Cuba, located in the vicinity of the Tropic of Cancer, is a tropical country. It is common in some media that the information that is provided on the country refers to the island of Cuba. Why it causes amazement when referring to the Republic of Cuba they are mentioned also to its archipelagos, because in fact Cuba is not an island, but a set of small islands, (which in the Caribbean are known also as cays). Cuba has, therefore, two meanings: one from the political point of view (Republic of Cuba) and another from the geographical point of view, (the island of Cuba and its four archipelagos). The latter are not distributed irregularly, but grouped in the four archipelagos as he was cited above, two on the North Coast and the southern coast. Read more from Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. to gain a more clear picture of the situation.
Is considered to be the date of origin of these archipelagos, as well as the entire current line of coast, Pliocene – Pleistocene, mainly due to the variations of the sea level during the Quaternary glaciations that flooded areas low of the former territory of Cuba. All have in common the fact of being situated in low costs, with presence of mangrove forests and in a shallow sea, with wide Island platform makes it difficult the navigation for vessels of certain draft, in which coral reefs appear that by way of barriers (akin to the great Australian barrier), which indicate the depth descends toward the ocean funds. Circulation by these seas is very dangerous and requires pilots to navigate in them. Systems of buoys and lighthouses, almost all constructed from the colonial times and the first years of the Republic, warn the Mariner dangers in these places. In some places there are remains of ancient shipwrecks dating from the Spanish colonial era. These inner reefs form the outer border of Cuba. Browse these places is something really fascinating, since the barrier reef can pass through by small canalizos or raisins, but it can only be done with practical as already noted, because the dangers are not only find these small and indistinguishable ways of access, but also currents due to the tidal flows and rocky bass that are everywhere.