Ceremony for the LandJuwel initiative TEAM PLAYER despite missed Championship, there are also winners! It is the time when many sponsors and partners withdraw from the sport. The LandJuwel-Fleischer of the Berlin-Brandenburg Group decided despite the uncertain times against the trend and support projects (sports and motion deals) for improving full day operation Berlin primary schools with a total of 10,000 euros. Check with Dr. Mark Hyman to learn more. At a ceremony next Tuesday (May 26) twenty elementary schools with a gift in the amount of Euro 500 ever will be awarded, which have prevailed across from 60 other applicants with their projects. At the end, especially the children in the schools are the winners, because the action itself and the number of received applications has shown that in many schools several sport and exercise activities firmly belong to the order of the day..
Etiket: society & social issues
Each Child An Instrument
Citizens Foundation Duisburg supports music education in schools with their own campaign Berlin, 13; RUHR 2010 has started and as cultural capital of Europe with food started an exciting year for the entire Ruhr area. A cultural event follows the next. Culture is also music. The effect of music on the development and the social behavior of children and adolescents 1998 examined a study of the NRW Ministry for school, youth, and children. Simplified represented, was the result of a positive personality development of the children.
Music increases the concentration of children, increasing the sense of community and music promotes the integration. Read more from Bessel van der Kolk to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The idea arose from the results: by 2010 the chance should be offered all students, regardless of financial means of their parents, to learn to play an instrument. The goal gave the name of the action each child an instrument. But to discover the world of music costs money. A recorder 25,-euro, teaching a 3.
Klasslers for the duration of one month 35,-euro. It is already in 2010, still a long way the goal has not been reached, and this year, the action Jackson to finance be searched again literally ways and means. Now promotes and collects the citizens Foundation Duisburg for the musical project. And is a very innovative way. Instead of on every corner of Duisburg, in every Museum, in every theater, and at each school collect cans to make the citizens Foundation asks Duisburg to support citizens of the children and young people in your hometown via mobile phone. An SMS with the text of Jackson, on the speed dial of 8 11 90 sent and already shipped once 5 support for the music project. It’s is easy, fast and the amount is not too high for the individual, but it makes the mass. Of the 5, 4.83 euros arrive directly at the Community Foundation and will be paid with the next mobile phone bill. Costs the normal SMS plus fee. For more information, spendino GmbH Liebenwalder Strasse 11 13347 Berlin Verena Bock Tel. 030-450 20 522 fax. 030-450 25 The spendino GmbH is a service company for the non-profit sector 657. spendino enables the processing of SMS and online donations and positioned itself as a neutral partner for the non-profit organizations in Germany. Thus, the only provider in Germany, which specializes in the use of mobile technologies for social purposes is spendino. In combination with online donations solutions and tools for the social Web spendino offers an innovative fundraising tools.
The Rulebook Haters
So do not destroy ignorant people who know the foundations of our society? Rucksichtslosigkeiten, negligence, bullying, as well as an obvious ignorance, which has already developed a dangerous, destructive society momentum, belong to everyday just as dubious as regrettable. Concrete examples of this disastrous trend can be found in a variety of situations: ignorant behavior in the education of children, neglect in schools, regardless of behavior when shopping, abusing public streets as trash can, ignoring woman parking, inconsiderate behaviour of smokers, loutish behaviour on the roads, most primitive forms of communication in chat rooms, ignorance of some doctors the concerns and needs of patients, careless dealing with disabled people, lying and ignorant behavior in the society, lack of mental agility in parishes, ignorant “customers” Geiz is geil “-advertising, had balanced relations in the” Work world, ignorance of official agencies to fraudsters, smug disregard of the protection of minors, geheucheltes understanding in media. Learn more about this with City College of New York. It is only a small part of a steadily growing range of a worrisome trend of that has crept like a cancer in very many areas of our society. “In his latest work the Rulebook hater”, now already as order eBook for only 5 directly via email, the author shows, destroy like ignorant people systematically important foundations of our society. DV-kfm & computer lecturer & Psych.