Fever Disease

Fever is not a disease, but indicates that the body is struggling with a disease. A fever is the increase of in body temperature in response to external or internal influences. Thus, it supports the immune system, represents however no standalone disease. The normal temperature of a healthy person is about 36.5 C. Many writers such as Dr. Mark Hyman offer more in-depth analysis. Fever rectal is with a thermometer measure oral under the tongue, and axillar in the armpit. The hypothalamus, a part of our brain of that regulates and controls the temperature in our body. If we get fever, this natural regulation is disturbed and the body temperature rises.

Fever is the most common causes of fever or increased temperature specific drugs, metabolic disorders, heat, strain or inflammation being triggered by viruses, for example, when a cold or flu or bacteria. In addition to the fever have symptoms such as chills, body aches, occur depending on the height of the temperature Sweating, glassy eyes, warm, reddened skin and mucous membranes, loss of appetite or a fast, shallow breathing. Treatment of fever because fever is a body’s response to infection, fever should not immediately medically be reduced. The fever lasts for several days and is the body temperature 39.0 c a doctor with strong sense of disease should be consulted on, who then decides whether further treatment. It is important for fever to stay hydrated and to stay until the fading away of fever in bed and to cure the disease. Cold calf wraps can be applied to reduce the fever. Fever usually subside by itself already after a few days. For more health information, as well as antipyretic agents, see