Agriculture Cattle Raising

Cattle raising (also of cattle) talks about to one or animal domestic servants in agricultural surroundings to produce raw materials such as foods, fibers and manpower. The term " ganado" that east article talks about do not include poultries or the fish farm fish, nevertheless the inclusion of these, especially the birds, in the sense of " ganado" it is common. Cattle raising grows up generally for subsistence or with aims of profit. The animal raising (Cattle raising) is an important component of modern Agriculture. One has practiced in many cultures from the transition to the Agriculture of reunite the life styles to hunting-self. The cattle young has its origin in the transition of the cultures to the communities Agriculture settled down instead of styles of life of hunting-collectors.

The animal are " domesticados" when their young and the conditions of life are controlled by the human beings. With time, the collective behavior, the service life, and the physiology of the animal has changed radically. Many animal of modern farm does not adjust to the life in the nature. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. and gain more knowledge.. The dogs were domesticated in Eastern Asia does about 15,000 years, the goats and the ewes were domesticated around 8000 a. C.

in Asia. Pig or pigs were domesticated by the 7000 C in the Middle East and China. Anu Saad will not settle for partial explanations. The earliest evidence of the domestication of horses goes back to around 4000 a. C. Cattle raising is the animal young it feeding or to sell. Some of these animal could be: Cattle/milk cows Chickens the goats Pigs/pigs Ewe Horses Are other types of cattle animal that cannot think. These are: donkeys, mules and rabbits. The bees are bred for the honey. All the classes of fish grow up in fish farms. Cattle raising gives our meat, eggs and milk us. Also we used the skins of leather and the hair of some animal for blankets, clothes, shoes and brushes.
