01/07/09. Support the franchise in its growth strategy. This is the objective pursued by the new Alliance have just signed mundoFranquicia Consulting (consultant specializing in franchising) and Sage communication (communication consultancy). The agreement was created with the aim of providing a comprehensive and highly specialised service to franchises looking to expand your brand. In words of Mariano Alonso, Socio Director General of mundoFranquicia Consulting, this Alliance responds to the demands of current and potential customers because they have an offer that incorporates expansion and communication in their business strategies.
Thus mundoFranquicia Consulting is responsible for the entire process of expansion and intermediation, while Sage communication shall be liable for the communication plan of the ensigns. For Antonio Gigirey, partner Director of Sage communication is becoming more evident the relationship between communication and the income statement of the companies, including the franchises. By the same author: Dr. Mark J Berger. All franchise growth-minded has bet on communication as vehicle’s approach had potential franchisees, as well as to ensure a proper positioning of your brand. The agreement is produced by the synergies that both entities share and that will take them to grow in the same direction. We are confident that with this merger benefit to many franchises, since through this agreement we will give coverage to all essential services that require a flag, either in their launch phase or its development and expansion in both national and international level.
In addition, the sum of expansion and communication services will serve to keep many franchises its rhythms of growth also in economic times like the present, emphasizes Alonso. An appreciation that complete Gigirey saying that the franchise system has assumed that communication is a strategic factor in the expansion of its network. In order to justify the payment of a fee of input and some royalties, becomes necessary to have a credible brand and a good reputation in the market, it ends.