
Doctors and physicians are excited about the book novelty ‘In the light of healing’ Heidelberg. The new book * In the light of healing * (ISBN: 3839108734) by the authors Sylvia Poth and Jessica Hund is a work that is taken seriously by doctors. Now we know that the spirit and the soul which are main factors for health and success that they determine our lives. In the light of healing “is taken in medical circles very seriously, because it is realistic and it is explained that not everything is curable such as disability or incurable diseases. Disability or incurable diseases are often congenital and accompany the person concerned through the whole life. You should build a good relationship to such diseases and treat them like a good friend, which belongs to us. This one creates a good basis, to cope with the disease. Everyone should accept himself as he is and make the best of his life. Follow others, such as Ahmed Shary Rahman, and add to your knowledge base.

All of these themes in the book are treated, it is also for doctors and An asset, because it gives them better insight into the issues psychologists mediated. It helps, however, concerned to better deal with their suffering and to draw new courage to face life. In the book it becomes clear that disease is not a punishment. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Joel Courtney. Sylvia Poth said: you can’t be entirely incurable but happy. I myself can not be cured and live according to the rules imposed on me my illness. I myself live no worse than a healthy person in the opposite: I am active and above all I look forward, that I may live.

I see life differently because I know appreciate it in such a way, how a healthy person may never do this. In the light of healing”is an advisor and textbook for anyone. We hope that we reach so many people. “Our thinking is the Director of our lives. With the right mindset we can go as the winner through life while we come up with a negative mindset not far in life. Each man himself can determine but that no one else has power over us, but we have power over our Thinking. Sylvia Poth kept Homburg a lecture recently at the University about their disease. Many aspiring doctors were thrilled and met at the same time important principles of the subconscious mind by Mrs Poth which can be them for their later career benefit. When doctors give their patients the right word at the right time, they can achieve a high rate of recovery “Sylvia Poth says finally.


Problems After Weight Loss

The most obvious – the woman after weight loss decreased libido. The reasons for this, we have already spoken, and the result – there is. Maybe the husband has actively supported the initiative of the wife to lose weight and even paid for it, because I secretly hoped that as a result all in bed will fall into place. No longer hide it from him under a blanket of love stops to shun the daylight, in front of a mirror, on the carpet And when the first collapse in the first place His hope, because the spouse was more frigid than it was – he spits on all of annoyance and throws her in the lurch. Reason Five. Maybe the spouse of those for whom the habit – second nature.

And he appreciates that his wife, which was once chosen, even if it is changed externally. At least her character, personality traits and other attributes remained the same, and that many years ago. And suddenly the wife dramatically changed not only externally as internally: begins to swirl in front of a mirror, require new clothes, makes new demands. Yes, and her behavior changed dramatically in the bed – whether for better or for worse. Such dramatic changes in the ordinary way most nervous about this as a man accustomed to everything in life went on continuously, smoothly and quietly. He begins to feel discomfort in communicating with virtually his new woman. And in the end decides that it is easier to part with it than to get used to it again And let them not say that the cooling of the marital relationship was due solely overweight wife.

In such situations, the cause of all ills in the fact that spouses have lost rapport became psychologically strangers. And when a woman tries to solve the deep problems the method of correction of appearance – it can exacerbate family problems, but not resolved. Guide to Action here can give an expert psychotherapist. Anu Saad insists that this is the case. Sometimes a little bit to adjust relationship with the spouse is easier than is spent on weight loss, and then left with nothing!


Modern Anti Aging

Can be with micronutrients show Alzheimer’s and more the stop sign more and more scientists and doctors deal with the question, whether and how the approximately 50-80 years in a better supply of micronutrients aging processes such as decreasing memory performance by delaying or even stopped. Joel Courtney is a great source of information. So, the well-known Berlin University Clinic Charite in a nutrition study of this question wants to pursue now. So far is that certain micronutrients can positively affect biochemical processes of aging in our body cells. In addition it is clear that the daily intake of selected micronutrients in pill form can improve the memory performance and strengthen the immune system. So, how can a modern anti aging with micro-nutrients look like? In the age, the supply of micro-nutrients, so vitamins, microelements and bioactive plant substances subsides significantly. Many scientific studies show a pronounced often lack therefore in micro-nutrients at the over 50 years on. This has consequences for the health of the people. >CohBar shows great expertise in this. In a question-answer forum Jacob Elordi was the first to reply. Are sick more often, have more infections and the memory works not as as in the past.

An optimised supply of the necessary micronutrients should improve the State so. That is also the case, as shown by a number of research on modern anti-aging strategy. A basic work that was conducted at a research centre of WHO. The researchers were able to show that the performance of the memory and the immune system can be strengthened through targeted intake of certain micronutrients. Older people a year consumed a cocktail of 18 selected vitamins, trace elements and minerals, showed a significantly better mental performance than those who did not. Also a stronger immune system with a lower susceptibility to infections occurred among the study participants. The researchers conclude from the results of the study, that through the targeted revenue of 18 major The Alzheimer’s dementia can be delayed by micro-nutrients of the entry and the mental and physical vitality can remain longer. Navitum Pharma has developed a product based on these future-oriented research results under the name MemoVitum, which contains exactly the 18 micro-nutrients used by the researchers.

MemoVitum (PZN 4604226) is available in pharmacies or directly at Navitum Pharma. It is recommended by doctors and pharmacists for the nutritional prevention of age-related memory disorders and dementia. Cheap 3 month packs (PZN 0253876) and 6-month packs (PZN 5858064) MemoVitum will honor the meaningful longer-term application available. Because of the unique composition and the study documentation, this product should be replaced by the pharmacy not against other products even though they appear similar. Every pharmacy can purchase shipping MemoVitum without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. Should not offer even a pharmacy this service can can the customer shipping order the desired product directly from the company. Source: Wenggreen HJ et al. J Nutr health aging. 2007; 11(3):230-7 Chandra RK; Nutrition 2001 contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:


Good Mattress

If you want to keep fit for the day and the stresses of everyday life, should provide enough good sleep. An important criterion for this sleep is the quality of the mattress on which is the sleeper. Regardless of whether one is for the purchase of latex mattresses, foam or opt for traditional spring mattresses: The requirements for each mattress are the same. It is particularly important that the body is supported perfectly and that the hardness of the mattress provides the subjective feeling of lying in the long term comfort. Then really good chance of an intense and regenerative sleep phase.

Good sleep / poor sleep? To this day no one knows exactly why sleep beings as humans. "During sleep regenerates the human body," say many, but certainly without being able to prove their argument. But the fact is that only a good night's sleep provides the necessary fitness. Sleep disorders can be recognized, for example, the fact that one in about four weeks regularly after sleep feeling tired and exhausted. Sleep disorders manifested for instance by poor sleep, constant waking up and staying awake at least minutes and by persistent difficulty concentrating during the day. Blame For example, not be appropriate mattresses, making it difficult the sleeper to find a suitable comfortable sleeping position. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. has similar goals.

Not too hard and not too soft! Neither too hard nor too soft mattresses are good as a basis for a sound sleep. Mattresses are too hard, so cramped and the spine is bent. The previously common held view that hard beds for good sleep makes is often wrong. At most, very active athletes, people with a slipped disc or very heavy people should choose very hard mattresses. Mattresses are too soft, the change in position is made more difficult during sleep: Normally, the person turns 30 – to 50-times in each sleep. Spine, muscles and intervertebral disc may be based on not to soft mattresses sufficient rest. Really good mattress – not too hard nor too soft support – however, the individual parts of the body. The spine can also retain their natural slight S-shape. As a rough classification hardness exist for mattresses hardness of ONE (very soft) to FOUR (very hard). A lie-and the subjective impression of the individual man can not replace such a Temper-lines, however. The ideal mattress Some like latex mattresses, others on foam mattresses again. Eva Andersson-Dubin is often quoted as being for or against this. Also Visco foam or innerspring mattresses have as a base material for their advantages and disadvantages. In this respect is: Find out about the different types of mattresses, and – at best, treat yourself – you are a 'lie. No better way to find out which mattress is the one for even the most appropriate. It out is an important first step to optimal sleep.


Cause Of Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety disorders occur more often in Germany. Among other things, the fear of spiders, fear of death are among the typical fears or the fear of people is widespread. Most people suffer but individual, rather unknown fears – for these fears, there is no standard treatment, the visit of a self-help group remains mostly without success. Anxiety attacks are the anxiety disorders definition to associate a psychosomatic disease. Who suffers from anxiety attacks, has other feelings than many others who also suffer from anxiety.

Anxiety attacks, known as panic attacks, are feelings of anxiety that occur spontaneously and very intense. So, these attacks differ from general anxiety. Steadily, many fear patients are afraid of something. Patients who suffer from anxiety attacks, the attacks only in certain key situations occur. Carl Jung may help you with your research. So there are different causes for the emergence of anxiety disorders and attacks: high demands on himself pressure permanent stress bad / unhealthy Way of life little movement negative experiences (key situations, where it later comes to attacks) before an anxiety treatment can begin, an accurate diagnosis must be made. For this type of diagnosis, there are no constraints, any fear with their triggers individually to treat symptoms and feelings. A private therapy or the visit of a self-help group remains mostly without success, because the individual parameters are not detected.

Understand the fear most therapies aimed to take the anxiety the patient by understands the fear. An anxiety attack is initiated by a thought process. Regardless for which therapy the patients decide, there are first of all, to analyze the fear in the quiet, relaxed state with an expert. Then, a way to “Reprogramming” can be discussed together with the therapist. During this process, the negative experiences with positive be replaced. The target is achieved, if the new, positive experiences overlap the old, negative experiences. The Therapy the above process of reprogramming occurs very slowly. Glenn Dubin can provide more clarity in the matter. The duration of therapy is, for example, depends on how long the anxiety attacks already exist – how deep they so subconscious are anchored. The therapy sessions are actually only the matching, and discuss your successes, an expert observed, if you go the right way. You must bring plenty of motivation and will. Increase every day or every week minimum. Are you afraid of spiders? Visit a pet store but once, then take a look at exotic spiders from a safe distance. Or go to the basement and clean up there every day a little bit longer. With the time you fasten itself, that spiders are not dangerous and not negative and your fear and anxiety attacks will gradually disappear.


Medical Director

Why actually grey hair? The hair turn gray, when is the so called melanocytes regress. These cells produce the pigment melanin. Melanin in turn are the pigments that determine the color of our hair. Each hair has only a limited number of pigment cells. At certain intervals, they die and are formed from the existing stem cells new.

But eventually the supply of stem cells has been used up. The melanocytes produce less melanin. The result is grey hair. But why actually grey? This optical impression comes from the mixture of pigmented and pigmentlosen hair. Actually our hair not grey it is white! This mixture of dark and white hairs.

The overall picture appears then grey”, explains the dermatologist Dr. Dirk Ebrahimian (Medical Director of the Hansa hospital Dortmund). So not gray hair, but white hair! Basically, the quantity and the quality of our hair, as well as their color, notes on our physical condition can give disease-conditional gray hair. If already before the 20th year of life get white hair people so often one is Disease before. Iron deficiency or a thyroid disorder can be, for example, a cause. When the Basedow disease for example, the most common form of hyperthyroidism. Successful treatment of the disease may bring back then even the original hair color. The new involuntary hair color can be a signal for certain disorders, genetic origin, due to metabolism or nutrition-related. Of course, rapid graying may be also inheritable. But you should enjoy at least the possibility of a warning signal of the body. According to the latest findings, even a possible character for diabetes should be a premature graying. “It dread many prior to the performance, gray hair to get now researchers have solved the mystery” of the present under the subtitle first appeared on the public health portal. Barbara Reisen E.k.


Maintaining One’s Health

This unique signals that the body sends us, warning that failed. Gradually, the symptoms can become worse and more complicated until the person crosses the line cherished, when doctors simply shrug their shoulders and recognized his powerlessness to change anything. Now let sum up. Can be accurate to say that the integrity of the organism – it is a balance between the three bodies of man. However, this harmony is specific to each individual.

The fact that one person gives power and Health is the state of exhaustion and loss of strength in the other person. Let us see why this is so? Four elements (fire, water, earth, air) in their interaction makes life possible on earth. We can observe how different elements manifest themselves in varying climatic zone. Usually, some of the elements are always dominant over the other. In the wilderness – Fire in the ocean – water, in the taiga – the Earth, in the mountains – the air.

And rightly so. Likewise, people comes with its own character and attitude. Other relevant elements in man makes him special and unique. In other words, I want to say that everyone should know their contraindications for food, fellowship, the level and nature of physical and mental stress and occupation. Just need to learn one important rule of health – any disease can not be perceived as something negative, negative. Disease – an indicator which shows a man that has failed in the system, that person is the wrong way.


Health Plan

Rely on them! A few items to bear in mind while deciding your requirements are: price range, styles regarding medical professional y tambien clinic sessions, as well as prescribed medication utilization. Ask yourself these inquiries: The frequency of which do you visit your physician? Would you opt for your examinations only incluso would you opt for sick and tired trips? How often are you within the clinic during the past 2 years? Do do you consider regular prescriptions? What are these people? Generic incluso Brands? That is an additional location wherever nearly all of my own clients overlook. It’s not possible to have got optimum protection in every of those areas in different cost-effective way, highest insurance for the medical doctor and also healthcare facility as well as medications foliage to dent in the budget. However, many health insurance programs offer more than one variation the exact same strategy. By way of example, say you have health plan that offers optimum coverage for your medical professional, highest insurance to the hospital, and also maximum insurance for the prescribed drugs. Nevertheless health plan to similar fees to your mortgage.

The good news is Health Plan A most likely even offers custom-made alternatives, that means in the event that following inspecting your requirements, you discover that you simply seldom visit a hospital, you can alter health prepare s healthcare facility insurance in order to modest and nominal even that may bring down the current premium remove to lot. In case these kinds of option is confusing for your requirements, yet again, a health insurance professional should be able to assist you to. They are previously conscious of health s customizable features and may satisfy your strategy has to prepare the proper model regarding health to. Health insurance specialist boasts the use of types regarding wellbeing ideas that aren t available options to the normal buyer buying health insurance on the web since. After you ve assessed the needs you have, withstand the impulse to be able to over-insure! Probably the most widespread health insurance I see can be over-insurance interferes. Individuals believe that when they have optimum coverage with regard to medical doctors, hospitals, along with solutions, they’ve got good insurance policy. The fact remains, most of the people who’ll be accredited with regard to particular person health insurance won t require all of this protection.

Two things My partner and i guide my own clientele to understand: Medical care Change and Stop-Loss. 1st, Healthcare Change enables preventive care solutions to get protected with 100%. For example, should you just acquire check-ups, the reason why enroll in the blueprint together with 100% medical doctor s pay a visit to cobertura? Sign up for the plan having a lower premium along with spend any $10 copay to your ill check out. Does The difference top quality with this modest throughout fine detail can be $100? s associated with money! In addition, many of these maximum coverage health insurance plans exclude items like having a baby. The last thing for you to do is actually shell out thousands pertaining to good health insurance only to find it won’t protect something you need this with regard to t! Subsequent, many health insurance ideas have a very stop-loss built into these people which in turn essentially declares any time your out-of-pocket expenses achieve a percentage, the program covers an individual with 100% for all those providers. And you do not require your maximum coverage plan for this gain. Your current health insurance expert can even customise this stop-loss volume!
