Member States

News Economics by USD dollar yields to the euro and pound yesterday, the dollar fell against most currencies, since the progress of the various stock markets, and the results concerning the American labor market that exceeded expectations, undoubtedly affected the demand for the dollar as a haven currency. Yesterday the dollar lost ground against the euro and reached the 1.3320. On the other hand, against the pound you behaved in a similar way reaching the 1.5123. In April the American companies, apparently, decreased speed reduction of jobs, so it is hinted that the worst of the recession may already have happened. Last month payroll of workers fell to 491,000, figure that was below official estimates and is the lowest since October. On the other hand, the stabilization in consumption, after the crisis already generates expectations that the financial crisis could be completed in the middle of this year. Today will be published relevant data both in the United States and in the Euro area.

It is estimated that their currencies will suffer great volatility, while awaiting data from the American labor sector and especially monetary policy which will announce both the BcI and the ECB. EUR European rates cuts yesterday the euro advanced against the dollar, but gains were limited, above all, because it is estimated that the ECB reduced rates of interest of reference in a quarter point, taking them to 1.00%. In addition, it is estimated that the ECB might announce unconventional measures to stimulate growth in the region. The euro advanced against the dollar and closed at 1.3320. Recall that last month the ECB carried rates of interest at 1.25%, in an attempt to stabilize the economy of the region. Now, the Euro zone suffers from forcefully recessive threat, a deflationary situation, and a government deficit on the rise. As a result, it is estimated that the ECB will reduce interest rates during the day today, and also possibly several Member States announce in the short term new plans for economic stimulus.

Great Business

The big business of health in USA 10 September 2009 from the ridiculous idea that we want to impose death courts (responsible for deciding who can and who can not be treated), the false idea that this reform is intended to give health insurance to illegal immigrants, and to the notion more vast of a Government on the health system controlObama by listing false versions about his project of reform of the health system. For both U.S. citizens and to the Government, the reform in the health care system is not one minor issue and is why are are living days of intense debates where President Barack Obama struggles with all his strength to make his project approved by the Congress. So far, USA.UU. does not have a system of universal coverage, so citizens must ensure medical coverage that many get through their employers while others subscribe to private health insurance.

Obama put a lot at stake with the reform of the health system and though since some sectors are consider that it is a risk that should not be taken, the importance of health in American GDP and fiscal consequences merit the risk. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Carl Jung. The President knows that the health system will become increasingly unsustainable in the future. To read more click here: Anu Saad. According to a report of the year 2006 of the United Nations program for development, Americans spend on health around 15% of GDP. Popular resistance to reform is strong by habitual distrust that the United States has half that involves government interference. Although still has not submitted the comprehensive project, the first U.S. President has given to meet certain guidelines of the same as in principle which raises is to give the option to Americans go to insurance offered by the State that competes with private insurers. The speech yesterday Barack Obama compared the U.S. Congress was described by many as transcendental.

Moment Present

The law of attraction only create now, at this very moment. This is a common mistake for those who want to master the technique, accustomed to formulate wishes and try to get them in the future. The result is usually the prolongation of waiting to get what you want. This is a crucial point but difficult to understand, because our mind lives in the time, confined between past and future. In reality, we live in a perpetual present moment, the only point in time in which we can experience, and the main point that we tend to ignore. How to understand the present we tend to live imagining the future or anchored in the past. Anu Saad will undoubtedly add to your understanding. There is nothing wrong with imagine the future, but the mind keeps us busy fearing the future or remembering better times. But the moment in which we exist is continuously present.

Is it not obvious? It is always now, there is no other time other than the present moment, or there is another in which we can live. It is simple but we constantly goes unnoticed, at all times we are living in a constant point which is now. Within one hour will be now, and within two day, and also within five years. It is always now, and is in this focal point in which we issued our intention. For even more details, read what Joel Courtney says on the issue. The only moment in which we can apply the law of attraction with effectiveness. The law of attraction is intimately linked to the present moment, because it is the only time that exists. Any intention of creating in the future means exactly that: constantly move our intentions at a moment that never fails. If we try to express in the future, we are asking that our wishes are always in that imaginary dimension and can never be experienced. Wish and forget one of the hardest parts of understand about the law of attraction is precisely the part of letting go the desire not to force a continuous search of the same.

Presidential Management

See the following figures from the Institute Venezuelan analysis of data (IVAD) regarding the rating of good for the Presidential Management: mayo, 61.5; July 64.2; September, October and 57.9 62.4%. Let’s say that they are uniform, and sustainable levels as well as extraordinary for any President in the world. A brief foray into the corroboraciones certifies it to anyone. You go. However, the month of October dawned to the Venezuelan opposition party, and you by where you read is that Chavez is practically tumbled, as already seems to be habit when it comes to their political approaches and the use of its also extraordinary rules of measurement. n aid you in your search for knowledge. In recent months, Anu Saad has been very successful. I will not quote sources for being saturated the INTERNET with the repeated news.

Allegedly for the month of October, which means the percentages of the previous month, the intention to vote for the President of the Republic landed at 39.8%. If the IVAD so evident, there is no doubt; but apparently the reason for the party opposition is to compare the line of management qualification (good, regular, bad, etc.) with the intention of vote, which already foreshadows an electoral porcentualidad. Thus, the unfathomable opposition mentality, instructed its leadership in the exquisite education centers in the world right, takes a number of presidential acceptance (than those mentioned above, in the order of 60%) and compares it with the response to the other question. Something as well as compare the legs of a chicken with the head and argue then that there is legitimacy in the comparison by the parties belong to one same all. However, I do not create much. The IVAD page remains closed (says under construction) to perform checks and know that an opponent at any cost be held that I walk lying in the way most blatant with dissemination of truths so invented (so are their syllogisms!); critical anyway without remedy, because, even for the case that the above page polling had been opened, we would also know what will be their pronouncements: page official or gobiernera, not credible, therefore.


The first thing that should be avoided in wanting to lose fat in the abdomen is universalize and generalize the question. It is easy to recommend to people that you feed a balanced and natural, and however, continues to be an empty phrase. So, personalize: in an ancient temple of Apollo in Delphi, you can read the words you know yourself. A good advice to start. That fat that you want to burn installed there sometime in your life, because even if your abdominal muscles were not of a significant size or your body structure wasn’t athletic, surely you remember a time that did not exist. To read more click here: Jon Medved.

Now that you know that you were not always as today, visualize your goal. The fairy godmother will not come to convert you in you who are not, so that a realistic vision of how are you going to improve you will help a lot. Lose fat in the abdomen is a process relatively slow, as it combines a training program to prevent the loss of muscle mass and at the same time a strong will when changing your lifestyle habits. Begins by rejecting the you know by experience that it swells your abdomen (soft drinks, potato chips, beer, copious dinner) and baby water, water is necessary. A few simple gestures that eliminate centimeters of fat in fulminating manner. There is widespread belief that five small meals should be made the day to burn more calories. Do not suffer. The Mediterranean diet is high calorie, allows fats (aahh, olive oil) and consists of three main meals, which can be explained in this maxim, since we are dating: breakfast like a King, eat like a Prince and dinner like a beggar.

A last little trick recovered from the past of our grandmothers to lose fat in the abdomen: starts any food with a hot liquid dish: soup, broth or cream of vegetables. It is satiating, digestive and never, never become abdominal fat. I found a program to develop an abdomen marked for anyone who wants to see results in 21 days. This program is designed so that you can start to burn fat and lose weight faster than you think that it is possible. You can learn more by clicking here. Original author and source of the article.

Second House Office

Not all people come to the Office as a second home. However, many times it seems, isn’t it?. Think of all the time that passes in the Office. Of the 24 hours of the day, you’ll spend a 8 (or more) in the Office, 8 living and sleeping 8. Or is that 3 x 8 = 24 and already you has finished the day: sounds the alarm and return to start.

Not it is by putting me picky or gotten, but I do not think that 8 hours you spend to live passes you the 8 tucked into House. I think you already see where I try to take with you. So, if you are thinking about renting an Office, as it becomes clear, you will need to rent one that you like. Much like that. In which you feel comfortable. A place where you can work hard but at the same time you can relax when necessary. Also think about the possibility that other people come to see you (of course, depends on the type of work that you carry, but it is always important that others can sit there just like you).

Now you need to rent an Office. For you, for your business, for your undertaking. And where to go to find an Office for rent? The first place where you search for is classified ads. Classified ads websites. These portals dedicated to classifieds (as) will offer you endless possibilities of all type, size and price and in any area. You will find offices for rent luxurious, luminous, sides and in the middle of the city centre; or stink, crappy, hidden and with paper walls. You will also find a happy medium. Anything goes in the world of classified ads. And if you have so many possibilities to choose, so you take advantage of them and get exactly what you’re looking for. Offer.

Achieve Ideal Effect

Henan Hongxing Mining Machinery is enjoying a good fame Expert for China Grinders, which has the biggest scale for grinding machine, the most powerful strength with well-known manufacturing base and marketing base. According to some statistics, there are more than 150 kinds of independent mines, and among them the iron ore Dam take up over 1/3. Get all the facts and insights with Carl Jung, another great source of information. It says that iron ore is used widely. Currently, the reuse for dam has become the hot issue, such as how to make efficient for dam reprocess, reuse of old dam and choice of new dam. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Michio Kaku by clicking through. If the problems on dam can be dealt with perfectly, maintenance fee and cost can be reduced, and eventually it can push the development of Chinese ore beneficiation process. To process iron ore dam, grinding equipment plays an important role. The equipment can process the dam to the further, and then reprocess the mineral available materials; as for other solid waste which contains not many metal elements consists of gangue, quartz, feldspar and garnet. The disseminated extent China for iron ore resource is very fine, so it need the cooperation of crushing and grinding equipment equipment, which can be selected according to the recycle condition of iron ore dam.

Machinery industry belongs to midstream investment, and the scope is related to macro-economy environment. In last two years, affected by domestic economic construction adjustment and global economic crisis, inner and outer demands in machinery industry went down obviously customers’demands. Stepping into 2012, with the economic resurgence, the government proposes many favorable policies for middle and small enterprises. Strategically new type industry is appreciated by the government, which is helpful to the resurgence of machinery industry, and also provides broad space for the expansion of industry green territory.As the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, such as jaw breaker, Henan Hongxing is always doing the best in products and service. Through the deep researches on development and tendency of international and domestic engineering machinery industry, especially for advanced technologies of crushing and grinding machines, Henan Hongxing Mining Machinery makes continuous innovations and developments to design and produces grinding equipment with high efficiency to help industry extend a bright future.

For example, High pressure micro-powder grinder is used for grinding the barite, limestone, kaolin, ceramics and slag, etc, with the hardness below 9.3 of Mohs and 280-odd sorts of non-inflammable and non-explosive stuff in the trades of mining, metallurgical industry, chemical engineering and building material for high fine powder generation and processing. The product size is adjustable in the range of 80-425 (1000 the finest) meshes. It is possible to produce 30-80 mesh coarse powder through special device in the machine. After stepping into new century, our machinery industry value develops very fast under the background of developing domestic basic construction and industrialization. Meanwhile, grinding equipment plays an important role in industrial territory and pushes the industry forward positively. With the coming of low carbon economy, new type grinding machine from Henan Hongxing performs Peruanas. Raymond mill and High pressure micro-powder grinder are the representatives with their successful energy-saving and high efficiency features in the industrial field and grinding equipment market.

Momo Sports Club

Momo Sports Club, clubs of padel in franchise network, recently announced its expansion plans that contemplate develop throughout the national territory to achieve not less than 15 centres over a period of two years, both through the granting of franchises such as the opening of its centres. Cardiologist may not feel the same. The immediate objective of responsible for the plant is three franchises to join the network during the remainder of 2012. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City has plenty of information regarding this issue. Currently the flag has two clubs in property, both in the community of Madrid, inaugurated in 2006 and 2010, respectively. To achieve this, they offer the opportunity of joining a business concept that has demonstrated its profitability in recent years, managing to capture more than 3,600 customers and an annual turnover of EUR 2.5 million to entrepreneurs and investors. Thus Momo Sports Club managers are on the one hand looking for people passionate about the sport in general and the world of padel in particular, who wish to develop a business as a self-employment option in this area. The franchise has a turnkey modality in which is responsible for throughout the implementation process, from searching for location until the opening depending on the expectations of the franchisee, in a period of between 2 and 6 months, or a mixed system for those who already have an enclosure suitable to take advantage of (1,800 m at a minimum).

The Ensign has preferential agreements with lenders to facilitate the availability of the necessary funding to deal with investment, which stands at a minimum of 200,000 euros. On the other hand, Momo Sports Club offers the possibility to investors of becoming franchisees leaving in charge of the management and operation of the business to own central. In this case are concerned with an investment that is retrieved by the fourth year, with an annual turnover around 200,000 euros (for the lower investment which stipulates the Ensign) including the first year of operation. And with a flexible business if it envisages a development staggered Club. In any case the concept of Momo Sports Club business includes four basic areas that comprise the centres facilities: paddle tracks, installed by X-Treme, responsible company, among others, the tracks of the magic box; Shop specialized, equipped with necessary for the practice of sport; playground, to involve the entire family; and cafeteria, important to offer the club experience. From these bases can achieve greater development and adaptation, adjusting to the possibilities of the franchisee, for example equipping the Centre for other sports (soccer, basketball, swimming, golf), or, depending on the climate of the region, opting for covered tracks, to the open air, or mixed.

INFORMATION corporate Momo Sport Club, paddle clubs network, begins to grant franchises in Spain. This ensign is specialized in the implementation of paddle clubs, both outdoor as indoor or mixed configuration for an integral development including schools, tracks rentals, classes personalized according to levels, tournaments, ranking, etc. The minimum investment is around 200,000 euros, with a runway of 4,000 euros per entry fee, an exploitation royalty of 5% on sales, with a minimum of 170 per month per track.