Body Mass Index

A healthful objective is the reduction of one to two units of the index of corporal mass, approximately 4.5 to 7.5 kg below the present weight, to reduce the risks of the disease and of improving the health problems. According to the World-wide Organization of the Health, the maximum loss of weight per week, must not have more of a kilogram, and insists on which the 500 reduction of a 700 grams of weight to facilitate the stabilization in the long term. This means to put in a month of kilograms two, three or four, following the pursuit of the diet and the frequency of physical activity. The objective weight must be realistic. Therefore, each person must be able to fulfill the promises and are the turn out to change her habits. For it, the American Dietetic Association defines most important in the control of the weight is to obtain a healthful weight. This weight defines by the American Association like the result of the adoption of an feeding and the practical exercises of maintained way, that it indicates by the reduction of the risk of the disease and a sensation of energy and well-being. In agreement with this definition, the reduction of weight must concentrate in improving the health, that is evaluated when the index of reduction of corporal mass in one or two units, that had begun when the control program of weight.

To lower of weight is a process that requires nutritional advising by a professional, who evaluates in nutritional terms of the age, sex, activity, health and habits. Recommendations To reduce of weight is a process and since so it is necessary to graduate it and to make it part of the daily life. It is why a series of principles is recommended that will help him in the profit of the proposed objectives, according to indicated Magnolia Escobar Castrilln.