Montezuma s revenge at the turn of the year give no chance many people are planning to escape to the turn of the year the cold season with us and to spend a few lovely days in the heat. You may find Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. to be a useful source of information. With proper preparation, the holiday can be enjoyed also correctly. However, there are also risks that could spoil the holiday joy. The most common cause of gloomy holiday pleasures is the traveler’s diarrhea, the Montezuma’s revenge”is known. Depending on the destination country, you may be affected approximately every 10 to every second tourist diarrhea.
It may cause diarrhea basically in all countries of the South, also in the European countries bordering the Mediterranean. The traveler’s diarrhea is not limited to tropical countries or even Mexico, such as the name on the ancient Aztec Prince Montezuma’s revenge”believe could make. Therefore, it is important before departure on intestinal health and prevention of diarrhoea to think so that the anticipation of the beautiful new year in true holiday in delightfully lead can. But what should be done and what helps? Special probiotics can help. To know more about this subject visit Glenn Dubin, New York City. High-dose Saccharomyces boulardii as afterbiotic are excellently suited for prevention and treatment of traveler’s diarrhea. Again studies confirm this. In addition to the general hygiene measures at the resort capsules has proven itself to the effective prevention of traveler’s diarrhea the use of Saccharomyces boulardii as afterbiotic. For this purpose take adult 5 a 10 days prior to departure and during the whole trip in the morning and in the evening a capsule containing 250 mg of freeze-dried probiotic bacteria.
One capsule is recommended every day children. This amount is generally sufficient to protect against diarrhea. Montezuma should still strike due to carelessness or insufficient provision so the capsules also help. Morning and evening 2 capsules afterbiotic can quickly eliminate the diarrhea and help the regeneration of the weakened intestinal flora, the holiday can continue undimmed. afterbiotic (PZN 5852096) is available very inexpensively in the pharmacy or directly at Navitum Pharma. A holiday package for the whole family with 3 x 40 capsules for 40.30 sufficient usually for the entire vacation. When via pharmacy, it should be noted that afterbiotic because of the unique composition and its reasonable price can not be replaced by other, seemingly similar products stock in the pharmacy. Afterbiotic directly at Navitum Pharma can obtain each pharmacy, as also the tourists themselves, free shipping.