Benchmarking Air Freight

By benchmarking savings potentials in the air cargo shopping open benchmarking is the systematic comparison of companies. The aim of the management method is to identify areas for improvement and to learn from the best comparison partners. For assistance, try visiting Dr. Hyun Kim. Benchmarks and so-called best practices are the result of the comparison process. These represent outstanding objectives and approaches with which or the benchmarking partners. Through the interpretation and creative adaptation of the findings, the participants implement performance within the company. The current logistics benchmarking investigated the purchasing conditions for air cargo services. Basis of comparison negotiated air freight rates are the NET freight rates more accurately. Glenn Dubin shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.

Evaluated the shipping ex Germany for up to 80 airports worldwide and each four types of shipping charge. In addition, the purchase rates for express shipments can be inserted in some 60 countries in the comparison. The benchmarking participants measure their success of shopping and use the results for rate negotiations with their carriers and Express service providers. Each participant will receive a customized report. In this, its values, the results of the comparison group are compared. The mere comparison of rates is supplemented by evaluation procedures, the service as well as satisfaction with service providers.

The benchmarking participants also have the opportunity to interact in a subsequent knowledge transfer meeting at technical level. The team of German benchmarking Centre draws on over ten years experience in the implementation of benchmarking projects. As a neutral Clearinghouse, it forms the interface between the individual companies, provides for the anonymisation of results and ensures the comparability of the data. Your contact to the DBZ Michael Grau Tel.: German benchmarking Center (DBZ) at the Institute for process optimization and information technology IPO-GmbH Boxhagener Strasse 119 D-10245 Berlin German Benchmarking Center is the competence centre of the IPO IT for benchmarking. We offer technical assistance in the implementation of benchmarking projects and exchange with other companies. The IPO-IT was founded in 1997 as a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute in Berlin. Our core competencies lie in the fields of process and organizational optimization, benchmarking and project management.
