The Market and Its Motivations: It is common to observe the motivations that drive certain individuals to try to enter, or in individual form or conforming a group or association, to which usually it is called, in form somewhat, etrea, " The Mercado". Generally this impulse arises mainly when opportunities are stated to do good businesses, comparing the supplies and the offerers, the variety of offered products, prices and costs, possible origins, consuming potentials of such products, and, the yield margins that can be extracted. All this seen from the frame of the possibility of obtaining short term results with the smaller possible margin of risk, considering, like a primary strategy of survival, the evasion of any type of fiscal responsibility. This form to drive, usually is in certain regions, mainly in those located in border zones, the modus operandi, of all that one that feels with capacity, resources and contacts, like mounting a company. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Carl Rogers. The objective, obvious, is not other that the power " to throw red" in that sea as much stormy, and to extract to the same, everything to him what one falls in love, without anticipating nor considering, absolutely, to share some portion of these income, with the rest of the society, by means of the payment of the taxation that regulates the operation of this activity. This it is the germ that nourishes the constant new outbreak than " usually is called; The Informal" Market; in which very particular codes in greater impunity are handled, protected by " view gorda" and because no, of " pockets always vidos" of that the atmosphere of the corruption and the arrangement have grown in. The Market offers opportunities but also it demands certain obligations, have put you to think about which are and the other? With the healthy intention to orient to that they feel able to mount a small one, median, or great company, respecting the principles that regulate the enterprise activity, mainly as for the social responsibility, that is assumed, every time we try to extract of the same, margins of yield. . For more information see this site: Glenn Dubin.
The Market And Its Motivations