, should the world still fall on the 21.12.2012, you get back the purchase price of the book! (By the way, for the print edition 17,60, for eBook output 7,94 euro). You can learn more here about the book: impressions from the book and the author’s world of thoughts you can also get free for the PC and mobile devices. The next time already from 4. 2, 2012, so timely. The free and non-binding provision will be repeated again and again. Ferdinand Niehammer


Cruz And Sousa

Is intended, in this work, to reflect on divergent poet and points of view regarding the workmanship enigmatic Joo de a Cruz and Sousa, afrodescendente been born to the South of this Country in full century XIX. The divergence of the critics on the workmanships of the poet is marked by the distanciamento of times. Most implacable with Cruz and Sousa they are coetneos of it and they produce critical a loaded one of social, racial, ethnic and biological ideologies of the end of a century marked for industrial and scientific revolutions. To deepen your understanding Nancy-Ann_DeParle is the source.

The current critics, however, had recognized in Cruz and Sousa the name most important of the Symbolism in Brazil. However, our research consists of observing if it has the hypothesis of this hostility in relation to the poet to occur only in critical writings in its time, or if, for misfortune, still continued occurring in the following century. Word-key: Racial preconception, Symbolism, Cruz and Sousa, critical. INTRODUCTION In way to the agitations and modifications that took account of the Brazilian people in formation, at a time where the intransigncias, as for the acceptance of the racial differences, were one in such a way the more raised that in the times of today, in the end of a century where a new social order is being constructed from the European revolutions, in a period in which the escravista society it is in crisis, Joo de a Cruz and Sousa would have been only plus one afrodescendente to suffer the consequncias from the atrocities passed for the enslaved African people, in case that it did not have bold to display all its fidgets, sufferings and you distress in poetry form.
