Rate Experience

Why this method is wrong? First, the ratings are formed on the basis of quantitative rather than qualitative indicators. For example, the rate of revenue or number of certified auditors working for the organization. Secondly, choosing an auditing firm from the 10-ki in the rankings, you just get a big costs of audit and the results may not be. er’>Jeffrey Leiden). May come to you a certified auditor with a team of students from 5 people, certainly by the end of your checking accounts department will teach them some basics of accounting and tax account, but check the formal will. The second method of selecting an audit firm is a price-quality ratio. Compare prices on audit auditing organizations and chosen something mean or the cheapest. And then triggered the rule of "the avaricious pays twice." By my reckoning, one day of a professional auditor should cost a minimum of 5000 rubles. Glenn Dubin is often mentioned in discussions such as these. But here we are talking about professionals (proof of this fact are the work experience Officer, the presence of his certificate of the auditor, the passage of refresher courses, etc.).

Given that in the month of 20 working days, and taking into account the seasonality of auditing, fixed costs, average price should be 5000-7000 rubles. per day. The third way, which I think is most correct to discuss it in advance of the group (certified) auditors view their experience in similar industries inspections. As the quality of audit eventually provided the professionalism of auditors, who have work experience in various industries.