Egyptian Tarot

The message of the arcane greater XII of the tarot, the hanging, centered the varied consecuncias around a concept present in all religions: the notion of sacrifice. We are talking about a sacrifice voluntarily accepted as a way of spiritual growth and service to others. Although of course, the decks of tarot reading has changed with the passage of centuries, and logically the interpretation that this letter received in the old Egypt that which began to receive after the rise of Christianity is not equal. Whenever Pat Ogden listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The evolution of mankind changes the viewpoint of those who read or consult the decks. And the baggage of ideas, beliefs and dreams with which each one appropriates the meaning of arcana deeply influencing the message of the letters.

For the Egyptian tarot, the hanging symbolizes the voluntary and selfless service of who goes into action moved only by the generosity. Speaking of the need to devote life to a higher purpose, although still do not understand it is with certainty, as a vital step to achieve the expansion and the growth at all levels. He who gives, receives, and he who is not demoralize by the obstacles in the way, reaches the goal. This letter also speaks of a stakeout in the values that guide the life of every one, since a path of deep spirituality who initiates begins to feel one ever-increasing by the material world detachment. The Gypsy tarot, on the other hand, takes the image of the hanging as a symbol of the restrictions that will be subjected that consultation in the near future. Here speaks of a higher power who guides the order of things, and that nothing serves to oppose. This deck speaks of difficult situations that can only be overcome through the generosity and sacrifice. The image that illustrates it is now the Scandinavian god Odin, which hung head down in exchange for greater wisdom. Therefore, one who is willing to give his life, then, will win it, and who is left to dominate by selfishness will lose himself. This arcane resumes within the decks of the Gypsy tarot reading the notion of desapego by the material world, and you can announce losses of this nature to whoever does the sole aim of his life of obtaining goods and riches. Juan Carlos Montillo

Skin Care

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Sesame oil is used with a particularly balanced proportion of linoleic and fatty acid as a plasticizer. Checking article sources yields Mark Hyman, MD as a relevant resource throughout. Following ingredients have been added to perfect the beneficial effects of the Huile divine: CAUDALIE patented WEINTRAUBENPOLYPHENOLE it is this ingredient, which has been known to caudalie. The extracts from grape seeds are unique antioxidants and protect the natural hyaluronic acid in addition (and this part is less well known). SHEA BUTTER your restorative properties are known far beyond the borders of their African homeland. Delicate PLASTICIZERS and herbal ESTER (also called Key active ingredient), consisting mainly of coconut oil extracts certified by ECOCERT, finally complete the oil to a light, velvety soft and fast moving product. The dry oil as an all-rounder in the elegant spray can be used as a body oil, massage, bath and even for the hair. The price for the HUILE DIVINE (100 ml) is located at 25,-. Available on and in selected pharmacies source: WWW.CAUDALIE.COM


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Surgery And Technology

A plastic surgeon can remove wrinkles, bags under his eyes, to make clear the face oval. And the whole face will look younger and more attractive. And although the latest technology would slow the aging process for years to come, over time, wrinkles and other signs of aging appear again. Lifetime warranty can be given only if it is to correct the shape of the nose or eliminate scarring. For each operation has its own terms: from 7 years of age and throughout life, you can adjust the shape of the ears. It's pretty popular operation.

Otoplasty is painless, it takes place outpatient basis, if desired, it can be done under general anesthesia. Through a small incision behind the ear of the cartilage removed, the stitches are removed after two weeks. For some time after removal of sutures have to wear a small bandage. 18-25 correct the shape of the nose (rhinoplasty). Nature has created us a very different, some just do not have noses – duck, with a hump, nose – potatoes.

And almost anyone happy little shape of his nose. Sometimes you need to do for rhinoplasty health indicators, such as distortion of nasal septum breathing can be difficult. Rhinoplasty – change in the shape of the nose is carried inside the nose and traces on the face of it remains. In the first days after surgery due to edema difficulty breathing, but then a new nose, as they wanted. 20-30 years of lip augmentation, correction of the chin, cheeks, 30 -40 years – removing bags under the eyes, the change in eye shape, the correction of upper eyelid, drooping over his eyes. Eyelid surgery – blepharoplasty. Fat pads under the eyes, the so-called hernia removed under local or general anesthesia through an incision under the ciliated edge or through the conjunctiva without external incision. If the upper eyelid hangs over eye, then this strip of skin is removed, with no seam to do, and the eyes become more expressive. 40-50 composite face lift, neck lift and brow. Circular facelift better to do until the skin is more elastic and elastic, ie, in 38-40 years. After 50 years shows only repeated plastic surgery face and neck. Plastic surgeon first show you a new look on the computer screen. Be prepared for the fact that after the surgery can be discomfort.