Port Radar – The Component For Joomla 1.5

innovative new component for the award-winning CMS Wedel, the April 15, 2010 – the IT-Steps24 Systembetreuungs GmbH from Hamburg as a service provider in the areas of application development and system care already has a very good reputation. It’s believed that Anu Saad sees a great future in this idea. With the launch of, the company now offers a new innovative and free service. The new website offers current ship positions, which are represented as an icon on a Google map (an interactive landscape map by Google). On the Google map, the user has the option to display the ships in the current, live synchronized position on drawn map or satellite image. When you click on one of the ships, the user receives more detailed information, for example the speed, type of ship or destination of the respective vessel. Also, the user with one click between the ports can switch Wedel, Hamburg, Bremerhaven and Wilhelmshaven. The new Web service supports new techniques such as the web2go. Walkers, photographers, or maritime prospects can with your browser-enabled mobile phone and little effort to the emerging ships get information.

So, a walk along the river Elbe is doubly attractive. Friends big cruise ships come as well at your expense, such as lovers of tank or cargo ships. So is including the route tracking the Queen Mary II and to the cruise Center possible. “We wanted to provide a customer-friendly, easily attainable and useful online tool.” said Thorsten Maeke, Managing Director of IT-Steps24 Systembetreuungs GmbH, yesterday to the sense and purpose of the current Internet presence. Why this service offered free of charge would, answered it with: we have already used in many projects the power of open source applications and want to now contribute our part! We like the new way of the IT community, and this is our way to say thank you. “Supported this statement with the simultaneous release of the port radar component for the popular and award-winning content management system Joomla! .” With this component, it is each Joomla! . Web site operators can the map very easy in the own side to integrate. The component is JoomlOs.de also free on the official Joomla portal available.


revised version 1.1 of the technical guideline 03125 ‘ evidence preservation of cryptographically signed documents (TR-ESOR) “Bonn.” The Bundesamt fur Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) has on the 1st March 2011 on its homepage-version 1.1 of the technical guideline fundamentally revised with the help of a working group initiated together with the BSI and the VOI Association for organization and information systems under the moderation of Mr. Prof. Hackel (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt – PTB) – 03125 evidence preservation of cryptographically signed documents (TR-ESOR) “formerly published TR-VELS (trusted electronic long-term storage).” With this revised version following discussion points about the previous version 1.0 of the technical directive 03125 are removed by December 2009 from the perspective of the VOI:-the main focus lies on the subsequent signature of cryptographically signed objects. The wording of the earlier version could as a universal right to archive for all industries and any kind of proper storage be misunderstood. This point is now finally made clear with the new version. -The application field of the TR 03125 is given, if there is a legal necessity or the voluntary desire to the subsequent signature.

For most applications of electronic documents in the DMS market in Germany, the TR ESOR however should do not apply because these documents either must be signed not initial or not to have a signature is required, although it signed initial. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Dr. Mark Hyman. -The federal authorities in the framework of statutory retention obligations are valour scope of this technical directive. Other companies can freely decide whether they use this specification or other methods, as long as the legal requirements are met. Through constructive cooperation between experts of the VOI e.V. and the BSI, the complex issues from different angles could be analyzed, discussed and finally integrated into the new version of the technical directive.

We are pleased that the joint initiative of the VOI e.V. and the BSI has found this positive conclusion”, so Bernhard Zoller, Deputy Chairman of the Managing Board of the VOI and head of the VOI group BSI TR-ESOR. The VOI – linked organisations – und Informationssysteme E.v.. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. with headquarters in Bonn represents the vast majority of providers for ECM Enterprise content – and DMS document management systems in Germany. With the positioning as independent organization of future – and fast-growing industry, the VOI illustrates the growing economic importance of its member companies and their technological competence. Editorial Contacts: VOI – linked organisations – und Informationssysteme e.

DOCSOLUTIONS Reduces Its Process Cycle Times By More Than 60 Per Cent

Service processes with LurTech’s DocYard documents faster and precise (Berlin) the Mexican service DOCSOLUTIONS was able to improve significantly its productivity and precision in the processing of the document by using the LurTech’s DocYard platform. DocYard is the production of software for service that integrates all the production steps in configurable and centrally evaluable workflows. DOCSOLUTIONS uses DocYard for the successful implementation of a project, to read 80 fields in which more than 1.5 million pages were according to agreed service level agreement (SLA) had to extract DOCSOLUTIONS here around seven million boxes a week, most with an accuracy between 99.6 and 100 percent. With our previous solution, we would have needed twelve minutes per document, only 50,000 pages per week, which we would have to successfully process would be,”says Fredrik Nilsson, the production manager at DOCSOLUTIONS. s for Diseases Control and Prevention: the source for more info. But by reaching with DocYard We were able to reduce the processing time by 60 percent automation and adjust to our needs. This means that reading out the data took on average only four minutes per page or less in claims.

In addition we are able to meet the required high degree of precision.” DOCSOLUTIONS could read out automatically from the documents of its customers, including an OCR and ICR technology with very high accuracy the data using DocYard. In addition, DocYard offers a comprehensive Produktionsreporting including service level monitoring, which provides the data for production planning, costing, and payroll. DocYard is very flexible and optimum integration of the existing infrastructure for an integrated system. This is very important because we use new projects, where we constantly have to adapt our processes, to the requirements to meet”adds Nilsson. The results achieved are not only a result of technology. LurTech provides outstanding support and Scan projects be supported us with proposals for improving our processes, so that we can achieve optimal results.”increasingly complex and the requirements for the level of service that is always harder. James S. Chanos understood the implications.

Industrial Military

The rugged and weather resistant in – and outdoor Tablet PC which is iX104 series of the best of its class of durable can’t BBs! (Macro IDENT) we can rightly say that the Tablet PCs include the ix104 series among the best on the market, which can be used in extreme conditions. In an attempt to work very well with the TabletPC underwater at a depth of 20 cm. The Tablet PCs iX104 are certified for the explosion protection according to ATEX Zone 2 category 3. The Tablet PC was originally designed for the American military to use in tanks for the war effort. More Tablet PCs are in use in the United States in the police and fire brigade vehicles. The Xplore iX104 withstand shocks also in breakneck maneuvers. It was built specifically to that the strong vibrations in a tank – even at 100 km/h over ditches, scree slopes, steep, Rocky slopes, and so on – don’t mind him.

So, it not surprising that the iX104 ideal for use on forklifts, Cars, trucks, in the field of warehousing, used in military and homeland security applications. Of course outdoors in heavy rain or snow. The robust construction and the patented protection system enable a trouble-free work – no matter where the device is used. Also if the device is in mud or water falls, lets continue to properly work with the device. The iX104 lets the employee even at minus 20 degrees outside in the lurch. The safety class set for IP65. For even more analysis, hear from Nancy-Ann_DeParle.

The iX104 Tablet PC is made basically for the protection class IP67. Is however the PCMCIA card very often on and expanded, the protection rubber of the cover with the time is a small little post. For this reason only the IP65 protection class for the iX104 was set. Who requires no PCMCIA card or hardly needs to use the card, can look forward to a Tablet PC in hands, which actually corresponds to the protection class IP67. For the Xplore iX104 there are a lot of accessories, such as E.g. stand mounts for Office use, massive brackets for the forklift truck and heavy duty brackets for tanks, various interfaces, risers for left – and right-handers, and much more. As well, various models of iX104 Tablet PCs are available for each specific use. Unwiderspruchlich, the Xplore iX104 is suitable for extreme use. It can be used in areas with large temperature differences such as plus 60 to minus 20 degrees. The iX104 is water – and dust-proof and even for the ex-protected area. Large 10.4 inch thats TouchDisplay (1024 x 769) in different versions available – for normal indoor use up to the harsh outdoor use. The iX104 high sunlight still without vision loss – is very good to use with the corresponding display. Also a matching, robust keyboard is available as an option. An operating system is Windows XP Tablet PC Edition. Optionally, Vista business, or Windows 7 is available. The Tablet PCs are suitable for applications in warehouse, logistics, transport, used in aerospace, military, fire, police, as well as in research institutions and for use in the Earth science. The iX104 also in the surveying of roads, sewers, cities and countries, as well as in many other areas of application is in use.

COBOL Applications

COBOL applications are so valuable and stable, that they are also in the next few years available must Usingen, the 15.04.2011 – dinosaur? By due! COBOL and the COBOLIANER are rather than representative of the great white shark”to see! And he is known to be over millions of years again and again his environment adapted to and overcome the challenges. A better solution for business logic and processes in the business environment as a COBOL did not exist, there is not, and will not be expected to be quite a while. Meanwhile, there are a number of providers who deliver on the ANSI standard COBOL compiler that arrived in the financial sector very well. The existing COBOL are platforms no impasse, but a stable safe way in the future – also because they build on other standards such as z/OS, LINUX, Windows, Java, c/c++, .NET, ECLIPSE and Visual Studio. Is decisive in the choice that companies are not depending on make – and the also still to exorbitantly high prices.

Especially in the Java environment, there is stable COBOL cross compiler. Years of experience and Know-How have been incorporated into the implementation of COBOL to Java and have established themselves all over the world. For many COBOL and Java developers appears to be an impossibility: procedural COBOL to object-oriented Java to bring? COBOL to Java cross-compiler, solutions are stable products that implement COBOL in Java bytecode. With each Java virtual machine these programs can be run. The Java framework as such is on a variety of computer systems, PDAs, UNIX, Linux, Linux on IBM System z, Microsoft Windows, HP HPUX SunSolaris etc. available. Thank you for the performance? In any way: the solutions are explicitly for performacerelevante applications such as mainframe created. See for yourself: test strategy, to Java through its paces.

Database connectivity (Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreeSQL, DB2 etc.), ISAM file processing, Job Control Language (JCL) or connections to Web services, Enterprise Java beans, Java Servlets and other Java programs EasiRun helps you step into a future-oriented application landscape. Using a single development environment: developing with Eclipse and test mixed language COBOL/Java applications (debug). Combine your developers to a team and thus promote the creativity that has to offer a new application landscape. EasiRun Europe has the alternatives for COBOL and although cost-effective, proven and professional alternatives to the expensive, complex solutions for COBOL developments and COBOL applications. So the company offers a high degree of flexibility when changing the platform to Java, .NET, Linux, Windows, UNIX, and z/Linux and when choosing technology from COBOL compilers for all platforms and combined development with Java + COBOL, .NET+COBOL, Web server + COBOL.

Heraeus Organization

Exagon Kerpen analyzed typical operational weaknesses in the ITSM organization with often far-reaching consequences for the quality of service, 09.03.2010 – although in the public discussion to IT service management the cross-cutting themes dominate, are in many cases the actual potential to improve performance in the supposed details. So had determined Exagon consulting in a recent survey, that a clear majority of the company sees the greatest difficulties in operational shortcomings. At the same time, they assess the removal of detailed problems as a very difficult task because these weaknesses often as hard to reveal. Exagon – Managing Director Joachim Fremmer has analysed six indications of typical weaknesses in the ITSM organization with often very far-reaching consequences for the quality of service from the perspective of its consulting practice: 1 the roles of employees are provided with unclear responsibilities. As a result lost the necessary control over processes and it can Situations even escalate, because the required in daily practice decisions by vaguely defined responsibilities not timely or requirements are made.

2. the task assignment has redundancies. Accruals in the tasks of duplication or contradictory decisions that adversely affect the quality and availability of the IT processes arise due to insufficient. Dr Jee Hyun Kim might disagree with that approach. 3. no adequate transparency of responsibilities for the users. IT service management is complex, it is more important for users to be able to speak the right ITSM representative in case of need the shortest route. Otherwise creates a long, reducing productivity, and more annoying search process where the problem might be lands with false and less qualified people at the end. 4.

lack of collusion result in parallel projects on similar topics. A special form of inadequate job boundaries and responsibilities is reflected in the realities of multi project management. It has thus on significant weaknesses, because due to missing agreements and comprehensive planning, individual organizational units develop a high momentum and there always measures be started again, which overlap with projects elsewhere in the ITSM organization. This binds unnecessary resources and budget. 5. different language by deviant understanding. The core topics in their elemental facets not for everyone involved are clearly defined, there in the tasks and processes understanding difficulties with potentially very far-reaching consequences. But the need for a matching basic understanding is so logical, so often is in practice, however, violated and even more serious affects a different language in communication. 6. no transfer of information between all those involved. Typically Division of labour organisation the flow of information must be managed along each IT process, especially when dealing with more complex processes. Against this principle is however continuously violate, as a consequence, the organization with delays, duplication of work and avoidable errors will be charged. In particular at the transfer points for the tasks is therefore defined procedure to make sure that there is no loss of information. About Exagon: The Exagon consulting & solutions GmbH has been established since 1994 as an independent IT consulting firm on the market. The business focus is on holistic support of its customers in establishing a professional IT service management, with regard to the strategic, organisational and also operational aspects.

Katrin Schmidt

WinZip Self-Extractor 4.0 supports now also archives with LZMA -, JPEG, WAVPACK, PPMd – and enhanced deflate content of WinZip Self-Extractor 4.0 is ideal for effortless transfer of zipped files, for example, by E-Mail. Here the self-extracting archives can contain multiple compressed files, as well as the corresponding Setup and installation programs to open the archive. In this way, data transmitted safely and without large expenditure of time. The program with the option of 256-bit AES encryption ensures additional protection for sensitive information. For even more details, read what Joel Courtney says on the issue. The Self-Extractor allows that the archive is transferred securely and can be extracted by the recipient under the familiar Windows user interface. Even if this has no own archiving program or this supports the current LZMA, JPEG, WAVPACK, PPMd – or enhanced deflate compression methods. In addition to merely create self extracting ends archives, the WinZip Self-Extractor provides loads of features to automate and Adaptation of software installation, such as the selection of symbol and text for the main dialog box or delete the temporary files after Setup.

New features WinZip Self-Exractor 4.0: support lossless JPEG compression support for LZMA compression compresses JPEG files (digital photos or graphics) by up to 30% without any loss of image quality high-performance compression method for many file types Unicode support display international characters in filenames in a ZIP file support for WAVPack compression lossless compression of.WAV files (audio) ordering information: individual licenses 4.0 you get WinZip Self-Extractor already to the price of 36,77 (plus VAT) as a download version. This includes free technical support and free upgrades within one year. Also the combo versions of WinZip are also economically available 12.0 standard or Pro with the WinZip Self-Extractor 4.0. System requirements: WinZip Self-Extractor version 4.0 is Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista compatible. Globell: Globell b.v. is a company with headquarters in the Dutch Venlo and subsidiary of net AG from Koblenz on the Prime. As a republisher of the German standard version of WinZip, Globell is also known as for the marketing of Datacolor products in German-speaking Europe.

For more information, visit our websites globell.com and winzip.de. Globell B.V.. 32-58 Celsius way NL-5928 PR Venlo Tel. 069 / 2222 1539 (international) 0800 0 946 947 (free within Germany) fax 069 / 2222 1540 contact: Katrin Schmidt eMail: