The discords between the official position of the Church and science if give only in theological questions that involve atesmo and the negation of the infalibilidade of the Holy Writs and the revelation. In the truth, as much science as the Christian philosophy had always had as common bedding the Aristotelian philosophy. But was Toms de Aquino the theologian who affirmed that faith and reason can be conciliated, being the reason a way to understand the faith. A time presented some conceptions related to the catolicismo, now let us break for brief related explanations the Esprita doctrine, codified for Allan kardec. 2.2 The Espiritismo the first registers of the Esprita Doctrine had appeared in 1857, however, the espritas phenomena, if had become common in the Europe, mainly in France, the calls ' ' tables girantes' ' or ' ' tables falantes' ' , attributed to the magnetism of the Fox sisters? in the United States. Professor Hippolyte Leon Denizart Rivail, pseudonym of Allan Kardec, (1804? 1869) were born in the city of Lion, France. Son of old family whom if he distinguished in the magistracy and the law was educated in the School of Pestalozzi, in Iverdum, Switzerland.
Bachelor in letters, studied medicine, specialized itself in calculations, Arithmetic, biology and astronomy, created practical schools of pedagogia and published some didactic workmanships. It dominated six languages: Frenchman, German, English, Italian, Greek Latin (KARDEC, 2000). Of family catholic, but student in a protestant country, the intolerncia acts that suffered it despertaram the interest for a religious reform that led to the unification of the beliefs. Kardec worked, then, with astronomer Camille Flammarion and the writer Leon Denis. The doctor Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, he was one of that had given to continuity its research and studies. He still edited the Esprita Magazine, congregated in 12 volumes, that served to it of laboratory.