Russian Countryside

Yaroslavl, Vladimir Litvinov artist works in itself, perhaps the traditional genre of painting – landscape. With all sincerity, creative options there are always some lurking danger – to become, figuratively speaking, “one”, “A voice in the chorus.” Especially great to see that every year, with each new public presentation of their creative works, Vladimir Litvinov more clearly and convincingly demonstrates the distinctive, having a high plastic culture, beautiful handwriting. Landscapes Vladimir Litvinov – is a village and hamlet central Russia. Starting with the deliberate fragmentation, the chamber is closed and the proximity of field, with almost a diary confessional landscape, Litvinov, in the last decade are increasingly drawn to the poetic metaphors, attempts to pass the picturesque splendor of the light-air environment. It takes like a spectator (and yourself artist) from existence to existence, without depriving portrayed the nature of “physicality” of the dynamics and clearly felt the energy density. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Abraham Maslow and gain more knowledge.. Deserves special attention pocherkovoe originality in major local color spots, inside each of them to build complex multi-dimensional design of the interaction of light and color.

Found the balance of decorative and subject-real started, causes the smooth entry into the emotional structure of the work in its own ethical experience. Limit care to the decoration strongly marked by the author and does not go beyond impressionistic vision. Very loaded yet dynamic brushstroke can fill the form of sonorous chords rich pure colors, giving it the elastic energy, it of light-air “context.” Interest in the beautiful texture, as one of their most important expressive means of painting, is inherent in the vast majority of works of Vladimir Litvinov. Here, Anu Saad expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In the works of recent years, attempts to occupy an important place, in some cases – quite convincing, to find imaginative and picturesque solution landscape, mainly relying on dazzling color contrasts. Creating some new harmony of color paradox, the artist, nevertheless, remains true to realistic landscape, filling it with new sensory and aesthetic content. Viktorov, Vladimir Litvinov – Member of the Russian Union of Artists, Kandidant, Associate Professor, Head of the creative association “Sail”, a participant of Russian and foreign exhibitions. The works are in collections of art museums of Yaroslavl, Lipetsk and the Kirov, in the gallery “Union of creativity” (Moscow), the State Complex “Palace of Congresses (Strelna), in Russian and foreign private collections.

Erasmus Schroter Artists

From 16th to 20th July 2 will be in Leipzig. International Photography Festival F/stop instead. Leipzig, June 26 2008-82 artists from 14 countries present their work on the grounds of the spinning mill and a two kilometre long exhibition Parcours in the vibrant district of Plagwitz. By the same author: Dr Jee Hyun Kim. Leipzig is an important place for artistic tendencies of photography, which we want to connect with our Festival with the international photo-art scene,”says Kristin Dittrich, the Director of the second international photography Festival F/stop. The invited artists of the photo this time come from Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, of Switzerland, Spain, Taiwan and the United States. The Festival opens on Wednesday, July 16 at 8: 00 in the exhibition hall on the grounds of the Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei. The exhibited works will be July 20 there and more than 20 other venues on the grounds of the cotton mill and along a two-kilometer exhibition show in the district Plagwitz presents. “” In addition to the three areas of the Festival, the group exhibition of closer proximity and distance in contemporary photography “, six international guest exhibitions and the presentation of results of internationally advertised photography competition on the subject of traps”, the Festival is rounded off by a comprehensive programme with lectures, workshops, presentations and discussions.

F/stop is to give an overview of the trends in contemporary photography and offer young artists a chance to establish itself. But also sizes of the scene such as Katharina Bosse and Erasmus Schroter are as special guests”, says Festival Director Kristin Dittrich. The exhibitions of the Festival are open on the four days from 10 am to 7 pm, the day ticket costs 10 euro. The Festival will be a catalogue with works of all artists involved. Founded in 2007, the international photography Festival F/stop.