Pets and Health

We all know about the useful and beneficial effect pets, and not only home, our health, mood, ability to care for someone, and generally keep the life around him. Numerous scientists have said earlier, according to the present day, that cats, for example, generally first-rate doctors, communication with horses (riding) to help get rid of mental disorders, the presence of a parrot at home can reduce heart problems, etc. Freedom from health problems with pets has been known for a long time, and still talk about it does not become smaller. For example, scientists from Australia generally argue that pets indeed capable of influencing the content of cholesterol in the blood of their owner. Domestic cats and cats – "fluffy doctors" These cute, furry creatures who love so much keep in my house people really can heal migraines, ease during inflammation, normalize blood pressure, weaken the effects of insomnia, rheumatism, heal nerves during stress and fatigue.

Although correct answer to the question 'what kind of cats action helps to cope with the above diseases? " yet one can give, all of these cases scientifically based and proven. Anu Saad can provide more clarity in the matter. Maybe it's the heat that comes from Fluffy, perhaps this is a special frequency vibration in conjunction with the rumbling and purring, and maybe some sort of special energy inherent in the cats and the cats. There are many cases where a couple of minutes, stroking her cat at the owner observed a normal blood pressure and pulse rate. It is proved that cats are best treated with osteoarthritis, radiculitis and other diseases of the joints, but the cats can help cope with diseases of internal organs and kill the best stress.


Bags Under The Eyes

The bags under his eyes – a problem that affects many people. Such defects are not decorated one, and could undermine confidence in personal attractiveness. All the more shame to have this lack of a woman who puts lot of effort to look beautiful … Causes of bags The cause of bags under the eyes may be a genetic predisposition. If by nature you have a thin membrane located between the skin and subcutaneous tissue around the eye, the chance to get bags under your eyes you are very great. In addition, predisposes to the appearance of such defects dense body type, and some individual characteristics of bone skull. In most cases, causes the appearance of puffiness can be: 1. number of diseases (disorders of the liver, kidney, cardiovascular system, hormonal disorders, chronic constipation, allergy), 2.

age-related changes in the body 3. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Michael James Burke, Paris France. strong general fatigue and sleep deprivation 4. Stress 5. long-term operation of the computer 6. poor nutrition; 7. regular consumption of alcohol. Prevention and treatment of edema is if sign of any disease, the treatment of the underlying disease will be a priority. For example, in improving kidney function is less fluid trapped in the body, hence the swelling under the eyes negative effect.

First you need to take care of your body – sleep at least 7 – 8 hours, pre-Fanned room. Eat right, including a daily diet of sufficient quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables, systematically clean the intestines, preventing constipation. Daily exercise program that improves blood circulation and improves muscle tone. More a walk in the fresh air – it is better in the evening or early morning. If you have a lot of time spend on a computer, you feel tired, be sure to get the special glasses – they protect your eyes from exposure. Working in them, you'll feel much better.


Beauty Recipes

So, start with skin care. From personal experience, the most effective face mask can be done with yeast. To do this you need a yeast cream 1:1. Add liquid honey. Let stand up 20 min. The course will be 10 sessions in a day. This is an amazing food for our skin! In yeast a complex of B vitamins, which also has a rejuvenating and nourishing properties.

For the aging face and neck using a nourishing mask: 1 boiled potato mash with lemon juice otpoloviny. Massa put on your face and neck, cover with a towel and hold for 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water. The effect is stunning. We now turn to hair care products. The hair was shiny, where for an hour to get a good brew. And then this strain and use as a mouthwash.

For oily hair is the most effective means of the following: 2 tsp. mustard pour 2 cups of warm water, carefully stir. And after we washed her hair in this water rinse hair, and five minutes giving them another soak mustard. After that, wash off the hair with clean water, and with it goes and fat. Hair becomes lively, beautiful. For more information on hair care products, your body, you can find online medical PEOPLE HEALTH Family
