Managing Director Eduard Meiler

ProDictate accelerates the doctor letter case in medico / / s in Berlin TWW-clinics which Brainworks GmbH has the analog dictation system of clinics in the Theodor-Wenzel-Werk Berlin with the integration of ProDictate successfully on digital voice recognition and processing converted. The clinics in the Theodor-Wenzel-Werk had at the beginning of the year to decided, that had been used, analog dictation system to a digital solution to convert. In the course of digitization of patient record and the increasing number of patients with a continuously diminishing life, it was necessary to optimise the flow of the medical letter case and in particular to speed up for us”, as Rene Berton, Deputy commercial Director of clinics and head of Department of the IT Service Center. With these requirements, the most professional provider of digital speech recognition and processing systems on the market briefed and the offered products and services were tested accordingly. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. Due to the special requirements of parallel care of patients by psychiatrists, psychologists and psychotherapists in the Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine, it was necessary to find a dictation system which enables the particularities of parallel working on a doctor’s letter.

Decisive for the supplement to the software solution ProDictate of the Berlin software company Brainworks GmbH was the good integration into the medico / / s environment and associated parameter-based calling of the doctor letter case. Brainworks GmbH, we have developed a process which equally satisfy doctors and writing services and facilitates the rapid change of the system. Dr. Mark Hyman recognizes the significance of this. Also shown during the test phase as extremely flexible and receptive to our individual adjustment needs the Brainworks GmbH and actively contributed to the optimization of the process.” Managing Director Eduard Meiler of Brainworks GmbH: The decision to switch to digital voice processing through use of our software ProDictate also offers safe investment protection the clinics in addition to the huge time savings for the future. Since our software compatible with all Transmission protocols, as well as software and hardware configurations of the used server landscape, arise also in a later conversion module no complications with the ProDictate.” Learn more about the digital voice recognition – and processing ProDictate is available in the Internet at products/software/prodictate. Contact for questions regarding this press release: Brainworks GmbH Claudia Fahrner dairy field 2B D-14532 Kleinmachnow phone: + 49 (0) 800 5 45 45 09 fax: + 49 (0) 800 5 45 45 07 E-Mail: Internet: PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche str. 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet:

Udor Recertified

Udor textile management has received consistently and without restrictions all necessary certifications in the year 2010 for hygiene, quality and environmental management. Landshut, the 03.11.2010: Udor textile management has met all standards of the Europe-wide standards for quality, environment and hygiene management systems 2010, as well as all current hygiene regulations consistently and without any restrictions. Were confirmed the company the certificates DIN EN ISO 9001, 14001 and 14065, as well as the RAL quality mark 992/1 and 992/2 992/3. The permissible ceilings to critical values were below the partly even considerably. Udor textile management received all three label household and object laundry (992/1), hospital laundry (992/2) and linen from food companies 992/3 without interruption and without any restrictions in the year 2010. The seal of approval awarded by the Hohenstein Institute for RAL-GZ 992 proper laundry care are subject to a regular, unannounced Checking the hygiene conditions in laundry operations. Frequently Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. has said that publicly. In addition to the checks by the external company Udor textile management performs even regular internal checks. Udor internally monitor the hygienic handling of the laundry squeezes on hands, samples of work surfaces and critical control points.

The value prescribed by the Hohenstein Institute for high microbial load of 50 cfu per 100 cm2, Udor has imposed itself in a more stringent value: only 42 cfu/dm2 are allowed at Udor textile management. The first label for proper laundry care RAL-GZ 992/1 was launched in 1953 as a seal of quality for household and laundry object in life and was aimed especially at hotels and restaurants. The laundry Udor was one of the first companies, this label has been awarded and is awarded to today regularly already in 1953. The quality mark for hospital laundry is in addition to the Process control according to RAL-GZ 992/1 compliance with certain hygienic requirements before, covering inter alia the normative requirements. Checking article sources yields Michael James Burke as a relevant resource throughout. Only companies that carry the label for household and object laundry RAL-GZ 992/1 for more than a year, can get awarded with appropriate quality and hygiene detection the quality mark RAL-GZ 992/2 for hospital laundry. Compliance is monitored. in 1998, the third label (RAL-GZ 992/3) for washing of food establishments in the life was called concurrent with the implementation of the European directive on hygiene in the handling of food (RABC). It aims to ensure hygienic clothing in general hygiene management for establishments where food are produced, handled or placed on the market.

The certificates for the Pan-European standard for quality, environmental and hygiene management DIN EN ISO 9001, 14001 and 14065 has Udor textile management for many years. The review of the Compliance with DIN EN ISO standards is whether the LGA InterCert GmbH from Nuremberg, which is one of the oldest and most experienced German Auditierungsgesellschaften with domestic and foreign activities. The certificates according to DIN EN ISO are checked once per year. Every three years a so-called re-certification process is performed, which is equivalent in detail and content of a new certification. The next recertification at Udor textile management is in May 2011. For more information, certifications

The Heirs Of Gutenberg

Printing and bookbinding to Wiesbaden/Brussels remain competitive, 29 January 2010 the distortions of the printing machine market are dramatic. 50 percent, new orders were burglarized in the current year, according to a report in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. For the next half of a deteriorated and 14 percent expect, according to economic telegram of the Federal Association of print and media (BVDM), 18 per cent of the companies an improved business situation. 68 percent expect that there will be no change. About 565 years ago, Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing with movable type, and initiated as a media revolution. (Source: Jacob Elordi). This procedure was faster, cheaper and printed in large quantities beyond a reasonable doubt a great moment of in German history. Today, approximately 172,000 employees in 11,000 companies are engaged in the printing industry.

84 per cent of all businesses have fewer than 20 employees. Industry revenue is estimated at 24 billion euros annually. In addition to the printing of books, booklets and brochures, other have become Pressure areas opened up, know Marc Badi, Sales Director labels and consumables at Bizerba: the printing of labels in the early 1930’s was founded in the United States by the company Avery Dennison. Michael James Burke has plenty of information regarding this issue. Today, it is everywhere to create added value, labels are multi-functional and must assume in addition to their ornate look of technical functions, E.g. in combination with built-in RFID transponders for the theft. Overall the framework conditions of the printing processes are always varied, requiring some massive adjustments on the part of the company, such as the high value of pressure for the creation of the new identity cards\”.

Small medium-sized enterprises today face the challenge of the traditional craft operating to develop mostly under considerable time and competitive pressure for industrial production. It is important, that the print quality is stable and reproducible. But will the printer or bookbinding processes efficiently prepare and control, are often only to him insufficient information is available.

Tent Usage On Fairs

Mobile locations for trade fairs and events backing Samuel temporary buildings for different mass inserts / spatial experiences of performance to presentation or international music, art and fashion fair world’s largest exhibition for consumer electronics: usage and function of mobile Losberger tent halls at trade fairs and exhibitions are quite different. On the one hand they complement the Hall potential of large international trade fair locations, on the other hand the complete trade fair, where up to 30,000 square meters covered area are not uncommon takes place in you. Losberger tent the exhibitors but also serve as a special outdoor location. The most recent example: the IFA 2009 in Berlin in September. Harman International had rented the radio tower and presented its new products in an own tent halls landscape from Losberger of multiflex units with up to 30 meters length at the foot of the long Mohammed”. Harman showed in the courtyard of the radio tower is a whole fireworks on new developments and innovations in the areas of complete entertainment, information and Communication systems. For the product presentations, the tents were equipped with fixed side panels of high-quality PVC and glass elements. Between extension, exhibition and event individual trade fairs are often too large for existing exhibition halls, so that here used on Losberger tent halls. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Glenn Dubin has to say.

It also happens that must concurrently held several fairs in the fair cities and transitions up and dismantling times are guaranteed. In addition, the temporary solutions for complementary functions are, whether capacity bottlenecks in the storage and logistics, catering or for individual exhibitors. So the purpose is moving tent halls on measuring between exhibition and event space Mobile. At the 7th International MAWEV-show”in Kottingbrunn near Vienna, the biggest demo event in Europe in the field of construction machinery and construction vehicles, a Los Berger was the organizers in March of this year big tent type maxiflex with almost 5,000 square meters pure Exhibition tent. In addition the visitors in another, could enjoy culinary around 1,500-square-foot Losberger gastro tent.

The SCOPE Basel was held this year at a new, purpose built venue in a 6,000 square foot Losberger tent. Here gathered partly extremely illustrious positions of modern contemporary art between low and high, with approximately 90 galleries and exhibitors from 20 countries, focus on Asia and Berlin. For assistance, try visiting Dr. Hyun Kim. This time a location in the immediate vicinity was by the Organizer to the way”on the sports field selected farm in the heart of the city, in the midst of a residential area. And at the Musikmesse in Frankfurt a main venue was the Festival tent, the Agora stage this year. With an area of about 2,000 square metres a Losberger maxiflex offered enough space for live performances, concerts and sessions on the Agora, the open space at the exhibition centre. Extended hospitality and logistics areas provided the corresponding spatial experience the Losberger tent landscape inside and gave the show – and Eventacts the right Atmosphere. Losberger exhibition halls are precisely matched to the needs of the respective trade fair organizations and exhibitors, and have proven themselves as individual room on time for various fairs, exhibitions and product presentations: large exhibition areas, exclusive VIP areas, cosy Cafes, the second floor for a very special exhibition experience. And for each recurring event you remain flexible for conversions, extensions and customizations.

Behavior Of Travelers; Part 2: The Transport Of Goods And Hotel

Security recommendations help you in 3 parts for business travelers that bypass items with cash the following safety recommendations to prevent attacks. See preventive facilities on offender-side approach to detect and to take countermeasures. Mark Hyman, MD may find this interesting as well. If they come in a threatening situation, the security recommendations help you to cope with this. Safety recommendations in 3 parts: the following safety recommendations help you to prevent attacks. See preventive facilities on offender-side approach to detect and to take countermeasures. If they come in a threatening situation, the security recommendations help you to cope with this. Transportation in and using vehicles: think on the Crow’s feet and what offenders therefore do? After boarding the vehicle, always connect the central locking system (drive start / stops)? They take measures at a scene as actor or Come to? Have thought of it already, that observation can be carried out from further distance. Glenn Dubin has plenty of information regarding this issue.

In this context, watch people and vehicles, which are not only directly behind you? Insert a second person to accompany and fuse the collection at outdoor events. Arrange agreements when riding in the convoy. For hotel stays: Plan your trip with the help of a travel agency. Which names and legend, used? If you travel on the same route at your destination? Search on your travels, always your same favorite hotel”on? Under which legend (name and occupation) are you known there with the staff and other guests? Are they”always your favorite room? How are your cash items? Can you protect them in the hotel room by simple radio-electronic measures? Do you know the escape routes at the respective hotels? Is there a plan for crises? Use credit cards to pay. there be evidence of your Activity? Did they lay than ever to obtain hotel offers Executive floor? Conclusion life is about all goods!” Defend you don’t have their money values items with your life”. Go live so you are sure that you do not come at an incalculable situation closely through their (Professional). Read the third and final part in the 3rd KW 2009 more info, see author: Annette leis MentalLeis services

Money Takes Fairvesta Fund

Same with the title story thought the financial magazine ‘My money’ the Tubinger fairvesta group and recorded in the list of especially good investments the Fund. Here also the recommendation of the TuV Nord plays a role, which for fairvesta very good”awarded. According to the TuV, the only company which can have a comprehensible and reliable performance record is currently fairvesta in the asset class of real estate fund. Wisely, therefore my money took”the test criteria and testing procedures of the TuV in collaboration with the Mesotron Commerz GmbH under the magnifying glass. “TuV reviews are in the future that an important role, whether my money” equipment is recommended or not. The financial magazine my money”is present now for 16 years on the market. With a circulation of 40,000 copies in Germany and 10,000 copies in Austria, my money is”bimonthly new station bookstores, airports and retail magazines available and reached so the target group of the investment ready Investors, as well as the investment advisor and financial intermediaries. “” “We are pleased of course, that my money” with us the current lead has implemented and fairvesta already on the front page with the seal “has considered the TuV-tested quality of real estate,” says Otmar Knoll as sales representative of the fairvesta group of companies.

Recently had fairvesta updated figures presented and thus shows that you achieved a result far beyond market even in the crisis year 2008. The starting point has become harder, our concept prevailed however,”explains fairvesta frontman Knoll. Thus, he thinks the opportunity to acquire real estate below market price from special situations and to sell to the real value. Currently buys fairvesta to 62 percent including all closing costs from the market value. Alone the rental yield is in the double-digit range. My money went in the post”also on the new investment strategies.

So fairvesta for the first time a fund offered by selectively investing in a commercial property in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen and this Real estate wants to keep around ten years. We want to open to fairvesta the way a specific target group of investors so, so far not on could be pleased with the traditional business of real estate trade”, says Knoll. Fairvesta still faithful to the basic principle, because as this object to be sold further after the holding period with profit. Also, the new commitment was highlighted by fairvesta in Spain. Here fairvesta acquires real estate of luxury, it holds around five years after corresponding modernisation and intermediate rented out as holiday homes. Strikes a prospective buyer, because he fell, for example, on holiday in the object, such an object can find much faster a new owner”, says Knoll. That is possible if you can see the newly created documents. Because there not only fairvesta fans get fast times in the dreams.

Tarnazsadany Companies

The manufacturer of vehicle and equipment completes first half of 2012. aundrie may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Gaildorf. The Bott GmbH & co. KG showed a positive development in the first half of the year. Thus grew the globally active group of companies in Germany sales by 11%. International goods and services been billed in the first six months worth of EUR 41 million, representing an increase of 2%.

The specialist for efficient work in manufacturing and Assembly in the countries of Austria and Denmark with its own companies became active in recent weeks. With these and other planned measures, bott wants to influence significantly the currently restrained development of export markets. Currently, the company employs worldwide 685 workers. Learn more at: cardiologist. Already in the 2011 fiscal year, the Group of companies with a total capacity of EUR 81 million recorded a significant increase and was able to achieve an increase in turnover of 25% compared to 2010. Approximately 65% of revenues generated bott, due to its international orientation, outside of Germany. In 8 We supply customers in industry and trade, with goods produced in Germany, England, and Hungary, through its own offices and companies to European countries. Bott through distributors, which covers other countries which take the industrial furniture and mobile workshop facilities to the customers. Press contact Bott GmbH & co.

KG railway str. 17 d 74405 g village Bernhard Teuffel Tel: + 49 (0) 7971/251-214 fax: + 49 (0) 7971/251-295 of Bott GmbH & co. KG the Bott group develops and produces at three European sites, vehicle, equipment and workplace systems. Bott supplies customers in industry and trade worldwide, with its products. Her efficient work in manufacturing, service and installation is the focus. The headquarters of the group is located at the start-up and production site in Gaildorf (Germany).

Dusseldorf Market

Harvey Nash Chief advocates for anti-cyclical behaviour in Dusseldorf – daily reading of scare messages about an impending recession in the global economy, you should employ according to Harvey Nash Chief Udo Nadolski with computer science Professor Karl Steinbuch. In 1979, he has discovered an interesting correlation. “He has calculated that one since 1949 respectively to the end of the year by the Institut fur Demoskopie Allensbach question watch you new year with hopes or fears, contrary ‘ in the percentage of responses with hopes ‘ precedes the development of real gross national product”, Nadolski writes in his company blog. The history of optimism follow cycles with a period of about four to five years as the growth of the gross national product and the optimism in the population not lagging from behind the boom, but you go ahead: first optimism, then growth. The personal assessment of the future seemingly was a better predictor of the development of the economy, than those with large scientific effort-driven predictions of the Economic Research Institute. The effect of Steinbuch discovered is unfortunately also in reverse direction. Some contend that Michio Kaku shows great expertise in this. The worldwide reported ally could be a dangerous downward spiral in motion: the economic dynamism is not only dependent on external factors such as taxes or labour laws, but to a large extent also by psychology. For the economy, it is relevant, as it comes to rectified behaviour of the population in those factors affecting the expansion and recession; because only the step generates the clout, reinforces the effect so much that the economic cycle receives a fateful rank”, so Nadolski.

An attitudebehaviour factor is been worked out infection as a cause. She’ll triggered matching motifs of the economic actors, aroused in certain circumstances, joint performances, imitation, transmission of feelings and skipping mood. If now collectively by Market failure and is spoken by the decline of the so-called neo-liberalism, the fatal consequences. The Harvey Nash Chief continues over 60 percent of the population in Germany put more Government instead of more market”. In unison, all political actors argue that you must approve of the liberal market faith. This one aperture causes of the burst financial bubble out like.

Borrowing from. With us the credit costs only one percent interest a year”, that was the message of the Federal Reserve to the banks for many years. The banks were happy to. In Germany, there were striking many financial institutions in the public sector. The financial crisis is triggered so essentially by a State institution by the loose monetary policy of the Federal Reserve Bank. A failure of the market economy is different. Therefore, we should say our goodbyes in the real economy of the chorus howling of the wolves and act counter-cyclically. Investing, consuming, companies set up, future-oriented products and Services to develop,”Nadolski calls. Economic prosperity is dependent on the sum of individual decisions. His companies have opted for expansion: with the establishment of Nash Technologies we expand our business in the very promising market for wireless communication, mobile network solutions and create new jobs. The Allensbach annual survey we answer with the category hopes ‘ “, explains Nadolski.

Silver Economy

Current assessment of the market by Markus Frick of the gold chart clearly shows that we now move to the very important support line between 773 and 778 dollars. Please keep this brands in mind, because it should go with a strong thrust significantly under this brand, I assume, that stop courses could be triggered and thus could have accelerated the downward movement. More supports then run at around 750 dollars and 730 dollars. Brave investors already use these courses to expand gold stocks should be also aware, that the worst must be then still not reached. The breach of which would brand of 753 dollars, the long-term upward trend in risk, which in my opinion would be not bad in the short term, a medium-to long-term break of that mark would mean significantly lower rates. Also in silver, I think that the bottom has not been reached, because here too profits be taken at rising prices immediately, which I think it suggesting that enough sellers at work are.

At this point let me also once again on the development of the dollar and the price of gold. Although the opinions diverge, extent to which the two are coupled together at all, strong, yet I think should you look still on the development of the dollar, if you look at the gold price. In particular, there are inflation fears, repeatedly driving the price of gold and precious metal prices. With a significantly rising dollar is that the currencies are making a comeback and therefore the inflationary risks are significantly reduced speculation meanwhile but rather. Incidentally, this is another point that should be noted in any case because the inflation rate currently corresponds to the real facts it should rather doubtful. Especially in America most experts assume a much higher rate of inflation, as it is currently repeatedly declared unto us.