The true prosperity necessarily must be accompanied of this extraordinary habit and custom, to enjoy the trip, the way after your dreams. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. wanted to know more. The life this done of thousands, million present moments, ether to us that in the end he is the unique thing that always we own. We settle down goals, we have projects, we lodged dreams, but the day to day is what you really can enjoy. We do not know if tomorrow we will be there, we really do not know it, which if we own is the eternal one now. Then you will ask yourself What we must do? , then, to know very clearly our goals and objectives, but that the attainment and the profit of the same it does not prevent us to savor the delights of the present, if we did not manage to do this, the unique thing that can happen and that in fact will happen is that when you arrive at the goal you feel a great emptiness. This means that to cultivate the presence, to be present in each step that we give in our Earth trip, it has meaning and is santo. Definitively you will not regret to live this way. Aside from which to live in now, and to enjoy it totally, will prevent you to fall victim of your own ego.
If you enjoy the day to day your children, your relatives, your friendships, with same you do not concern what happens, the smaller pain sera since you did not forget to live with fullness every moment that the Gentleman I give to you, is about your loved beings, your pair, your friendly, and relatives, for that reason it is very important that we cultivate this moral convention of disfutar the process. To embrace our children, to seat to us to talk day to day, to see him the eyes and not to allow that it runs run every day prevents us to savor the gift of the present. You know? today today only we have that opportunity tomorrow we do not know it. ” has always accompanied me east thought; It in addition looks for the first Kingdom of God and its justice and all others you dara “. This word of God me has served in moment in which I have had to establish priorities, always I ask before situation, in which I must decide, something important, that it loves God that I do in his Kingdom, and furthermore become attached to his justice, and the answers do not have anything generally to do with what the world says that you must make, towards where you must yourself move, the priorities of God are generally others, but those are those that allow you to enjoy the process, and despaegarte of the results, those priorities, those of the Kingdom of God is those that they invite to leave of a side trivialities to you, to run after the wind and to do on the one hand what corresponds at the moment and so in the long run reported a benefit to you beyond which our small mind can communicate to us. I invite to you then to that benefits of your trip and your processes.