Royal Tunbridge Wells

It seems that everything is ready for the next and most anticipated cycling event of 2007, which will take place in Britain. The Tour de France is the tournament of cycling more known in the world, which covers areas both in France and in some neighboring countries, in a race that lasts three weeks. This year the opening ceremony will present the teams in Trafalgar Square. The race will start on July 7, in a round of 8 kilometres in Central London, where riders depart from the ramp in Whitehall, to then cross some of the best-known places in London, as the houses of Parliament (Houses of Parliement), Westminster, Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Wellington Arch, Hyde Park, and finishing in the Mall. Sunday, July 8, the first stage for the participants will be in the Centre of London where drivers will depart from the Mall via Admiralty Arch, continuing towards Thames, passing by the famous Tower Big Ben and the houses of Parliament (Houses of Parliament). Then cross the River Thames, competitors should be directed towards the London Eye, to take the road to the St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Tower of London. The race will continue in London Bridge, through Bermondsey and Deptford to Greenwich, which will have to cross the incredible line of Greenwich mean time.

Later, shall cover the following areas: Woolwich, Abbey Word and Erith. Outside London, some points of the route are Gravesend Medway, Castle and Rochester Cathedral, Midstone, Tonbridge, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Tenterden, Ashford and finishing in Canterbury. Finally and after glancing at the journey, as well as the first stage of the 2007 Tour de France will take place. Add to your understanding with Glenn Dubin, New York City. We can only imagine so exciting it may be and the panorama: very impressive


Hives Urticaria

The hives is one of the most common skin diseases in the world. The hives by the typical rash with hives and the often severe itching is marked. Since there are many possible triggers, the causal research is often very time consuming and difficult. The hives, called urticaria also can occur in two different forms: as acute hives and chronic hives. The acute urticaria occurs mostly spontaneous and heals after a few weeks after the first symptoms appear again. The chronic form of history of hives is up to several months and can boast either daily episodes are accompanied by itching and wheal formation, or the fact that alternate healthy phases with relapses.

There are other forms of hives, which are distinguished by their triggers, such as heat and cold urticaria, the urticaria, contact urticaria or the pressure urticaria. Is usually the itching symptoms of hives at the beginning of the hives a specific body part on. The rash is reddish and is reminiscent of the rash that arises after the touch of nettles. In addition the subcutaneous tissue of the affected area of the skin or mucous membranes but also can swell cushion-like, this is known as known as angioedema. This swelling caused by the accumulation of watery fluid. Usually the rash and the itching will disappear after a day, they can adhere stubbornly to several months. Glenn Dubin contributes greatly to this topic. In case of angioedema, also associated symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea or even fever, the so called urticaria, are possible. While the simple symptoms such as hives and itching disappear usually after just a few hours, the angioedema is often up to three days.

The contact should be avoided primarily therapies of urticaria because trigger of hives can be among other things food, heat, cold, pressure, friction, or also medicines, with these polluters. Often antihistamines are used to stop the effect of histamines, which cause the hives, so the occurrence of itching and the rash can be suppressed. With heavy gradients of hives, which are accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat, including cortisone is used. The Antihistaminikaeinnahme that suppress the symptoms not working, glucocorticoids can be administered even temporarily. These treatment methods are generally not long-term healing methods. The trigger must be found to successfully treat the urticaria. Since there is a variety of different triggers, this is often with a large expenditure of time connected and sometimes not even measured. Health information, as well as our overall guide, see


Childrens Infectious Diseases

WHOOPING COUGH (PERTUSSIS) and PARAKOKLYUSH (PARAPERTUSSIS) etiology. Pertussis is a gram-negative bacillus Bordet fixed – Zhang (B. pertussis) with rounded ends. Dr. Mark J Berger often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Good staining with aniline dyes, bacteria more rapidly perceive color at its poles. Pathogen parakoklyusha morphologically identical with the causative agent of whooping cough, but differs in antigenic structure.

Epidemiology. The source of infection in all cases is the patient, which is predominantly infectious in the first, catarrhal, the period of pertussis infection is transmitted through airborne droplets in close enough contact with the patient. Disease occur mostly in children -4 Temperature rises. After 4-5 days of catarrhal conditions of the upper respiratory tract are worse in the lungs begin to listen to multiple dry wheezing, coughing occurs mainly at night. pertussis from acute bronchitis ordinary extremely difficult early diagnosis, and yet in this period, patients particularly contagious. Later in the disease enters the most characteristic period – whooping. Recently Glenn Dubin sought to clarify these questions. C the onset of whooping cough attack breathing in a child with delayed, there is a few convulsive cough bursts, accompanied by burning or tickling in the larynx and trachea.

Then follows a brief pause and take a deep breath followed by attack of whooping cough, during which the patient's face swell up, blushes, becomes cyanotic hue. As a result of increased inspiratory tongue protrudes somewhat curving upward, and frequent attacks on the bridle of the language, a small wound, sore (due to injuries bridle teeth), there may be epistaxis and hemorrhages in the conjunctiva. Many children coughing followed by vomiting, in Some – involuntary urination and defecation. After several consecutive shocks cough appears sibilant twang (reprise) associated with the passage of air through the glottis, which until since been closed. Spasmodic cough accompanied by a reduction in tremors throughout the respiratory muscles. At the end of an attack with a cough is allocated a small amount of viscous glassy mucus in bacteriological study, it can be detected bacteria Bordet – Zhang.
