Sunrise Meditation

Almost all cultures appreciate it and they regularly practice the meditation. For even more opinions, read materials from Bessel van der Kolk. However, the reasons for that could be still”not be more different, because: mediation is not equal to meditation. While the one meditate, just inside to turn off”and want to come to rest others increase their energy level, to actively determine their lives. One of these active meditation types, which is meditation, secret with its unique video clips, music, nature sounds, as well as female or male voice to the students on many levels of the mind and is now expanded with an extra layer. “As the first meditation the secret has now meditation an own fragrance developed as a 100% natural essential oil for fragrance lamp and on the two variations of meditation Sunrise” and starry sky “were voted.

According to the first subjects who have tested the secret meditation with fragrance experience, the impact and the success of the meditation session is considerably intense – what not really surprising. So the science know for decades that fragrances positively affect our mood – we feel simply relaxed and balanced, if a pleasant aroma surrounds us. And in combination with the active secret energy meditation the meditator, it is possible to potentiate the effect for yourself. Find more information on the subject in the Forum of the website


IPL Treatment

More and more men are choosing a method for permanent hair removal the reasons why men want to keep their private parts hairless are different in nature. Mostly however called beauty aspects and hygiene in this context. The fact is that today over a third of the young men on the several body wax themselves. The genital area as the body area that held by most men and women hairless follows after removing hair in the armpits. This was a study that was conducted last year at the University of Leipzig. Because the hair removal with the temporary methods must be repeated frequently, the methods for permanent hair removal, for example with IPL are becoming increasingly popular among men. What is the groin area for hair removal for men? The intimate with the man includes one the body zone, at the woman as a bikini line”is referred to and goes over into the realm of the testicles and penis.

Usually one of the Po and the bottom old not to the Contact with intimate areas. So anyone who would like to wax his ass, the need to book another body zone at the appointment to IPL hair removal. Those who opt for an IPl hair removal, which should be informed but in detail in every reputable institution prior to treatment in a free consultation about the treatment procedure. What do need to man before the IPL hair removal in the genital area? It is important that the skin must be, not browned. This means that before and during the entire process of the IPL treatment still self-tanning or sunbathing sunbed are permitted. In the Sun, it can be of course, but then the skin with a sunscreen with a high protection factor must be protected. Also the hair before the IPL hair removal may be not plucked or epilated for a shave but permitted and shortly before the treatment is even a must. Should be abandoned even taking medications or supplements that increase the light sensitivity, an IPL treatment.

How’s it going Genital hair removal for men with IPL off and how long does it take? Before each IPL treatment a consultation should precede, are checked in the skin and hair type of the man. The hairs are namely to bright or to dark skin of the man, then the treatment cannot be performed occasionally. This is because that IPL is intense pulsed light, which passes over the hair in the hair roots, destroyed them and thus no new hair may occur. A prerequisite, however, is that the hair contains enough melanin (pigment) that will pass the light energy. Very bright, gray or red hair have very little melanin and therefore do not always respond to IPL. Dark hair is, however, well suited for the IPL hair. Another aspect of the IPL hair removal is that the roots of the hair can be destroyed permanently only when the hair is in the growth phase. And because not all hair at the same time are at this stage, the IPL treatment must be repeated. Studies have shown that with IPL up to 90 Percent of the hair can be permanently removed. Petra Margrave


Aesthetic Foot Surgery

The first trend to the real boom: aesthetic foot surgery in Germany. Taipei, July 2010. Whether barefoot on the beach, in open-toed shoes or designer high heels: beautiful feet are mega – in. But many women suffer from such as Victoria Beckham congenital or through incorrect footwear over the years acquired deformations and anomalies. Therefore, the in Germany so far new medical field of aesthetic foot surgery currently experiencing a real boom. Rather than face lift or breast augmentation are more and more women and increasingly men on perfect foot embellishment and let their feet using a syringe and scalpel point. Adrian K.

Wiethoff, medical specialist for plastic and aesthetic surgery, sees itself as a pioneer of serious aesthetic foot surgery in Germany and offers its patients and patients since about a year of foot surgery at its finest, the entire range of aesthetic foot surgery, on the Dusseldorf Konigsallee. Due to the strong demand, he has now even be Advanced practical concept: with an equally highly specialized partner, Adem Erdogan, who for many years as chief physician of the clinic for foot surgery and diabetic foot St. Antoniusklinik Schleiden operates and due to his early specialization also among the pioneers of the aesthetic foot surgery can count, and a practice move to larger premises in a chic new building on the Ko, not far from the previous practice rooms, the two certified podiatrists together since the beginning of the month offer more performance and comfort. Facelift for the feet shorten, lengthen, straighten, or reduce, removing splints and thorn warts, liposuction, for example, in the area of the shackles, where fat deposits under injection of sagging skin that unsightly strongly emerge the veins at the foot hair removal on your feet and legs, Botox for sweaty feet, that disturb the harmonious transition from the leg to the foot, toes Removal of webbed”between the toes, correction of unsightly scars or hyaluronic acid injections as a first aid measure at pressure points: everything is possible today with gentle techniques and painless in an experienced surgeon hand. Moreover, special and new of aesthetic foot surgery: In addition to the best possible operational restoration of form and function set foot aesthetics pioneers Wiethoff and Erdogan, under other special value to the placement of incisions as inconspicuous places and work with special grain-saving cosmetic suturing techniques.

A simple cutting, back straight, and coarse sewing to”is in the aesthetic after Erdogan and Wiethoff taboo foot surgery. The surgeons of Erdogan and Wiethoff due to the still increasing demand – also from abroad from their everyday know facelift for the feet”in the United States seems now also in Germany quickly to speak around and throw a real wave of enthusiasm” long established, to report. But be careful when choosing a surgeon: as with all procedures in aesthetic plastic surgery is especially also in aesthetic foot surgery a serious and professional implementation based on many years of experience paramount for the successful result of a scheduled perfect feet for the big show. More info: Sabine Sarrach
