Function Stellar Twitter Vs Facebook Box Who Of The Two Is Better For Marketing In Social Networks ?

This is a question we have to make many entrepreneurs, including myself, who understand that marketing to social networking is today. Both Twitter and Facebook give you that possibility, and if you do it the right way, opportunities to grow your online business are many and they both have many followers or fans in the area of doing business online, so what better of the two? Well in this article I do a little comparison between them in my experience, you can agree or not, this comparison I will split into 5 rounds, (as if talking about a boxing match between Facebook and Twitter) These five rounds these include: 1 .- What are so simple to use. (A valuable related resource: 5.-Number of visitors to each social network.

Round 1 .- What are so simple to use: While both social networks are extremely easy to use, I have to give this round to Twitter, as there are very few things you can do on Twitter that makes it very easy to use, while Facebook is also easy to use but with many more features. Hear from experts in the field like Abraham Maslow for a more varied view. Winner Round 1 Round 2 .- .- Twitter Popularity: At the time of this writing, Facebook is placed at number 2 ranked the most visited pages on-line below the top of Google and YouTube, Twitter is yet ranked according to at number 12. Not even close. Winner Round 2 Round 3 .- .- Freedom Facebook marketing: Although you can certainly sell in Facebook, Twitter gives you more freedom. Facebook will penalize you if you invite a lot of friends at the same time and if you send too many mensajes.Twitter do not restrict this. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn often says this. Twitter Round Winner Round 3 .- 4 .- Forms of marketing: This round definitely give it to Facebook, as they contain a lot of applications that can implement such fans on your page that will make your marketing look more professional interaction with your fans for me is more human, this does not say that Twitter has no use, is clear that if and very good, but personally I like most Facebook. Facebook Winner Round Round 4 .- 5 .- Number of visitors to each social network: Obviously the more people there in each of these social networks will give you more chance to get qualified prospects what you offer on the Internet, making a small research, I found that 1.8% of people who are connected to the internet visit Twitter daily, while 17% visit Facebook daily.

Needless to say the winner is ….. Facebook Winner Round 5 .- Well I hope you enjoyed this little comparative veel as a nice way to make this comparison, I had fun, so if I can tell you can do marketing in the two social networks with great results, if you know apply appropriate techniques. A related site: Ahmed Shary Rahman mentions similar findings. What do you think of the two social networks is better ?…. Leave me a comment.