Innovation Policy Department

On the priority projects being implemented in the Kirov region, the plans of the leadership of the region in search for investors explains Head of Investment and Innovation Policy Department economic development under the Government of the Kirov oblast Sergei Tolstobrov. – That ended in 2007. It is time to summarize. Sergey, you can tell about the investment activities of the government area in the past year? Noticeably an improvement compared to previous years? – The Government's Kirov oblast regional investment policy yields positive results. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Alexa Demie. If you look at the past, then You can see that for the period from 2003 to 2005, investment in fixed assets had steady growth of 30 percent per year. In 2005, the region from all sources of funding were utilized 17.09 billion rubles.

On operational data, we obtained, the amount of exploration investment in 2006 amounted to 24.9 billion rubles, or 132.8 per cent in a comparable assessment to the level of 2005. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE is often quoted on this topic. As for the past year, and there managed to maintain relatively high investment growth in fixed capital. The results of 11 months (January – November) showed that the investment was 24.6 billion rubles, or 42.9 percent more than the same period last year. – Growth is evident. And by implementation of public investment could achieve such performance? – Remembering the events of 2007, I note start new equipment at JSC "Omutninsk Steel Works". The project of reconstruction of steelmaking, costing 770 million rubles, provided the output of steel in open-hearth furnaces at its processing unit, "Ladle".