Anyone wishing to delve into the fascinating mysteries of the tarot deck is often aconsejar you to familiarize yourself with each letter. I.e., that stops at the details of each one to perceive what message transmits it only to him, that connection with that letter, what stories tells her. But beyond the personal relationship that you may establish with each letter, the tarot presents some symbolic aspects of well-defined meanings. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn pursues this goal as well. And whereas meet and study before you start understanding of Tarot cards. Position and gestures of the figures, for example, transmitted much about form of the consultant deal with life.
Feet, arms or heads pointing to the left, for example, indicate the tarot that leave the past behind and get rid of the costs to the person. If they point to the right, on the other hand, they speak of a person who is only focused on the future, and leaving behind the past, advances with resolution and optimism. Crowned figures are for the tarot symbols of power. According to their position in the Chuck and the letters that accompany them, they may suggest since someone lifted up the danger of a powerful enemy and resources. As you can guess, the angels are messengers and symbols of divine power. But also they are for the tarot deck the Sun’s rays.
Nudity suggests purity and transparency: there are no hidden intentions, nothing to hide. In a question-answer forum Joey King was the first to reply. The abundance is represented in the tarot by the presence of vegetation. Aridity means, therefore, a period of shortage or material losses. Also flowing water means wealth, although it is more related to fertility, in a broad sense that not only predicts the arrival of a son but can also refer to the beginning of a stage full of good ideas and creative. If the water flows from a pitcher to another, as in the case of the La Estrella arcane, it is also within the tarot symbol of good communication. The Moon is a mystery in which, curiously, do not appear human figures. In the scene that represents this tarot card, if any, is they are hidden. Why is the Moon speaks to consultant what do not want face, or fears and traumas, from the unconscious, influence in their decisions and their daily lives. Finally, it should be noted the importance of the number of times that an item is repeated in a letter. Within the wisdom of the tarot, crossed by the inheritance of Numerology and the Cabala, is a detail that can say much or more main figure representing the letter.