Spanish Government

Appearance of minister Rosa Aguilar in the Congress. It will ask that the indemnifications extend producers of onion, cabbage, carrot, eggplant, melon and watermelon. He affirms that the Government is " acted &quot quickly;. The Spanish Government will demand to Brussels that extends the grant of 210 million anticipated as compensation for the fruit and vegetable sector and I number of benefitted products, while it does not discard to go to " via legal" in order to repay to the producers by the suffered damages. Thus he has explained it ste Monday minister of Environment and Rural and Marine Medio, Pink Aguilar, that has appeared to own request in the Commission of Environment, Agriculture and Fishing of the Congress of the Deputies to inform on the consequences of the crisis brought about by the bud of E. coli in Germany. Aguilar has assured that " they will not move backwards in his empeo" in order to protest that the indemnifications extend to more productions and than the promotion is reinforced, with the aim of recovering the image of Spanish products and the confidence of consumers. Read more here: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. Nonprotegisdos products until now have needed that the Government goes " to give batalla" so that the indemnifications anticipated by European Comisin (EC) cover to nonpredicted productions until now (like onion, cabbage, carrot, eggplant and fruits of season like melon and watermelon), more implication of the communitarian bottoms in the promotion and that simplify the proceedings so that the aid arrives as soon as possible. Until now, the products that will receive aid of the European Union (the EU) are cucumber, tomato, pepper, marrow and lettuce. Aguilar has affirmed that the Executive does not discard the possibility of going to the legal scope to protest in case he does not make up for to all the fruit and vegetable sectors by the one hundred percent of the damages caused during the crisis.
