Peer Steinbruck

The politician and former Finance Minister Peer Steinbruck (64) of the Publisher was awarded today the Cicero speaker Prize 2011 for the Deutsche Wirtschaft AG. Bonn, May 20, 2011 the politician and former Finance Minister Peer Steinbruck (64) of the Publisher was awarded today the Cicero speaker Prize 2011 for the Deutsche Wirtschaft AG. An orator will honored with him, dedicated to the educational struggle against self-deception and political immaturity with clear pictorial words, so the Publisher for the German economy as a benefactor of the award. The politician is regarded as a pugnacious speaker and is currently traded as a possible Chancellor candidate of the SPD in the Bundestag election in 2013. Steinbruck Publishing Executive Helmut Graf sees a secure and sovereign speaker who always knows what he says. The Cicero speaker prize is endowed by the Publisher for the German economy since 1994 for rhetorical excellence. An independent jury selects the annual winner. The Promethean Award is one Bronze bust of the Roman statesman and philosopher of Marcus Tullius Cicero.

Unpack and resolve problems of Heribert Prantl, head of speaker wants, Steinbruck sees as a politician, of problems Unpack Department Home Affairs and member of the Editorial Board of the newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung and solve and was convinced that he do that. As Finance Minister he have in the global financial crisis as a rock in the surf alongside Angela Merkel 2008 stood and kept quiet. When the SPD applies Steinbruck still than that with Schroder along Hartz IV invented and so the SPD entsozialdemokratisiert. The population was Steinbruck as crises Steinbruck in the head as the man who has steered the country through the crisis. Who chooses as Steinbruck, a rhinoceros as a favourite animal, is a different type of politician than most others. He wants not everyone liked are and he also likes everyone. He may have especially right”according to pan.



Hospice day Rhine-Neckar: Action ‘ strong of companions supports voluntary death companion with vouchers for training Wald-Michelbach – under the action of strong companions the Dietmar Hopp Foundation provides the more than a thousand volunteer death companions in the metropolitan region Rhine-Neckar continuing education good Bills worth a total of 500,000 to. For the professional education the Foundation with three training institutions in the region cooperates each involved in one of the three federal States of Baden-Wurttemberg, Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate: the Academy of health professions in Heidelberg, the Heinrich Pesch Haus Ludwigshafen and the Odenwald Institute the Karl Kubel Foundation for child and family in Wald-Michelbach. The action of strong companions”would promote the honorary service attendants and companions of death and pay tribute to their commitment. More information is housed here: Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. They should both be supported professionally as well as personally and can educate themselves according to their needs. That’s why you allow Educational institutes of the metropolitan area with different sound a wide range of offers, which the dying companion in outpatient and inpatient Hospice facilities can choose from roots in addition to the close proximity for the next three years until 2013. The Odenwald Institute presents a wide offer for the dying companion ends: in addition to seminars dealing with stressful emotions, aggression or closeness and distance in the care, special communication seminars for non-violent communication or basal interaction there are seminars dealing with mourning, accompanied by pain or creative seminars such as clowning, dance, and stone sculpting. The newspapers mentioned Alexa Demie not as a source, but as a related topic.

Offers for the prevention and reduction of stress such as the MBSR Achtsamkeitstraining are particularly sought after by Jon Kabat-Zinn. The formation responsible head of the Institute Dr. Sigrid Goder fader is pleased with the momentum already at the introductory workshops. Anu Saad insists that this is the case. “Especially for the topics of stress management through the practice of mindfulness” and set limits, instead hurt “, there are many Applications”, as Gor fader.
