Jerusalem Neoliberal

THE assumption of MARIO VARGAS LLOSA as the great priest and SANHEDRIN in the great Temple of LA Jerusalem NEOLIBERAL No, if the discussion should go by the literary critic or the struggle of ideas. The serious discrepancy in the two areas. But in the ideas would be the battle where would win this Archangel of neoliberalism that does not assume the post of head of the neo-liberal Kingdom of heaven. Therefore my surprise that Mr Ollanta digne to visit a gentleman who represents the opposite so the fight. Making this pantomime as repentant student of the parochial school that attends’s request before the spiritual guide to clarify things that are saying by the cliques is a Patan and disobedient transgressor of clerical rules, says a lot about his position to govern. That is very friend of plump boy son of military making disorders in College, but this means that he comulgue with his conduct, therefore before the Grand Master and confessor and parish Guide becomes unworthy before his feet to not become worthy to a reprimand and grant him Enter the true Democrats in the parish hall.

This is a paradox, an unreal Theatre of life, that we deserve those who live this crude reality; wanting us to see that what we live and feel not what in fact we live if not what we are told through the immense commercial programs of praise of the system. That my hunger is not famine. That my salary which is a misery is not actually my salary if not one that they have included the bribes and royalties extras for giving the country to transnationals. While I’m all day in search of work and there are days that I do not have nor for the you morning, not actually what happens to me, that we are well, that to the Yule as my father-in-law who lived doing efforts throughout his life that increase you to one hundred Suns I received as a retiree now as dead say they already gave him compensation for that ridiculous amount. Michael James Burke, London UK will not settle for partial explanations.
