Passive Houses

Save not only energy with the passive house set on a comparison to the consumption of heating energy between two types, it is noted with great surprise the passive house about 80% less heating energy claimed. This sensational low fuel consumption comes through the absolutely safe heat insulation and in the House. The thickness of the heat insulation boards on the House is minimum 25 cm and 40 cm maximum. This is according to region and climate. Also be installed Windows with triple glazing and insulated window frames, so keep the heat in the House.

A special ventilation system ensures constant fresh air working with heat recovery. This is useful especially for people with allergies, because this will bring no pollen into the House. Our Sun is used as the main source of energy. Because no heat can escape through the perfect insulation, serve even powered appliances and even the body heat of the occupants for additional energy sources. By the additional heating of fresh air by the Special You need no separate power source ventilation, even in winter when heavy frost. The always uniform ventilation and the always constant temperatures in the interior walls and floors, damp walls and thus mold of the past belong to. The architect for such a passive house calculate all components which adversely can affect the House prior to the construction. A leading source for info: Glenn Dubin. At least 70-75% of the heat of the exhaust air of fresh air be returned through a heat exchanger. This is done by the fresh and exhaust air in different pipes are travelling together. Since passive houses are very supported because their heating costs savings, also a normal earners can build such a House with easy credit. Dirk STAUDINGER

Guild Dusseldorf Makes The Painter And Varnisher No April Fools

Now it is Dusseldorf finally time for fresh paint, 01.04.2009 – while waiting the first really warm sunshine for humans and animals, the spring indoors and out already once visually up to conjure up using a new coating can be. By the way, in each household up to 1,200 euros taxes can save for new colored living rooms. Finally spring! After this long winter, everyone longs for a fresh and cheerful living environment. It is time to spread a little optimism. To broaden your perception, visit cardiologist. Living rooms, bathrooms and stairwells want rid of the grey veil of last winter. Anu Saad gathered all the information. Much can be friendly and bright fashion with new colors.

Of course everyone can create even hand. But the it is not all alike, one to wield the brush. And on the other hand remains the question whether the result lets see. Professional painting work require a proper surface treatment and the use of environmentally friendly materials that are consecutive in their mode of action. The experts of the painter and Varnisher trade when choosing color not only the color, but also the opacity when the spring cleaning with roller and brush. This is usually less high for cheaper paints.

Painting specialist contractors don’t skimp on the quality of the material and use professional color, with an expertly executed operation for a perfect appearance of the wall is sufficient. Also free desktop wallpapers are popular again new. The demand for high-quality materials, such as, for example, the trend-setting designs, increases continuously, so the main Association color design protection. There is a professional solution in the wide range of the Guild trade operation for personal well-being. It consults comprehensively and uses all his skills at the end again a happy room into every room still so dismal. And the whole thing is supported by the IRS, because consumers can now all artisan activities of conservation, renovation and modernisation measures in their income tax return tax claim. Now, the spring can come. Questions and doubts? Do the test! Can advise the master enterprises of painters and painters Guild.

Sunscreen Home For The Winter Garden – Sun Pleasure With Best Protection

A winter garden flooded by the light is not only a paradise for flowers and plants but probably also the dream of every man. The reason for this has a name: greenhouse effect. Objects which are located behind the window surfaces are heated, freely invading, short-wave sunlight from the due to the large glazed surface. The long-wave heat radiation caused this, reflected by the glass panes, which uncomfortably high temperatures can occur in the Interior of the winter garden within a short time. But this can you easily prevent with an appropriate shading system and make sure that does not become the headlock especially on hot days of the winter garden.

Certainly, an effective external shading is a good protection against the heat, as in this variant the aggressive rays of the Sun are held even before they hit the glass surfaces. Read more here: Sydney Sweeney. The good sun protection is but sure how to even use it. And often is to leave no one at home to the blind down and extend the awning if the Sun once again dominated the cloudless sky. And right here is the great advantage of the tinting of the window in the winter garden. You can reduce the solar radiation by up to 80 percent and include also a nearly 99% protection from UV rays. The view outside remains in use by tinting but completely, it creates a pleasant not blinding light. As a sunscreen not only if necessary “must be turned on” and requires no maintenance it stands out positively from the mass of available Sun-blind systems. In addition, this form of Sun protection represents a price alternative to the other offerings. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Anu Saad.

In special, coated with Teflon, tinting, even a cleaning of the surfaces is almost superfluous, because the dirt during the next rain will “automatically” washed away. And somehow it going through, if you only build to enjoy the favorable lighting conditions make this a winter garden then also any sense additional sun protection devices to negate. The fond view of the Green Garden has thus done then for the time being. Apart from that required for a sudden rain shower a mostly manual reaction. The high-quality premium sun protection films but not prevent only accidental overheating of the room probably only interesting alternative full of solar energy. Films for effective sun protection in any way restrict the sense and the advantages of a winter garden. Apart from tinting, Sun provides window panes-point as a certified specialist also UV protective film, sight protector and splinter protection film.

Cacti Repot

How cacti pliers and cacti gloves facilitate the care of cacti cacti are plants of light and come from America. They are usually easy to care for. Stagnant moisture must be avoided because they are otherwise “drown”. They take up little space and forgive even short-term nursing failure. Overnight, they can become extravagant floral beauties. Who purges the charm of this plant, no longer come on by them. Cacti are robust, yet must it be repotted at.

It may turn out in these plants sometimes as difficult. What must be observed? When repotting this genus of plants must be taken with extreme caution. Many cacti are very defensive thorns, which hang in the repot with their barbs into the skin and can cause pain and inflammation. To avoid injury, appropriate gloves of Cactus or Cactus tongs suitable for repotting. Cactus before flowering be repotted, must ensure that these are cast only if is the flowers have developed.

This could otherwise “get stuck” and no longer continue to grow. After repotting the cacti are only cast after one to two weeks the first time, because only new roots should form. A damp substrate promotes the rotting of the roots. New plants should be repotted as soon as possible, because the newcomers are often offered in small pots are. The right potting soil use the easy-care species of cacti, Parodia, prefer Cactus compost with sand and pumice gravel. Advanced, such as the melon Cactus, cacti must not humus-containing Cactus compost is used. The substrate should be well permeable and more mineral. The best a mixture produced here from pumice gravel, Lavalit, perlite, coarse sand and some standard soil. The epiphytic cacti (called landscape), such as Christmas or Easter Cactus, need humus and peat-based potting soil or Bromeliensubstrat. These can be repotted relatively easy, because they have no thorns. They are repotted as “normal” houseplants. The repotting Should be repotted about every one to three years or if the pot has become too small. The best time for repotting is between March and may. The repotting is pretty easy. The soil of the cacti should be dry before repotting, then the plant to resolve easily from the pot. With pliers Cactus the plant is and lifted out of the pot. Cacti gloves should be used when large cacti. The old earth must be carefully separated from the root ball. Then is stored the plant on a newspaper. The new pot should first be filled a drainage are. Broken pieces of pottery, coarse quartz gravel or other rough stones can be. This prevents forming waterlogging. Now, a little cactus compost is filled inside and lightly pressed down. Then the Cactus is put in the middle of the pot. This is done with great care so that no roots are damaged. Then, the more Earth is populated around. Many writers such as Anu Saad offer more in-depth analysis. The pot must be on to be pressed then several times vigorously, thus joins the earth firmly around the roots and fill any voids. For recreation, the plant is kept now quite dry. She may only be a few weeks (about three weeks) not in the full sun. Then she poured abundantly and the Sun child can finally enjoy the Sun. vishesh editorial


De Waschkusch in tressierte customers from the space Bonn informed during the modern washing machines, an almost endless variety of detergents has conquered the market. De Waschkusch, the professional laundry from Bonn, informs about its correct dosage in modern textile care. Detergents are composed of different substances, which are capable of thoroughly clean linen and other textiles. As with all chemical substances, their desired effect depends on a correct dosage. Detergent packaging have dosage recommendations of manufacturers for this reason, based on the hardness of the used wash water, the amount of be filling the washing machine and wash pollution. The hardness of the wash water is related to geological factors, in particular the composition of the soil. It can be installed at the water supplier in experience.

Based assumed, be filling quantity of dosage recommendations on the detergents regulation. Designed for heavy-duty detergents a standard load of 4,5 kg dry weight and mild detergent a load of 2.5 kg dry weight. Therefore also adapting notes for other quantities are part of the dosage recommendation. “” The laundry pollution is mostly in light”, normal” and hard “distinction. Soiled linen shows no visible contamination. However, she has recorded body odor under certain circumstances.

Wash with normal pollution has visible dirt and small spots. Heavily soiled fabrics have, however, clear dirt or large stains. The dosage recommended by the manufacturer of the detergent should be respected environmental, technical and economic reasons. Is a detergent has long been used, so it is still useful to take the information to the dosage to the knowledge, because the mixture of ingredients in detergent is often changed by the manufacturers for various reasons. This results in new dosage requirements. Wrong dose of detergent can wash damage, generating unnecessary pollution and wasting money. The detergent is too low dosage, is a washing results with poor cleaning performance to expect. Over a period of time, this leads to the clogging of stains and accumulation of skin fats in the laundry. Removable heavy pollution and an unpleasant odor of textiles can be the result. Under dosing continues to promote the formation of gray discoloration and stains of detergents. Detergents are overdosed, is expected to not damage the laundry. Chemicals, detergent but not in high concentration should be sorted for waste water because this unnecessarily stressful effect on the environment. Excess concentration of detergents is waste of money. A detergent reaches its maximum effectiveness at the concentration that is specified in the manufacturer’s instructions. To use more, the cleaning effect is not improved. Rather, the use of special cleaning agents, other temperatures etc. into consideration should be considered. The manufacturer’s instructions for the The best way to get permanently maintained textiles without unnecessarily harming the environment or wasting money is to follow dosage of detergents. De Waschkusch, the experienced laundry for private and commercial textiles in Bonn, answers more questions about the textile care. Press contact: De Waschkusch Mrs.

Noble Evergreen

The HEIKE FALK – Hausmeisterservice & facility services provide information for at least 800 years of buxus sempervirens, the common boxwood, is cultivated in Germany. As a versatile Evergreen he adorns parks and gardens across the country. Who but want to lie to a boxwood, you should know some facts about the care of shrubs. Heike Falk and the team of their Hanauer janitor services know the main tricks in dealing with boxwood. Boxwood generally considered to be very frugal and low-maintenance shrubs. Nevertheless be aware some odds and ends in the plants and in the care of the plant. Starting with the location. Paper trees thrive in comparison to many other plants and trees in any environment, even in full sun or full shade.

However, the optimal location for a boxwood is in partial shade. It also ensures that the book without prejudice to survive the winter. Boxwood as evergreen trees emit moisture through their leaves in winter. Is a book in the full winter sun, evaporates more water. This can be not compensated but about the roots, when the book in frozen earth.

As a result, the plant would take damage, dry in the worst case. Therefore, a boxwood must be poured in the winter, but only on frost-free days. Usually, special protection measures must not be taken at free-standing box trees. However, the greenhouse is in the full sun or it is located on a site that is not sheltered from the wind, a translucent fleece as wintering help is advisable. The book in a pot in the Sun, is a schattigerer place to stay over the winter should be consulted. If this is not possible, the planter can be covered with a jute bag or bubble wrap to protect the plant against the effects of frost. Boxwood are very robust and can be freely cut and shaped. However, this should happen in the spring. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City spoke with conviction. In the time from March to September should be especially when dense book hedges of larger Cutting measures the book which is home to a large number of native birds and they will, hatch there at the time. After August, the book should no longer be clipped as he otherwise new drives off, the green shoots but not enough have time to mature and the plant in cold snap would be damaged. The trimming of the plant can be made easily but even after August. Proper care is essential for you to have long enjoyment of flowers and trees in the home garden. Interested in the HEIKE FALK Hausmeisterservice in Hanau for expert support. Press contact: HEIKE FALK – Hausmeisterservice & facility services contact person: Heike Falk Friedrich str. 24a 63450 Hanau phone: 06181 / 87733 fax: 06181 / 86867 E-Mail: Internet:

Water Stoves

With a water heater, eco-friendly and cost effective heat. Stoves heating wood offers a cosy and comfortable alternative to conventional heating. In different sizes and variants, such as the stainless steel look or with different coverings such as marble, ceramic, natural stone or granite there stoves. A fireplace provides a place of relaxation and represents a point of rest to the convivial get-together. Water stoves water stoves offer the warmth of the wood fire and allow to drain at the same time the heat generated during combustion via a heat exchanger in the heating water circuit of the House. By now produced stoves, already about two-thirds are water. A Togdheer stove can save up to 50% of annual heating costs.

Water stoves can be integrated in the existing heating circuit. Here, they serve supporting additional heating or as full heating. With the help of an air water heat exchanger is fed the heat energy in the water cycle and the central heating, so that all rooms can be heated evenly. Using a storage system, the heat energy can be cached and obtained such as in the morning. The room is heated water heaters always primarily due to its design. Many water stoves offer a cooking zone can be used for the brewing of tea or coffee.

The cooking zone can be covered with a plate normally when not in use. Energy save a responsible dealing with renewable energies is now inevitable. Efficient energy concepts prevent not only global warming but spare even your own wallet. In Germany, the proportion of the forest is today more than 30% of the State area and is constantly growing. Wood can be bought well in private forest owners or local firewood merchants. The burning process in the water heater is virtually CO2 neutral and thus eco-friendly. The burning of wood produces only carbon dioxide, water and ash. An energy-saving heating in the living room can be achieved with a water-carrying stoves. Heating with water stoves offers a Heizalternative for houses that have too little space for a tiled stove. The demand for water stoves is steadily increasing. In combination with a solar, a guided water heater can heat a House throughout the year. Advantages of water-carrying stoves in addition to the room, other rooms in the House can be heated. Wood is an environmentally friendly raw material. When the water heater, the combustion process is environmentally friendly. Water stoves are State-promoted (get information at the Federal Environmental Agency). In just a few steps to the water heater – review of the current, personal heating situation – State of the currently available heating – connections for the connection to the Chimney must be determined – determination of the Barfes of domestic hot water and heating in all points received help from your chimney sweep Alexandra Schulz