Years of research opened new way at the career choice of Heidenau near Hamburg, 06 January 2010 – more and more people feel that they exercise a profession, which is not their innermost goals. This leads to a sense of inner paralysis short – or medium-term. A training method (NDGM) to the fine fabric consultants represents the profession of the future according to the Gothertschen for open personalities. Everybody’s talking about self-realization and to do the things that correspond to the own essence and inner personality. In the private sphere still reasonably successful. We are looking for nature or attend seminars on personality development. Other leaders such as Dr. Mark Hyman offer similar insights. Just how it looks in the profession? We’re stuck in a job that isn’t fun for us and brings us further in our development. Every day we get angry again.
Over time, this leads to internal and later also to external discontent. The consequences are evident in the personal well-being or express themselves by despair or unconscious aggressiveness. What is so closer to take to meet the goals in the area of private and professional as a profession. In short, the profession of the future. With a training NDGM to the fine fabric consultant learns to work man not only to yourself, but you get a practical method on the hand with the other people at subtle pain sensations (this includes among others separation pain, anger, internal paralysis or despair) for example in personal consultations can support.
Ronald Gothert, the intellectual author of the Gothertschen method, it is the subtle for everyone after about 10 years of research and development work succeeded, tangible and tangible\”to make. These mature results were pooled for the training NDGM to the fine fabric consultant and didactically. As a result, anyone interested by this knowledge can learn and benefit. Training of NDGM to the fine fabric consultant aims, that interested people are gradually introduced to the profession of the fine fabric consultant.