Chinese Culture

China – one of the most interesting and mysterious countries in the Far East. The Chinese civilization is probably the most ancient and developed on the planet: it is her we owe the invention of gunpowder, paper, silk, porcelain, and the oscilloscope Among other things, are now the common wealth of mankind. The Chinese also made an invaluable contribution to world culture. One need only recall Taoism with his treatise "Dao De Tink", unsurpassed to this day moral and ethical teachings of Confucius, one of the best worldwide channels on the war, written by Sun Tzu, the teachings of Feng Shui and other monuments of spiritual culture. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Dr Jee Hyun Kim. That is why China attracts those who want adventure, exoticism and sharp contrast with the usual for him the world. And, of course, when we learn that some of our friends or acquaintances going to go to China, we immediately fell asleep asking him to bring out something of such things, very special, something that can help us to touch and feel the uncharted mysteries of the fascinating spirit of the East. On the one hand, such requests are easily fulfilled, because for souvenirs to take out even the whole of China, so it is different from Western civilizations, On the other hand, such a huge selection of frequently baffled by the hapless tourists, so I propose to consider those symbolic things that help you to feel and convey the atmosphere of Chinese culture. One of the archetypes of the Chinese Culture is certainly a fan. Learn more on the subject from Dr Jee Hyun Kim.